Yellow Rose vs. Netviper

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Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

Yellow Rose said:
No, no, no and more no !!!!!!!!

The very first post in this thread is by me, but from a different thread. I replied that post in another thread where somebody had announced a development of the AEM which works on OBD-2 cars.

Somebody had taken my post in that other AEM thread and copied it into this thread to make it look as if I initiated this thread, which I did not. Because the opening post is my wording I did not contact the admin and ask how it happened, because those are my keystrokes.

Please don’t ask me to explain further because I am not an internet detective that can track IP addresses, key strokes and all that high-tech stuff. All that I know is that the first post in this thread is my wording but it was copied out of a different thread. Though my post is first in line, I did not initiate this thread.
So Andy, someone "stole" your post from another thread and started this thread with that post?

Has your account been hacked?

This gets more and more intriquing. First it turns out that Yellow Rose is Andy Vecsey, and it then turns out that AV/YR didn't start this thread.

My dear Watson, there is an evil force at play here! Let's go figure out who done it!

Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

NsXMas said:
So Andy, someone "stole" your post from another thread and started this thread with that post?

Has your account been hacked?
"No and more no!!!" That's not what he said.*

As noted by White94 at the very begining of this thread, it was split off from another thread (by the administrator).

* EDIT: I guess it is what he said (see below). Whatever, this thread is fun. :)
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Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

Yellow Rose said:
No, no, no and more no !!!!!!!!

The very first post in this thread is by me, but from a different thread. I replied that post in another thread where somebody had announced a development of the AEM which works on OBD-2 cars.

Somebody had taken my post in that other AEM thread and copied it into this thread to make it look as if I initiated this thread, which I did not. Because the opening post is my wording I did not contact the admin and ask how it happened, because those are my keystrokes.

Please don’t ask me to explain further because I am not an internet detective that can track IP addresses, key strokes and all that high-tech stuff. All that I know is that the first post in this thread is my wording but it was copied out of a different thread. Though my post is first in line, I did not initiate this thread.

Wicked mind twister! :confused: :confused:
NsXMas said:
So Andy, someone "stole" your post from another thread and started this thread with that post?

Has your account been hacked?

This gets more and more intriguing. First it turns out that Yellow Rose is Andy Vecsey, and it then turns out that AV / YR didn't start this thread.

#1 - that is exactly what I am saying.

#2 - perhaps.

#3 - what is so intriguing about the fact that YR = AV? :confused: That is true. It is also true that I didn't start this thread. Please do some homework and scroll to almost the top of this thread where it is substantiated by White94 that my original post to the AEM thread was copied into here to be the very first post.
Yellow Rose said:
#1 - that is exactly what I am saying.

#2 - perhaps.

#3 - what is so intriguing about the fact that YR = AV? :confused: That is true. It is also true that I didn't start this thread. Please do some homework and scroll to almost the top of this thread where it is substantiated by White94 that my original post to the AEM thread was copied into here to be the very first post.

Incredible information, too much to handle...

Mind going into overload, need Vulcan Mind Meld...

Ok so........netviper, what do you want andy to do???? Andy, what are you willing to do???? I think this can be worked out, within reason. I'm sure netviper, andy, MB and the bbsc have had the beating of their natural born lives. Although, it is very entertaining(amando surely post some very interesting stuff) i still think prime is a very good resource for 90% of my questions. Netviper, I really dont think anyone is bashing you 'cause they don't care about you. but you know youre gonna get reamed for not checking out ANY car you buy, FI, NA or a pack of chico sticks. :smile: Everybody knows the people involved in this transaction nobody wants to get a bad label or name or whatever, (i could care less)but this is a respectable forum and the FI issues are of great substance(some is BS, but it's BS in most stuff). Even tho i agree with most about how you bashed the BBSC and ended up with one :eek: , i don't think you should take personally what happened. I think most people on the forum would say ANDY V WAS NOT OUT TO SCREW YOU, but some bad shit happened and most of use would want an explaination or reference or explanation of some sort(I would), i agree 100% with you. I would love to have FI or any sort, i cant even get a CAI yet :biggrin: . As sorry as i am for your loss it wasn't anybodys intentional FAULT. I think i would look at the positive, amando has had good sucess with his setup and so have others, really. I would make peace, save my pennies(thats all i have) and either get it fixed and done right(so we can all bug you about a dyno charts and did you beat an evo :smile: ), or remove it and keep rolling. I'm a car dealer, i've seen much worse than a guy buying an nsx with a blown head gasket. NOT THAT YO SHIT AIN'T BAD, IT IS A FRUSTRATING SITUATION, but as much as i have enjoyed all this cracking and stuff :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: , i really hope you can get your car going and tuned with impressive numbers. Enjoy your purchase before you have an aneurysm or something(i mean don't sweat the small stuff,life is short) That is the PRIME thing to do. Lots of us wish we had FI of some sort. SHIT REALLY HAPPENS. I think you'll get your situation resolved and be happy in the end. They did get in your ass tho!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: PS, man you got alot of post.
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This just in!

The elusive Mr. Rose and Mr. Viper were photographed at a local pub together. Apparently, due to a freakishly high level of solar flares, coupled with a massive drop in the barometric pressure, along with 1/2 price margaritas, all has been forgiven, as the following picture (taken from a hidden location by the NSXDRIVER lead photographer, Jorge Pedro Jimenez de Jesus III, illustrates..


  • partytime.jpg
    31.7 KB · Views: 322
Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

NsXMas said:
SMy dear Watson, there is an evil force at play here! Let's go figure out who done it!

It's called splitting a thread. I wasn't aware it was such a mystery. I do it frequently.
Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

NSX Prime said:
It's called splitting a thread. I wasn't aware it was such a mystery. I do it frequently.
Ahh, mystery solved.

This sure has turned out to be quite an exciting thread. :biggrin:

Hopefully, no feelings were hurt in the course of this thread.

It would be nice to see all the parties sitting at a campfire, singing "Kumbaya".
Ko-nsx said:
Ok so........netviper, what do you want andy to do???? Andy, what are you willing to do????

Without making you go back and read all of our posts.....

Part One - in a previous (perhaps not even in this thread, I can't remember anymore) post, NetViper asked me to buy him an AEM that works on an OBD2 ECU. That will not happen.

Part Two - if the caveat (which will remain between NetViper and I) is met, I will pay one-third of his head gasket failure.
Re: Wrong !!!!!!!!

NsXMas said:
Ahh, mystery solved.

This sure has turned out to be quite an exciting thread. :biggrin:

Hopefully, no feelings were hurt in the course of this thread.

It would be nice to see all the parties sitting at a campfire, singing "Kumbaya".

But are you also eating S'mores?
Yellow Rose said:
Without making you go back and read all of our posts.....

Part One - in a previous (perhaps not even in this thread, I can't remember anymore) post, NetViper asked me to buy him an AEM that works on an OBD2 ECU. That will not happen.

Part Two - if the caveat (which will remain between NetViper and I) is met, I will pay one-third of his head gasket failure.

Thanks Andy for the clarification.......... :smile: so for the nose bleed seats,
The engine management system with the car you sold netviper was the ssbb and he wanted you to buy a completely new Aem system? When you said no, you offered to pay for some of the headgasket repair. Correct? The headgasket blew after 120 miles because of the ssb failure? Really not trying to rehash this i just wanted some more info, thanks for the clarity replies from both sides. So your position is, i'm sorry for the problems, i'll do this if that or assist somehow? Netvipers position, is i bought some crap from you, the car has a blown head gasket, buy me an AEM? The pissing started and you both said screw you. Really not trying to start anything just want to strain or filter the piss for some clarity. :smile: It is a public forum. :smile:
peiserg said:
how does the SSbox figure into a head gasket failure?

Thats what is was wondering :confused: . I'm sure someone wil clarify this. But seems like thats what happened, until we hear from both sides :smile: .
Just to clarify. Andy posted in the AEM OBD2 thread that I could go to the AEM because I have having problems. In jest, I wrote back why dont you buy me one. It was not serious. I am pretty sure Andy knows that - maybe not. I would not expect him to do that by any means.

Nonetheless, I think it is an option I am going to have to try.
NetViper said:
Just to clarify. Andy posted in the AEM OBD2 thread that I could go to the AEM because I have having problems. In jest, I wrote back why dont you buy me one. It was not serious. I am pretty sure Andy knows that - maybe not. I would not expect him to do that by any means.

Nonetheless, I think it is an option I am going to have to try.

Good, at least your still keeping the car. I'm still a little foggy about why the pissing started, everybody's responses have been mature and explainatory. (Guess i'll have to use the search).Honestly the thread i linked below gives me hope. (you probably have seen this already)

If you get it running correctly you'll forget about the head gasket. Maybe Andy will want it back then. :biggrin:
The engine management system with the car you sold NetvViper was the SS black box and he wanted you to buy a completely new AEM system?


When you said no, you offered to pay for some of the head gasket repair.

I offered to partially pay for the head gasket repair before he (jokingly) asked for me to buy him an AEM.

The head gasket blew after 120 miles because of the SS failure?

We may never know the true answer to this question, but several performance oriented people that by looking at the pictures of the failed head gaskets, they said it was mechanically in the cylinder heads lifted because of incorrectly torqued cylinder head bolts. That debate will rage on forever, so as I said, we may never know the true root cause.

So your position is, I’m sorry for the problems, I’ll do this if that or assist somehow?

Yes, because it was not me that woke up one day and decided to package a supercharger to compete with other kits already on the market.....a SC kit that had the SS box. That person, in my not-so-humble opinion should share in the responsibility; however, I know of at least two other engines his kit damaged that he refused to assist in making good.

NetViper’s position, is I bought some crap from you, the car has a blown head gasket, buy me an AEM?

It is not so much his position of asking for help, it is my position that the notarized and executed Bill of Sale clearly states that the seller expresses no warranty and that the buyer assumes the risk. Despite this, I am still offering help.....but the caveat must be met first.

I'm going back to my Rita, and I'm not talking about the beverage with tequila in it.
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NetViper, live up to your screen name and go buy a GTS. There's one on Viper Alley with 25K miles with minor paint work needed for 35K. Stock it will destroy your pain in the arse BBSC car. Pro turbo system has a TT kit for 12K including AEM and wa-la 800 reliable HP. Keep that until the next gen NSX becomes affordable then show up here again.
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