Yellow Rose vs. Netviper

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NetViper said:
White94. PM sent. Now you know both sides of the story.

Oh this should be interesting.

NetViper - let's say you sell your 2004 TL. It is currently still under warranty. Would you appreciate the buyer's repeated PMs to ask you to make good if something goes wrong? No, you will tell the person to contact Acura.

That is precisely the point that you simply do not understand. Despite me offering partial financial assistance to repair the head gaskets (yes, with a caveat) please repeat after me.......the name engraved on the supercharger kit (which includes the SS box that you so bemoan) reads Basch. I am not him and I did not market the BBSC, so until he pitches in $ then I will not. If he does then I will.

In your PM to White 94, did you tell him there were no problems when the car was delivered and that it was almost three weeks - I wonder how the engine was treated during that period - before you contacted me with the alleged problem? Be sure to check the trucking company’s inspection manifest, where the driver makes no mention of smoke from the muffler. That inspection form is dated March 30, 2005 yet it was not until April 18, 2005 before you mentioned anything about smoke from the muffler.

To the thirty or so people that NetViper tells me that all of you feel I am responsible for his engine woes, given the above please explain yourself. You abide by a type of logic with which I am not familiar.
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Yellow Rose said:
To the thirty or so people that NetViper tells me that all of you feel I am responsible for his engine woes, given the above please explain yourself. You abide by a type of logic with which I am not familiar.

Again, I never said they feel you are responsible for 100%. Just some assistance. Not a $98 slap in the face.
How long is a warranty on a BBSC?

I'm gonna say it one more time.....ask MB, it is his kit not mine.
As a fellow prime member, I would expect us to take care of each other and treat each other fairly. We are a small family.
Again, I never said they feel you are responsible for 100%.

That is not the way you presented it in a PM to me this morning.

Just some assistance. Not a $98 slap in the face.

Ignore the $98 "slap in the face" because that is a closed issue and you know it. Everyone that is listening.....I offered to pay one-third of NetViper's head gasket repair bill with a caveat. That caveat remains between NetViper, myself and the other person. But consider this before you make me out to be the bad guy - if you sold a highly modified NSX, would you be compelled to fork over roughly $1500 for something that is (in my obviously not so humble opinion) somebody else's responsibility? I didn't think so.

So every one that thinks I am a sorry @$$ b-tard......NetViper my financial assistance offer is still on the table, but you know what you need to do to make it happen.
Yellow Rose said:
Again, I never said they feel you are responsible for 100%.

That is not the way you presented it in a PM to me this morning.

Just some assistance. Not a $98 slap in the face.

Well, truth be told there are some that think 100% is fair. But they were in the small minority. I am also sure some think 0% is fair.
I don't believe 100% is fair personally.
As a fellow prime member, I would expect us to take care of each other and treat each other fairly. We are a small family.

Agree.....but our third party PRIME member needs to own up to some accountability. It was his hands that turned the wrench to tighten the cylinder heads bolts and it was his decision to utilize the SS box. Neither of those two actions were mine. I only purchased his supercharger kit.

I believe this dirty laundry has been aired out more than enough. Let’s shut up in public, people can form their own opinions about you / me and when you-know-who writes you a check then so will I. On that you have my word. Should be a rather interesting discussion topic at NSXPO 2005, the hosting city of which is the birthplace of the BBSC.
Yellow Rose said:
I believe this dirty laundry has been aired out more than enough. Let’s shut up in public, people can form their own opinions about you / me and when you-know-who writes you a check then so will I. On that you have my word. Should be a rather interesting discussion topic at NSXPO 2005, the hosting city of which is the birthplace of the BBSC.


I won't be at NSXPO 2005, so I can't tell you that.
I can see 2 ways of looking at this, ethically and legally.

Ethically, who knows when something broke, or why or who knew about it. Frankly i don't think it matters. The bottom line is that everyone has thier own set of eithics and they act by them. You cannot 'enforce' ethics. I would have handled differently from both buyers and sellers perspective and that is not relevant here either.

Legally, NV bought an extremely risky car (12# BBSC, SSB, high miles, high mods, 10 years) with no warranty and no compression test. It was his choice to do it that way. The car was a hell of a deal for the parts on it. Warranties are not implied and are not free - you either have one or you do not. Anything more than that is generousity on someone's part.

Yes it sucks that your car broke. Yes, I feel bad for you. BUT, what are you going to do about it? Accept responsibility, fix it, and get on with your life. Be consoled by the fact that you still got a hell of a good deal.
Where is Dr. Phil?

We all need a group hug. On 2nd thought, where is that chick that Armando had in his avatar...
NetViper - I'm having a hard time figuring out what you want....

You bought a highly modified car "as-is" from another person. Not long after you aquired it, the car had some major problems. YellowRose/AV offered support over the phone, which is above and beyond what was required in the transaction.

Now that things have broken, you expect him to pay for all damages? Exactly how long did you think this implied warranty would last - if this would have happened 10,000 miles after you bought it, would it have still been his fault? 100,000 miles? At what point is it your responsibility, if not at the time of purchase?

While I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, it's time to accept responsibility and stop with the "poor me - nobody will pay for my car's problems" - most of us that have been down the FI route have had issues. Welcome to the club.

No need to PM - I've already heard the stories, and they only support my viewpoint further.
mojo said:
Now that things have broken, you expect him to pay for all damages? Exactly how long did you think this implied warranty would last - if this would have happened 10,000 miles after you bought it, would it have still been his fault? 100,000 miles? At what point is it your responsibility, if not at the time of purchase?

Excuse me, but we are talking about 120 miles. Don't worry, I won't PM you.
mojo said:
YellowRose/AV offered support over the phone, which is above and beyond what was required in the transaction.

Also, I have not talked to Andy V once on the phone since this happened. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you start bashing me.
I dont beleive there is anyone on this board that has more opinions on SC systems than Mr. NetViper . Although you tend to praise the CTSC over the rest, I admired that you grew some balls and finally put your money where your mouth was and stepped up to the plate and bought (your choice) a SC. Then after you bragged about how you "blew" away some C6s all thats come from you by way of posts are passive aggressive comments regarding "YOUR" purchase of a boosted car and how its not running correctly. You have spent more money in bandwidth on Prime than if you would have made the repairs from the git go. I would love for this to turn into " The worlds longest thread" maybe just because I enjoy pushing peoples buttons, so "GAME ON".

NetViper said:
Excuse me, but we are talking about 120 miles.

That's what I'm getting at - at what mileage does it become your responsibility? :confused:

NetViper said:
Also, I have not talked to Andy V once on the phone since this happened. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you start bashing me.

You're right - him giving support over the computer is incomparable. :rolleyes: He could have not responded at all, you know.

I still haven't figured out what you want out of all this... You're just making yourself look like an child by posting things like "NetViper: -$4500 / YellowRose: $0". Facts straight or not, you're still being immature about this.
MiamieNeSeX said:
I. Then after you bragged about how you "blew" away some C6s all thats come from.

I have never bragged about that. I never raced a C6. I have rarely seen a C6 in Savannah. Once again, you have your facts wrong. Or maybe you are thinking about yourself again. After all, you can hang with Enzo's until 100MPH right? :rolleyes:
mojo said:
You're right - him giving support over the computer is incomparable. :rolleyes: He could have not responded at all, you know.

I still haven't figured out what you want out of all this... You're just making yourself look like an child by posting things like "NetViper: -$4500 / YellowRose: $0". Facts straight or not, you're still being immature about this.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. You make assumptions on things you know nothing about. All I asked Andy for was some help.
NetViper said:
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

YellowRose sent you $98 after this incident, then made a deal with you, to pay more if MB did; this much is from what you've said on the forum. I can only presume that YR doesn't have telepathy, and thus you and he engaged in some form of communication after the incident, or the money wouldn't have been sent. Since you emphatically state that you had not been on the phone with him, and I assume you didn't communicate over snail mail or smoke signals, then you must have communicated over the computer.

Or you've been lying in all your posts and your phone call with me.

NetViper said:
You make assumptions on things you know nothing about.

Your little tiff with YR is all over this newsgroup. Anybody that has been reading it can make their own assumptions, right or wrong. Here's another assuption - A lot of other people here will probably draw similar conclusions to what I did. My advice would be to work it out with YR, and if you can't reach an agreeable arrangement, then move on.
mojo said:
My advice would be to work it out with YR, and if you can't reach an agreeable arrangement, then move on.

What do you think I have been trying to do for the past 5 months? I am not sure why you are giving me all this hostility? I expect it from Armando, but not from you.
NetViper said:
I am not sure why you are giving me all this hostility? I expect it from Armando, but not from you.

Because you two are washing your dirty laundry out publicly, and it seems to show up in half the threads out there. This has been the first 'dedicated' public thread about it, and so I'm voicing my opinion.

I'd really like to see it all worked out between you two, which is why I asked my original question "What do you want?" If it's been 5 months, and can't be resolved, then can we bury it? At least off the public forums?

These remarks aren't out of hostility but rather out of trying to make a point that it's a dead issue, and pulling it around for everyone else to see does no good; its only detrimental to your own reputation.

92NSX made a similar mistake until this same kind of posts were made, and has since laid it all to rest.
mojo said:
92NSX made a similar mistake until this same kind of posts were made, and has since laid it all to rest.

I made a mistake??? You don't know me or my situation in the slightest so I would really appreciate you not bringing me into this.
92NSX said:
I made a mistake??? You don't know me or my situation in the slightest so I would really appreciate you not bringing me into this.

I'll send a PM to 92NSX- this was meant as a good example, not to bring anyone down.
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