Yellow Rose vs. Netviper

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mojo said:
I'll send a PM to 92NSX- this was meant as a good example, not to bring anyone down.

A good example not to bring anyone down. :confused: Dude, I am totally at a loss as to what you are talking about now.
I'm waiting for that PM.
headshot99r6 said:
holy crap
No kidding. I'm bowing out of this thread now. I've said what I've wanted to say, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere or is taken the wrong way. I can be PM'd if anybody wants to send me direct comments.

My comments/explaination have been sent to 92NSX, along with my phone number, if he wants to call me about it.

I publicly apologize for saying that he made a "mistake" - poor choice of words.
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mojo said:
No kidding. I'm bowing out of this thread now. I've said what I've wanted to say, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere or is taken the wrong way. I can be PM'd if anybody wants to send me direct comments.

My comments/explaination have been sent to 92NSX, along with my phone number, if he wants to call me about it.

I'll publicly apologize for saying that he made a "mistake" - poor choice of words.

PM received and all is good. :smile:
NetViper said:
What do you think I have been trying to do for the past 5 months? I am not sure why you are giving me all this hostility? I expect it from Armando, but not from you.

Thanks for the props. :)

Seems your hole is getting deeper.

When a person with money meets a person with experience the guy with money will get some experience and the guy with experience will get some money.
Wow I'm dense, I did'nt know that YR is AV!I guess I figured that something was amiss with NV's new to him car,but then figured it got fixed.I pass no judgement,because I don't know all the facts,and personaly don't want to but I do know that there are folks with working bbsc so,my only advice is get the head gasket replaced and start enjoying the car.The big take home point is that when you start to modify these cars,even NA like mine the mod/maintanance costs jump,so much so that if you are on a tight budget,in life ,you may find it impossible to justify.
docjohn said:
The big take home point is that when you start to modify these cars,even NA like mine the mod/maintanance costs jump,so much so that if you are on a tight budget,in life ,you may find it impossible to justify.

There's the experience part.
NetViper said:
Just keep it up. I will really enjoy our time together.

i t s h a r d t o t y p e w h i l e s h a k i n g f r o m a l l t h e f e a r ........................................................................

A r m a n d o
MiamieNeSeX said:
i t s h a r d t o t y p e w h i l e s h a k i n g f r o m a l l t h e f e a r ........................................................................

A r m a n d o

You are a real tough guy online. See you soon.
pot calling the kettel black........................................... by the way, you started this pissing contest, and I usually have a full bladder thanks to my buddy

MiamieNeSeX said:
pot calling the kettel black by the way, you started this pissing contest, and I usually have a full bladder lol


I'll bring the Grey Goose. :wink:
Re: Impression of "stunning" AEM tune on BBSC NSX

Let me know if you two are going to NSXPO (NetViper ,MiamieNeSeX).The drama of this exchange might be enough to take the plunge and go. :biggrin:

FWIW - I sold a 98 Corvette convertible to a fellow online. He decided against having any PPI done, even though I offered to take it in for him. He flew in, I picked him up at the airport, brought him to my house, and gave him the keys so he could do his own inspection before we completed the deal, with the offer that he could back out if the car wasn't as represented.

He liked what he saw, took 2 hours with the car before we consumated the transaction, and drove off as a happy new owner.

Fast forward 3 months, and he calls me claiming that there is body damage that had been resprayed (not true), and wants me to pay for it to be repainted. I offered to review a legitimate estimate from a body shop as a good faith gesture, just on the off chance that the prior owner had some paintwork done that I was unaware of (I couldn't fathom not being aware of this, but who knows). The estimate was sent to me with all kinds of repair work, none of which could have been needed when he took possession of the car. Short story, I told him to take a flying f***, since it appeared that he was trying to scam me - perhaps to fix some body damage he inflicted, perhaps because he had buyer's remorse, or who knows - but the bottom line is this.....caveat emptor. If no express warranty is included or implied, tough shit. Sometimes you make out on the wrong end of an unfavorable deal, and life sucks. Unless there was fraud involved, any obligation to the buyer ends when the paperwork is signed.
A deal is a deal even if it is a bad deal.
I have extended myself before to try and make things right on some deals in the past and then I one has ever come to me and said "you know I think you sold this item to me way to cheap and then offer me more money."
I am getting old and just do not care anymore, so here are my two cents.

I know Andy. I respect him, but he can be a dick, just like Armando. He spent many months and many thousands of dollars going from stock to CTSC to BBSC with a built motor. He was one of MB greatest fans. He became one of the most knowledgeable BBSC tuners with the SS box. Then all of a sudden, he is selling the car that he has spent the last four years of his adult life and much of his "spare change" because of life changes, or whatever reason. Makes you wonder, huh?

I have met Dave once, but have many close friends who have spent more time with him. He generally had bad things to say about the BBSC, always praising the CTSC and the torque of turbochargers. He comes across as something of a dweeb on the board, always complainig about this and that. He found Allen and Bill interesting and misses them not being around anymore :frown:. Of all the cars to buy, he buys a very highly modified BBSC from a forum member not known for his warm and fuzzy persona. He then drives the car and discovers problems after unknown to me conditions. He then spends many a cell-phone minute to almost everyone who owns a BBSC that is on the board, enough so that the fact that most cell phones have caller ID prevented direct communication. :rolleyes: Just to further his forum persona, he continues to bring up this situation over and over, so that he has now entered the same league of pissy posting as Andy and Armando. Curious how that turns out, huh.

Again, I am old and do not care what anyone thinks of my diatribe, just calling it as I read it. :eek:
I'm right behind you Gary!If these young workin out(boozin) kinda guys want a piece of us they've gotta get through you and your army of well trained prior patients,who do your bidding!BTW, I think you complimented Andy! :tongue:I don't know Armando though.Maybe we should have pics of each of the combatents!post away :biggrin:
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