Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?

C'mon I don't mean what you have put into it or what the original owner paid for it. I have the window sticker and bill of sale from the first owner also showing 89k but that was in 1991. We are in 2008, most people here don't have 2002 and up nsx, thus most people didn't pay the crazy sticker price. I am the second owner and I have a good 10K plus on mine and more to go. Like I said most of us paid under $50k for thier own. I am not saying everyone should drive thiers everyday to enjoy it but as much as they can and not worry about it its JUST A CAR.

Well I think you hit the nail on the head: A lot of owners are 2nd, 3rd or even 4th-hand owners of the NSX. If the car already had much damage from the previous owners, of course you wouldn't care for it as much as someone who paid top-dollar and drove an immaculate car off the showroom floor.

Just because it is a car doesn't mean you have to pamper it extremely and never drive it or drive it everyday without taking care of it. Those are two polar opposites of a whole spectrum of owner-enjoyment.
Oh yeah, and some people would start crying if their nose looked like this.

:eek: :wink: :biggrin:

That is nothing compared to this nutcase. ;)


I have a 2003 and I drive it to work. Pet and I carpool, so we cycle through our vehicles -- currently have 3, used to have 4. I see other people driving their's on Highway 85 in the morning when we go to work. We roar by in the carpool lane (unless there is a hybrid leading a group of cars doing 60 so that he can run in electric mode).

The NSX expensive? It's relatively cheap compared to many other sports cars.

So why don't I drive it everyday? Because even though it's a great car, it gets boring driving it more than a few times a month.

I rotate among different cars - sedan, SUV, NSX, etc. Those who say they'll drive their NSX everyday - great, but I like variety.

Even having sex with the hottest woman everyday would get boring quick.

Variety is the spice of life.
Yeah i'm still single with no kids, i do drive my eclipse to work everyday but tahts cause i work on the base and dont want to put stickers on my windshield of the nsx. But when i'm not working, and the weather is great, the nsx is out.

same with me i work on base but when it rains or i need to carry stuff i use my nsx other times i just ride my motorcycle to work. and about the base sticker. where i'm at you can get this plastic card that has all your car info on it and you just show it with your military ID soo you dont have to put a sticker on your window.
The NSX expensive? It's relatively cheap compared to many other sports cars.

So why don't I drive it everyday? Because even though it's a great car, it gets boring driving it more than a few times a month.

I rotate among different cars - sedan, SUV, NSX, etc. Those who say they'll drive their NSX everyday - great, but I like variety.

Even having sex with the hottest woman everyday would get boring quick.

Variety is the spice of life.

LOL, I concur
I have thought about this topic some more, and I know that my emotional attachment to my NSX is probably more than most people understand. I know there are some out there that share my illness, and will understand what I am about to say, and know that I mean every word of it. When my last day on this Earth comes, and the sun sets on my life, I want to know that the last car I drove was my NSX. That I spent as much time as possible enjoying what has been one of the most influential cars to ever come to market for public use. I want to know that one of the last sounds I ever hear is the sweet sound of that magnificent engine giving all that is has, and running just as fast as she can go. To have heard the wind rush past and to feel all at once alive, and temporarily immortal. When the sun sets on that day, and my NSX sits cooling down under the dusk of the setting sun, waiting for a pilot who will never return again, I want to know that our time together was well spent. From there I hope the next pilot treats her well.
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1. If you only drive it once in a while it seems like a new car and keeps up te excitment level.
2. The main reason is I am afraid of getting hit by someone else, which actually ended up happening to me anyway. Luckily it was at 3 mph, so it turned out ot need mainly just a repaint. From what I have seen and hear from others in accidents, the NSX doesnt fair to well, and the damage is usualy extensive and expensive.
I drive mine everyday.
Have put 40,000 miles on mine in the last 12 months.
And that's what I bought it for....

100 miles a day round trip to the shop, to and from racing and general events, it adds up.....

I just enjoy driving period, the NSX just makes it that much better...
The NSX is a lot of bang for the buck and the cost of driving it per mile is far less than other exotic's that I would consider as a daily driver such as Ferrari or Lamborghini.

I bought it to drive and wouldn't have it any other way, but that's me.

To each, their own....there is no right or wrong when it comes to how much you drive your NSX. It's a personal choice.

And I thought I drove my NSX a lot. At ~15K miles a year, I'm a rank amateur compared to you. :)