Yellow Rose vs. Netviper

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Bill of Sale

LeftLane said:
If no express warranty is included or implied, tough shit.

Part of the transaction included a notarized Bill of Sale that clearly states the seller expresses no warranty and the buyer assumes all risk.

Yet I still have a partial offer on the table to help with the repair bill. Despite Gary saying that sometimes I can be a dick, I respectfully disagree about that in this case.
ncdogdoc said:
Then all of a sudden, he is selling the car that he has spent the last four years of his adult life and much of his "spare change" because of life changes, or whatever reason. Makes you wonder, huh?

Two corrections - I have had the car from 1998 to 2005, so that means I spent more than four years modding the car.

At the time I posted my car for sale near the beginning of the year, my wife had a Kompressor. Two two-seater cars are not practical because in February we got two Boxer puppies. Since I have had my dream car for so many years and Janet only has had hers at that time for a few months, I opted to sell the NSX. The car that replaced it proved to be practical for only a couple of months and eventually my wife traded for an SUV.

So the real reason Gary, two 70 LB nine-month-old Boxers, is why I sold my NSX. There is no need to wonder, "Huh?".
prova4re said:
By the way Andy.....why did you change your name? :confused:

I was wondering when that question was asked.

My first NSX was black. When my wife and I picked it up, we loaded up some CDs and went cruising. One of the CDs was the soundtrack from the movie Saint that starred Val Kilmer. Remember in one of the theft scenes Val was wearing black.

Black car + Saint soundtrack + man dressed in black = nickname for my black NSX. When I sold it and got the red NSX, while a bit awkward, we still called the red NSX "Saint".

I even have the blue stick figure logo of the Saint airbrushed on both sides of my helmet.

All that was when I was heavy into SouthCentral NSX activity, setting up weekend lunches and drives, being a coordination member of NSXPO in Dallas, etc. Most of the "founding members" of the "original" Texas gang either moved away or sold their NSXs. While I met a few "new comers" the atmosphere was not the same as with the old crew.

Eventually my fanaticism - associated with Saint - faded. Then there was a period a few months ago where I landed myself in hot water with Lud and he suspended me. That was a good thing because it gave me an opportunity to reflect on why sometimes I would post in an aggressive manner. I asked Lud that when he lifts my suspension to retire Saint and change the name to Yellow Rose. Kind of ironic because when I was Saint often times I wasn't. And even though Andy is still Andy, a Yellow Rose (as in yellow rose from Texas) is generally thought of as a kind thing. If you notice, while a few of my posts under the user name Yellow Rose are "direct" they are not abrasive as they have been under the user name Saint.

nsxsocal said:
Do you guys really think you are going to get anywhere by trying to humiliate each other in this thread?

My offer to help pay for NetViper's head gasket repair (that I am not one bit obligated to do) is humiliating, how?
What a thread! I don't know yellow rose and I have had the chance to get to know net viper since he moved to Savannah. I can say that NV was excited to get NSX that would have more power and was looking forward to taking the car to the track. Unfortunately it never made it since the gasket blew out so quick. I have to admit that I think anyone that paid that kind of $$ for a car (good deal or not) would be upset if the car had problems that quickly. NV has had to share one car with his wife for the past 5 months. The hardest part for NV right now is that even after paying the $4,500 for a new gasket the car still doesn't drive right. As it stands he has a car he bought from someone that is suppossed to be knowledgable about the car and mods and it hasn't worked right almost from the start. The car was shipped to town so NV wasn't able to look it over ahead of time. This forum has always seemed to be made up of folks that are friendly and willing to help. I have bought some items from members and always felt I could trust people on prime. So while all the calls for buyer beware can be accurate it would be a shame if we have to that worried about others here. NV isn't looking for 100% and if you've been familar with the posts has never asked for that. I hope this gets worked out I'd hate to see this forum become antagonistic. :confused:
Nice to have the pleasent, engaging Andy I have met at xpos back under different cover. :smile: Oh yes this Miami mermaid certainly has charmed many a primster!lol :smile:
Since this is in the off-topic forum, I will throw in my .02 even though it is off topic. I worry about all the btiching and moaning that is happening very lately (see the crazy beeatch date threads also) hurting the "community" overall. This crap I am reading is making me negative! I have no posistion on the discussion at hand, as I see merit in both points of view, and we are missing a little info (the Caveat).
docjohn said:
Nice to have the pleasent, engaging Andy I have met at xpos back under different cover. :smile: Oh yes this Miami mermaid certainly has charmed many a primster!lol :smile:
You mean Miamimermaid is Andy too??!! Boy, was I fooled! :confused:
Funny Steve,I reread that and indeed I think my partaciple -sp? is dangling! :wink:
You should of bought a evo 37,000 miles and running strong :biggrin:

NetViper said:
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. You make assumptions on things you know nothing about. All I asked Andy for was some help.
Ryanmcd2 said:
You should of bought a evo 37,000 miles and running strong :biggrin:

Don't think I haven't thought of that. 0% financing and Employee pricing makes a great daily driver.
lol, that's why I never opened the FI nsx, too many problems with little support. I wish you luck man, I would fix it and sell it because a 10 year old FI car does NOT get better with time.

NetViper said:
Don't think I haven't thought of that. 0% financing and Employee pricing makes a great daily driver.
Do not mean to slam, but I'm a little confused. I have read lots of post in the past by NetViper how he thinks Basch Boost should be avoided. When I read that he bought a Basch Boosted car, I thought that is really odd.

Although, I would not be happy if a car that I bought blew head gasket after 120 miles, don't you think you brought this upon yourself? You bought a car with Basch Boost, which is infamous for its problems. You knew it from the start, and bought it regardless.
NetViper said:
Hmm.. I take a lot of offense to your post. How do you know who I talk to on my cell phone? There is only one person on this site that does not answer my calls, for whatever reason. Not sure what his problem is. And I have not spent much time with anyone here on prime because I don't live close to anyone. You have a lot of nerve Old man. I don't recall meeting you, but I sure do look forward to the next time this dweeb and you do meet. :mad:

I have to say, I was considering getting another NSX, but this community has gone WAY south. What a joke.

Dave,think carefully on your words,remember what this comunity has done for you;
docjohn said:
NetViper said:
Hmm.. I take a lot of offense to your post. How do you know who I talk to on my cell phone? There is only one person on this site that does not answer my calls, for whatever reason. Not sure what his problem is. And I have not spent much time with anyone here on prime because I don't live close to anyone. You have a lot of nerve Old man. I don't recall meeting you, but I sure do look forward to the next time this dweeb and you do meet. :mad:

I have to say, I was considering getting another NSX, but this community has gone WAY south. What a joke.

Dave,think carefully on your words,remember what this comunity has done for you;

I fully recall that John. Those were the good ole days where people were actually nice to each other. People actually cared about one another. After this thread, I would say those days are over.
Andrie Hartanto said:
Do not mean to slam, but I'm a little confused. I have read lots of post in the past by NetViper how he thinks Basch Boost should be avoided. When I read that he bought a Basch Boosted car, I thought that is really odd.

First off, I was looking for a comptech car. Romeos actually, when I asked Andy what he thought of the car. He suggested looking at his. He had all the records for it and basiscally said the car was perfect. No tuning needed. Get it and drive and enjoy it. After talking to a lot of different people, they suggested that Andy's car should be great. So I decided to move forward with that plan.

Although, I would not be happy if a car that I bought blew head gasket after 120 miles, don't you think you brought this upon yourself? You bought a car with Basch Boost, which is infamous for its problems. You knew it from the start, and bought it regardless.

Andy said the car was perfect. I trusted him. But, I cannot agree that I brought this on myself. I did not ask for a car with blown HG's.
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