Yellow Rose vs. Netviper

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I think that after all is said and done we need a group hug.

I respect the few people out here who have moaned and groaned about this thread, so please try to do me the same courtesy. I for one am HAPPY to have an entertaining thread around that isn't just a link to some quirky news story, or some story on the price of gasoline.

So, carry on. :biggrin:


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AS-IS NO WARRANTY.....A car that has an aftermarket FI system can loose a head gasket at bought a car that was not you gotta live with it.....just my .2
NetViper said:
I fully recall that John. Those were the good ole days where people were actually nice to each other. People actually cared about one another. After this thread, I would say those days are over.

Net, I like you, I actually do. But I disagree with the last sentence of your statement. If the majority here does not agree with you, that does not mean no one cares about others here, or even your situation. It's like the Euro countries who say we brought Katrina upon ourselves by contributing to global warming. They still care about what happened to us! I think people still want to get along with you (with 1 or 2 exceptions), but some people are angered that this has taken up many many posts on the forum, and it's not something we can fix. I also understand your reason for doing this publicly. That said, it does not appear to be getting the desired result for you, and after the link to the thread was posted about the donations made for the vandalism, I would think some pulling back on the reins would be in order on your part, as it makes you look like an ass to say comments like the one quoted above. I would love to see another car community where this was done for a member. I am shocked to see it myself (happily) and it reaffirms my decision to buy my NSX, as some of the people here I would gladly open my home to if they needed a place to stay, because you can tell they are very genuine people (MiamiMermaid, you need a place to stay? :biggrin: :wink: ). I would suggest (and you can tell me to blow it put my butt if you like) that you do handle this between you and AV and MB and maybe post the final result here when it's over. I would love to get the forum back to where it was (and should be) in terms of the consideration we have for others. I look forward to meeting you (and many others here) maybe next year if they bring NSXPO to the East.
peiserg said:
I think that after all is said and done we need a group hug.

I respect the few people out here who have moaned and groaned about this thread, so please try to do me the same courtesy. I for one am HAPPY to have an entertaining thread around that isn't just a link to some quirky news story, or some story on the price of gasoline.

So, carry on. :biggrin:
I agree.

I've been trying to use our damned Oracle Financial systems to enter my time and expenses, and this has been a great distraction to avoid dealing with the administrative headaches that I've had.

If my Oracle Financial System was a deer on the road, I'd run it over and make it road-kill.

OFA sucks. :mad:
NetViper said:
Andy said the car was perfect. I trusted him. But, I cannot agree that I brought this on myself. I did not ask for a car with blown HG's.

:mad: Unbelievable! :mad:

We're now on page 3 of this diatribe 5 MONTHS after the original incident and you STILL don't get what is being said to you! I am completely floored.

Although I ought to just ignore this, wish you the best of luck,and move on. I am going to try one more time to explain this:

It is not about fair or not, about what you like or don't or who's fault it is. Nobody said life was supposed to be fair. Nobody said you had to like it. What happens to you is not anybody's responsibility but your own. You chose your actions and you deal with the consequences of them. Stop playing the poor me game, and accept some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

You are the only one responsible for how good or poorly your life turns out. PERIOD. What the hell kind of lame arguement is 'I didn't ask for a car with a blown HG' ? You could have follow your instincts about BBSC, inspected the car, paid for a warranty, gotten a compression test or bought a different car. You DIDN'T. You gambled. You Lost. You are where you are. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT IT NOW? You can now, as then, only control what YOU DO with the situation.

You know what the truly said part of this is? I am trying to HELP YOU, and in your mind this will be 'that asshole White94's' fault for his 'unfair assault on me' AND YOU STILL WON'T GET IT. I will have wasted my time and pissed you off for NO benefit at all trying earnestly to explain to you something you don't even WANT to understand. When life gets hard, it is just someone else's fault... but then as now, it will be up to you to fix.

Try and get past the emotion and understand what I am saying to you. It is a valuable life lesson.
White94 said:
When life gets hard, it is just someone else's fault... but then as now, it will be up to you to shape your life.

Yeah...when life gives you lemons...squeeze them over lobster....YUMMY...lobster
Ok, WHITE94...What you do not seem to understand is that I have already ACCEPTED my responsibility. PAID to have the HG fixed. PAID to have the SSBOX worked on. I have PAID for it all. EVERY DAMN PENNY. EVERY TOW. EVERY LIFT. EVERY PART. COMETIC HEAD GASKETS, ARP HEAD STUDS, HEAD GASKET KIT, WATER PUMP, TIMING BELT, NEW PLUGS, SSBOX BYPASS FIX, NEW BYPASS VALVE.


It is not like a let the car sit for 5 months waiting for andy to help me. I have BEEN TRYING TO FIX THIS CAR since it happend. WHAT ABOUT THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? :mad:
It is not about money, it is about learning something from this. What have you learned?
White94 said:
It is not about money, it is about learning something from this. What have you learned?

I have learned who my friends are. That is what I have learned.
NetViper said:
I have learned who my friends are. That is what I have learned.
OK, now the hard one: What HAVEN'T you learned from this?

You asked:
NetViper said:
I'm not telling you that you haven't tried to fix your car. I am telling you that have not learned anything from the situation. Try asking a one of these instead of your original question, they give better answers:

"What have I done to LEARN from this?"
"What will I do to keep this from happening again?"
"What have I done to try and minimize the negative impact this has had on my life?"
A Wise Cherokee

A wise elderly Cherokee man, was teaching his grandchildren about life.
He said to them, "A fight is going on inside of me; it is a terrible fight,
and it is between two wolves.
One wolf is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied. "The one you feed."
White94 said:
"What have I done to try and LEARN from this?"
I have leanred how the SSBOX works. Learned how the blower works. Learned how the FJO wide band works. Learned what is lean, what is rich, what is optimal under boost, what mya/f should be at idel. How to adjust my a/f and timing with the SSBOX. How to Log data on the FJO. So I need to go on?
"What have I done to keep this from happening again?"
I rebuilt the motor stronger than it was before using COMETIC gaskets and ARP Head Studs. The motor should not have a problem again.
"What have I done to try and minimize the negative impact this has had on my life?"
Despite all I have tried to do, the car has not been reliable for the past five months and I have tried my best to get it to work. I have next to no support around me for the BBSC. I have no shops that even work on the NSX. The local dealer refused to even work on that car. I tried 15 shops and was turned down by every single one. I finally found someone who was willing to try and help me. Thus the motor was rebuilt.

I suggest you stop trying to judge me. You don't know me. You don't know my life, my frieds, my family. I understand in your own way you think you are helping, but honestly, you are just adding to the number of people that are using this thread to attack me.

I think this has to be the most dissapointing thread I have ever seen on prime. I have NEVER in the past 4 years seen so many attack someone who has been a member of the family for so long.

Everyone on here has stated they wouldn't want to be in my shoes. Well guess what, I am in my damn shoes and I am trying to deal with it the best I can. If you can't deal with that, then please leave me the HELL alone.

I have no idea why this thread has not been locked already. I think if this was ANYONE else it would have been locked a long time ago.
steveny said:
Sounds like you may have to spend another 40k then. Damn education is expensive!

I have no idea what that means, but you and your stupid little poems are not helping. Flame away. Everyone else does.
Well, the car sounds like it will be running like a champ in no time. Good luck with the repairs.

NetViper said:
I suggest you stop trying to judge me. You don't know me. You don't know my life, my frieds, my family. I understand in your own way you think you are helping, but honestly, you are just adding to the number of people that are using this thread to attack me.
I would know if I were trying to attack you, I'm not. I am trying to help, but clearly its not working so I'll drop the conversation if that is what you want.

NetViper said:
Everyone on here has stated they wouldn't want to be in my shoes. Well guess what, I am in my damn shoes and I am trying to deal with it the best I can. If you can't deal with that, then please leave me the HELL alone.
Most people have been in a situation like this before in life, and did not want to repeat it. So, they learned about themselves to keep it from happening again. You are only learning about the car. See the difference?

Look, I am done. Think of me as an ass if you want, think of me as someone trying to help if you want. If you really want to insult me, just forget the whole damn thing.
"What have I done to LEARN from this?"
"What will I do to keep this from happening again?"
"What have I done to try and minimize the negative impact this has had on my life?"

I think NV response should be the following:

"What have I done to LEARN from this?"
Looked into buying a C6 corvette.

"What will I do to keep this from happening again?"
Buy a C6 corvette

"What have I done to try and minimize the negative impact this has had on my life?"
Bought a C6 corvette.

Heh just messing with you guys. I gotta say these are some of the funniest posts I have read on a forum in a long time.
I don't want to take sides in this but I can really feel for NetViper. I too would be very upset if the headgasket blew after only 120 miles and would ask for some help with the repairs, as is, or not. That doesn't mean I would get that help, but I would ask for it.

Regardless of whether or not people feel he is whining or complaining too much, why don't we offer our sympathies and call it a lesson learned, albeit, an expensive one. I don't think "piling on" and attacking him helps anyone. Give the guy a break and let him get it out of his system.

Just my 2 cents.
SCS2k said:
I don't want to take sides in this but I can really feel for NetViper. I too would be very upset if the headgasket blew after only 120 miles and would ask for some help with the repairs, as is, or not. That doesn't mean I would get that help, but I would ask for it.

Regardless of whether or not people feel he is whining or complaining too much, why don't we offer our sympathies and call it a lesson learned, albeit, an expensive one. I don't think "piling on" and attacking him helps anyone. Give the guy a break and let him get it out of his system.

Just my 2 cents.
I agree. Netviper didn't start this thread either. Yellow Rose is the initiator of this thread.

BTW, missed seeing ya on Saturday.
White94 said:
Look, I am done. Think of me as an ass if you want, think of me as someone trying to help if you want. If you really want to insult me, just forget the whole damn thing.

I don't think of you as an ass. Your PM's have been great. Thanks for trying to help.
coldhammer said:
I think NV response should be the following:

"What have I done to LEARN from this?"
Looked into buying a C6 corvette.

"What will I do to keep this from happening again?"
Buy a C6 corvette

"What have I done to try and minimize the negative impact this has had on my life?"
Bought a C6 corvette.

Heh just messing with you guys. I gotta say these are some of the funniest posts I have read on a forum in a long time.

That is great James! Thanks bro. I needed a good laugh! :biggrin:
NetViper said:
...I have next to no support around me for the BBSC. I have no shops that even work on the NSX. The local dealer refused to even work on that car. I tried 15 shops and was turned down by every single one. I finally found someone who was willing to try and help me. Thus the motor was rebuilt...

If you cannot get it running right, and there is no one excpetionally good around you to tune the car, you should consider selling it. It's not a good feeling to give up on getting a car to run correctly, but sometimes you need to know when to throw in the white towel. Or, if most of your problems are centered around the BBSC, why don't you take it off and sell the thing on e-bay. You'll then have a nice car with a bullet proof engine.

NetViper said:
...Everyone on here has stated they wouldn't want to be in my shoes. Well guess what, I am in my damn shoes and I am trying to deal with it the best I can. If you can't deal with that, then please leave me the HELL alone...

I think you need to turn off your computer for a few days and figure out what your next move will be. We can all tell that you are getting very frustrated and 99% of the advice being given is not helping.

Good luck.
perhaps bypassing the ssbb to stock ECU , put the stock belt on and drive it around stock til you find a geographically desireable technician? This would provide you with a reliable car until you find help.
prova4re said:
Hey Mermaid its me, the comic relief guy. lol! :biggrin: :tongue:


LOL!! I love ya Prova4re*~*~ Goofball :tongue:
Wrong !!!!!!!!

NsXMas said:
I agree. Netviper didn't start this thread either. Yellow Rose is the initiator of this thread.

No, no, no and more no !!!!!!!!

The very first post in this thread is by me, but from a different thread. I replied that post in another thread where somebody had announced a development of the AEM which works on OBD-2 cars.

Somebody had taken my post in that other AEM thread and copied it into this thread to make it look as if I initiated this thread, which I did not. Because the opening post is my wording I did not contact the admin and ask how it happened, because those are my keystrokes.

Please don’t ask me to explain further because I am not an internet detective that can track IP addresses, key strokes and all that high-tech stuff. All that I know is that the first post in this thread is my wording but it was copied out of a different thread. Though my post is first in line, I did not initiate this thread.
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