Insane markups on local Craigslist ads

RSO 34. Would be nice if we all can sit back and say what "if" right? I wish i can turn back my clock and go back to 2005 and buy every orange white blue yellow NSX for $70k. What about 63 corvette with original MSRP around $5k. If you bought this back in 63 new, what would you sell it for in today's mkt? Aren't they worth $200k or more? Again, does it matter what you paid ?


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According to my project there are over 40 one owner cars and at least 30% of them have less than 20k miles so finding a single owner NSX with less than 25k miles with dealer records would not be all that hard... and I'm only talking about 2004 so if you want to consider all 02+ cars then please multiply that those numbers by at least 3. I understand that you're trying to sell your car but please be realistic.

Send me one link not two or three,just one link right now offer for sale with all records and one owner
RSO 34. Would be nice if we all can sit back and say what "if" right? I wish i can turn back my clock and go back to 2005 and buy every orange white blue yellow NSX for $70k. What about 63 corvette with original MSRP around $5k. If you bought this back in 63 new, what would you sell it for in today's mkt? Aren't they worth $200k or more? Again, does it matter what you paid ?


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Send me one link not two or three,just one link right now offer for sale with all records and one owner

The MSRP in 2005 was $89k, some bought their cars for as little as $81 or $82 but it was never $70k. Those cars that we're talking about may not be listed for sale now but there is plenty of them around. Every 6 months or so someone starts a thread with link to a 02+ car with some crazy low milage like 2500 or even 500. There is also a few 2002+ cars that were never even titled with less than 100 miles on them, I guess the "owners" are waiting for the right moment.

Good luck with the sale, I really hope you get your asking price.
^You're correct, as of now low mileage 02'+ are listing for $75k+. From what I see those ads have been up for a while though. For the ones that did sell, we'll never know if they sold for near asking price or settled for much less. Realistically they probably settled around $60-65k max, coincidentally around the price that you (supposedly) paid for your 04'.

All dealer's i know list their inventory base on how much car books out. They certainly will not list their cars a few bucks over what it traded in for. If everyone asking $75k plus why should i price mine lower regardless if car is worth $75 or not? You get my point...
Better keep quiet about what you're doing .................. or you'll be forced to start paying vendor fees.
The MSRP in 2005 was $89k, some bought their cars for as little as $81 or $82 but it was never $70k. Those cars that we're talking about may not be listed for sale now but there is plenty of them around. Every 6 months or so someone starts a thread with link to a 02+ car with some crazy low milage like 2500 or even 500. There is also a few 2002+ cars that were never even titled with less than 100 miles on them, I guess the "owners" are waiting for the right moment.

Good luck with the sale, I really hope you get your asking price.

Did you work for acura dealership back in 04 or 05? I was GM for acura dealership and i can tell you for a fact there's 10k dealer cash that we sometime forward to customers. Take invoice subtract 10k and hold back. These cars were soft back then and most acura dealership were trying to unload. FYI ..I know a member here paid $70k for new 05 NSX
That annoys me now hearing that because I paid well over 70 for my car used. I should have gone into a dealer 2 years prior and ordered a new one to my spec.
^^^^ yup. We sold a few 05 around $70k. Same with today's market dealer's sell cars below "net net zero " just to move a unit. Hard to explain here on prime if one never worked for a car dealership and someone who has never ran a car dealership before. I am sure there are members on this board who are former auto sales mgr/Gm may want to share their thought

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That annoys me now hearing that because I paid well over 70 for my car used. I should have gone into a dealer 2 years prior and ordered a new one to my spec.

Matter fact there are many cars today you can buy way under invoice. A few mercedes benz has crazy dealer trunk money. Go online and get some quotes just for kicks, you will find many quotes way under invoice. Same with NSX's back in the days....
I do understand what you are saying and there is nothing wrong with buying/selling and asking what you feel the vehicle is worth. But tread lightly, RSO 34 (Bob) that you are attempting to go back and forth with spends a great amount of time for us on prime being the Marketplace Moderator so I suggest to pick your battles wisely. He is also a well known member of not only NSXprime but the NSX Club of America and is a valued member of the community and has members of NSXprime best interest above all.

RSO 34. Would be nice if we all can sit back and say what "if" right? I wish i can turn back my clock and go back to 2005 and buy every orange white blue yellow NSX for $70k. What about 63 corvette with original MSRP around $5k. If you bought this back in 63 new, what would you sell it for in today's mkt? Aren't they worth $200k or more? Again, does it matter what you paid ?


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Send me one link not two or three,just one link right now offer for sale with all records and one owner
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I do understand what you are saying and there is nothing wrong with buying/selling and asking what you feel the vehicle is worth. But tread lightly, RSO 34 (Bob) that you are attempting to go back and forth with spends a great amount of time for us on prime being the Marketplace Moderator so I suggest to pick your battles wisely. He is also a well known member of not only NSXprime but the NSX Club of America and is a valued member of the community and has members of NSXprime best interest above all.

Everyone has his or her opinion that's why we have forums :) ... RSO and i don't have to agree so is all good!
Everyone has his or her opinion that's why we have forums :) ... RSO and i don't have to agree so is all good!

That is true, we don't have to agree. But as pointed out, my preeminent concern is for our community. My duties on prime are uncompensated as are my responsibilities to the NSXCA (where I pay the same dues as all other members and do it all for free). As a result, I will err on the side of our members if I feel they need "protection". That is why when you pm'd me about deleting the ad by the seller of your '04 because it showed it was sold for less than what you were trying to flip it for a week later I advised you I could not do that. If someone chooses not to do their due diligence on prime that is their problem but it would not be for lack of full disclosure here publicly.
That sounds pretty shady...

People delete the price of the parts they sell on the market place immediately. Im not sure that is all that different. Why do they do that? So that if the seller re-sells the items he won't have to explain the "old" price. If you are going to forbid one, perhaps we should forbid all. Right? What's wrong with my logic here....
Nothing wrong with your logic. When you say "People delete the price of the parts they sell on the market place immediately", you mean the seller deletes it voluntarily. When the buyer requests to delete the price from the seller's thread, that's sounds shady.
Well I don't know for sure but maybe it's because the seller CAN'T in the car marketplace? If they can then du should have asked the seller not Bob. That's where the mistake lies.

Either way, this happens often with many cars. Dealers buy and sell. He getting extra heat because he bought here and has an ad here. What if he bought off Craigslist or a local paper? Do you know how many new car dealers flip trade-ins within days? For 10K profits on a 35K car? It is common.
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People delete the price of the parts they sell on the market place immediately. Im not sure that is all that different. Why do they do that? So that if the seller re-sells the items he won't have to explain the "old" price. If you are going to forbid one, perhaps we should forbid all. Right? What's wrong with my logic here....

I wish prices would not get deleted across the board to provide a pricing history for comparison over the years. The difference is I was being asked to delete an entire ad and that request was not made by the actual member posting that ad.

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Well I don't know for sure but maybe it's because the seller CAN'T in the car marketplace? If they can then du should have asked the seller not Bob. That's where the mistake lies.

Sellers edit out listing prices all the time (unless I can close a thread as sold before the editing can occur).
Nothing wrong with your logic. When you say "People delete the price of the parts they sell on the market place immediately", you mean the seller deletes it voluntarily. When the buyer requests to delete the price from the seller's thread, that's sounds shady.

I hv sold more than a few nsx's to members on this board, most recent 96 red nsx, hv full confidence buyer will tell u I am no where near shady. Thank you.

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Nothing wrong with your logic. When you say "People delete the price of the parts they sell on the market place immediately", you mean the seller deletes it voluntarily. When the buyer requests to delete the price from the seller's thread, that's sounds shady.
Another prime memeber here send p/m and offer 65k for the car and then back out and now offer $63 , he
said he would hv paid 65 if he didnt come across 1st seller ad and suggested I contact moderator to see if ad could be deleted. So I contacted bob. I did not know rules on this forum and hv no intention of being shady any shape or form.
I'll say one thing about du.... He's a polite guy at least. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would have flipped out by now when their integrity is called into question. Right or wrong, at the very least he has handled it well. Must be that CA weather..
I'll say one thing about du.... He's a polite guy at least. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would have flipped out by now when their integrity is called into question. Right or wrong, at the very least he has handled it well. Must be that CA weather..

I move that we re-name this thread "the Du pricing thread" to better reflect content.
Thank you..1st and for most i would like to point out why i ask "bob" if deleting original for sale ad was an option and he said no. Only reason i did it b/c of another member here who suggested i contact moderator (yes i still have member P/M who suggested this action). Again i thought it was a norm to do such a thing and realize i was obviously wrong and want to apologize for any misunderstanding. There're a few members i have dealt with here in the past weeks and even up to today can assure you i am straight -if they want to come forward. 1996 NSX i just sold (also a member here) if you are reading this thread-feel free to jump in and share your buying experience w/me. This member and i are still in contact regard his NSX. By the way, he took this car to car show and took 1st prize award. Another member lost out on my 96 nsx i sold and am now i am trying to help him locate/buy his dream car w/o fee. Believe he's buying the 1997 in TENN today. He will surely share his thoughts with any member here regard my integrity or character in doubt and how easy it was working w/me. Another thing i would like to point out,buyer of my 96 NSX ask how much i paid for the car and i told him (not too many dealer would). Same with my GT3 i recently sold to client of SHARKWERKS (member here) , P/M him and ask him about my car if there was any issues or if i was a shady seller. This particular buyer ask wht i paid for the GT3 and i told him. Guess what? i didn't even know he was chasing the same car which i bought off Craigslist and knew exactly what i paid but he ask anyways. After i told him, he said he was just checking to see if i would give the man a story. Guys, i don't need to lie to sell a car as this is nothing but a hobby to me as i love chasing Sports Cars. If any member here thinks i am shady, please P/M me and i will forward my contact info and maybe we can sit down chat over coffee or a beer(on me) :smile: As far as setting asking price, as a dealer you always want to start high- we can always go down but more of a challenge going up. By the way, I am not here to screw or try to take advantage of anyone. All dealer's asking price starts with retail price set forth by KBB or what average listing price on tht year and miles.

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For those who still have doubt on why i ask moderator to delete original ad so Here's a copy of P/M i got from another member

" You don't need to disclose anything here on prime especially if the previous owner is a member. Ask the admin to delete the previous post/listing of this car because there is no way that somebody will pay your asking if price if they read the post of $65K asking from the previous owner. Goodluck "

" Yes, Admin can delete it. Just like me, I would have paid $65K for it and after looking at the previous for sale thread that made me change my mind. Goodluck"
I hv sold more than a few nsx's to members on this board, most recent 96 red nsx, hv full confidence buyer will tell u I am no where near shady. Thank you.

Since you have sold "more than a few nsx's to members of the board," now would be a great time to donate to the site. Whether it's large or small, you are clearly here to use NSXprime to sell to members. Helping to support and keep it running definitely can't hurt...
Since you have sold "more than a few nsx's to members of the board," now would be a great time to donate to the site. Whether it's large or small, you are clearly here to use NSXprime to sell to members. Helping to support and keep it running definitely can't hurt...

More than happy to do so. Please forward instruction how to ....