NSX DAY@ Bridgewater Acura

haha whoops idk what i was thinking when i posted that... lol i knew nj i must have had a brain lapse... lol. Anyways.. ill be there hahaha
I have to say it's obvious you are in sales. A week or two ago it was "let's get 30 NSX's", earlirer today it was "aiming for 50 NSX's", and tonight it's "I want to have 70 NSX's, let's get going". :biggrin:
This is turning into quite an event. Thanks for the organization. Everyone is itching after this damn winter.
I may have missed it but has there been a set plan for the day? and/or activities and times and what not... as for showing up and ending?
Mike.....I will be there. I have taken the days off already and the fact that you are buying my lunch pretty much locks me in. It will be a fun drive from Indiana....see you there. :)
Meeyatch1 said:
Mike.....I will be there. I have taken the days off already and the fact that you are buying my lunch pretty much locks me in. It will be a fun drive from Indiana....see you there. :)

Mitch, are you coming in saturday and staying over? If so we are doing so "light" partying in the collge town of Rutgers; New Brunswick NJ :biggrin:
Mitch, are you coming in saturday and staying over? If so we are doing so "light" partying in the collge town of Rutgers; New Brunswick NJ :biggrin:

I am there!! Count me in for the...umm, 'light partying'.... :)
Meeyatch1 said:
I am there!! Count me in for the...umm, 'light partying'.... :)

saw that Keg in your car, I think it would be warm by the time you hit jersey :biggrin:
saw that Keg in your car, I think it would be warm by the time you hit jersey :biggrin:

I will just have to drive faster. ;)
How many people are driving in on saturday and staying over? If so, I think a good hotel is the Hyatt in New Brunswick, NJ. Great location and only 10 minutes from my dealership
I am arranging some media coverage as well. I left a message with Dan Frio- editor of Honda Tuning and I also left a message with Evan Griffrey- editor of Turbo and High Performance magazine; hopefully they will call back :biggrin:
HEY Mikey!

On behalf of my far more capable friends with respect to consumption of food (i.e.- Bob and Bailey "Mr. Rodizio").................WHAT ARE THE PLANS FOR EATS?!?!?! If we have 50 70 cars,....there had better be great parking wherever we go? Yes? :biggrin:

Looking forrward to the event.

NSXNEV said:
HEY Mikey!

On behalf of my far more capable friends with respect to consumption of food (i.e.- Bob and Bailey "Mr. Rodizio").................WHAT ARE THE PLANS FOR EATS?!?!?! If we have 50 70 cars,....there had better be great parking wherever we go? Yes? :biggrin:

Looking forrward to the event.


We dont have to park anywhere! We can just leave the cars at my dealership and walk to Fuddruckers across the street. Not even 50 ft away :biggrin: Easy enough?
I'm just back from my winter in Florida, and got the mailing. Count me in. LarryB let me know when your heading over we can get a line going from our area.

Its official, Dan Frio- editor of Honda Tuning magazine left me a message yesterday. He is sending someone to cover the event and is looking for some NSX's to be individual story cars. Make sure your ride is blinging- maybe a cover shot is in your future :biggrin:
Hey Frank V.!!,

Bet your sorry you came back waking up this morning:).

Call me when you get a chance.

I still need everyone to RSVP.... This event requires alot of planning and I need to know everyone who is coming. Thanks

Count me in...and I'll be vying for the newest owner/member prize.

I got mine on St. Patty's Day :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: and I'm mailing my NSXCA member registration form tomorrow (March 29th).

Also, put me down as a volunteer for the route selection committee for the best roads around NW NJ! :cool:

Lookin' forward to being the 'Newbie'

Bob Maurer :smile:
NSXLNT said:
Any word on a caravan from Westchester/Conn area?

Nothing has been set as of yet, but for the last run to Don's Last River run, I believe that we set up staging on Westchester Ave (off 287) in White Plains, I'm sure that we can set one up so, I guess let's consider this the launch of the Ct./Westchester/ Caravan. If we're expected between 9am-10 am at Bridgewater Acura, and it's approximately 1 1/2 hours, let's plan on a 7:30 meeting time on Westchester Ave at Corporate park, for a 7:45 Departure (should have us at Mike's around 9:15-9:30). Let the fun begin :biggrin:
Roger, try and have your caravan set off to arrive by me at 9am. The schedule goes as follows:

9am-12 car show and hangout
12-1 lunch fuddruckers
1-3/4 pm cruise time :biggrin:

Lets all cross our fingers and hope for good weather :smile: