Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?

I'm fortunate in many regards then. It never snows and my 9 mile commute to work can be either all back roads or all I-75, depending on my mood. I'm not at all nervous about the parking lot at work and I guess I'm old enough that the cops don't hassle me (and my car isn't red :) ).

I have collected my share of rock chips and little finish flaws though but that's okay with me. And sure as hell, I do go through the tires. I'm approaching my 3rd anniversary and am on my 4th set of rear tires.

When I go to meets and admire the flawless paint and perfect everything of the pampered garage queens. I know it takes love and dedication to get a car to that point and keep it there, so props to you guys who go that route.
I'm fortunate in many regards then. It never snows and my 9 mile commute to work can be either all back roads or all I-75, depending on my mood. I'm not at all nervous about the parking lot at work and I guess I'm old enough that the cops don't hassle me (and my car isn't red :) ).

I have collected my share of rock chips and little finish flaws though but that's okay with me. And sure as hell, I do go through the tires. I'm approaching my 3rd anniversary and am on my 4th set of rear tires.

When I go to meets and admire the flawless paint and perfect everything of the pampered garage queens. I know it takes love and dedication to get a car to that point and keep it there, so props to you guys who go that route.

Hey Skippy you make a good point. I also do really admire others garage queens with flawless attention to detail put in by thier owners when I see them. I guess with time my opinion may change as I see more thier side of it.
Daily driving is a grind, on the way to WORK. I use my NSX for FUN. Spending an hour on a 20 mile trip every day in the NSX would not be as enjoyable as taking it out on the weekend for some curvy empty roads; and it would dimished the allure of taking the NSX out. Drive something slower for a while and then drive the NSX and it's that much more fun.
Why? The NSX is my car for life. I finally got my hands on one and I'm not going back to not having one. Finite number of cars, and I hope to live another 40-50 years -- the car has got to last.
Company truck, company gas, company insurance. I use the truck to haul all my NSX parts in when doing a NSX project. Everyday the cars not on the road, the less chance a 16 yr. old slams into it. It's like getting laid twice a month. You really really look forward to it.:rolleyes:
Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?
I use to drive it everyday from mid April to mid October. My location geographically makes is much more difficult than yourself in SoCal and as such I park the ride for a number of months. I 'could' drive it more, but there is no need to. MANY people don't know how to drive responsibly in snow and sanding with 1/8" rocks isn't great for paint when they get tossed up against your ride. My kids are also school aged now with Kindergarten and 1st grade half way completed. My wife went back to work full time and we adjusted our schedules to support pick-up/drop off from school. I do pick-up and needed a sedan. Enter the Volvo S60R. As quick as the NSX with only a few mods, very well outfitted, full time all wheel drive for the lesser quality months of weather, and 4 seats to stow and gow the family with.:tongue:
I also drive my NSX daily. I bought for more than $50k when it was 2 years old and had 22k miles on it. Now I have had it for over 7 years and have more than 102,000 miles on it. I enjoy driving it everywhere. I am fortunate in that my youngest child is 16 and my other child is 21 so I only needed one seat for almost the entire time I have had my NSX. My wife has SUV for family vacations and outings, and she has a Mercedes 230 compressor for when she wants to have fun as well. Who wants to drive something less when the NSX is in the garage?
Name one person here who paid that much for thier nsx?????

How many NSX's have been sold. That's how many have paid that much. lol.
AKA, everyone who bought their NSX new...

I have the window sticker for mine. It was $89,400 if I remember right. With taxes thats $94,000. Add in all the freight, and misc charges, and it's just under $100,000.
Simple answer: Can't afford to AND I want to keep my NSX a loooong time.

Just for fuel alone, the cost of driving my Prelude is 1/3 that of driving the NSX.
Last year I drove about 27K miles which was less than previous years. Of this, about 12K was in the NSX (more than I had planned). And a lot of this is stop-and-go traffic. Not a problem in a NSX of course, but also not exactly the most fun in any car. So why not do most of the daily traffic to work in a cheaper car. Mind you, whenever the sun is out and/or the traffic seems light, I still take the NSX
If I want to keep the NSX for another then year, it would be at 340K miles.
Not impossible, but quite expensive. If I do 12K miles a year, it would be at 190K miles. Quite a difference.
because in stop and go traffic it's a bitch...plus not the easiest to get in and out of....plus I don't want my boss at work to know I own such a nice car.
Name one person here who paid that much for thier nsx?????.

Everyone who purchased an early NSX paid over $100k according to Acura.

I don't drive mine daily because I want to preserve it and stop and go traffic is no justice to the car. Further more finding end unit parking to avoid dings and dents is bad enough and living in DC/Metro area some of the worst drivers on planet earth hence the high insurance rates for this region compared eleswhere in USA.

Yes it has dual purpose street/track, honestly it really belongs on the track, maybe if I buy a rough example then I will feel comfortable to track that one.
Personally, my NSX comes as close to me ever worshipping a car I own (i.e. garage queen). For me, I take a look at every other daily driver I ever owned and they all degrade over time and become hand me downs to the kid or sold for much less than I originally paid for them (many miles later, of course).

I just can't bring myself to ever do that to my NSX. I want her to look as good or better than the day I bought her. So far, so good.

Also, every time I drive the NSX it actually puts a smile on my face. I'm not sure this would continue if it was a DD. But that's just me. The car can be a DD and if you chose to do so - go for it. The less NSXes out there in the future - the more they'll appreciate!
Buy an Automatic like I did and you will stop bitchin about stop and go traffic. :wink:

By the way... the seat to the right of the steering wheel is meant to seat the cars full time security guard so you can park it ANYWHERE without worries. You see.. HONDA did think of everything ! :tongue:
Name one person here who paid that much for thier nsx?????

1) I have over 110K into mine, I know several others have way more into theirs than you are figuring.

2) The car is way too flashy for me to drive to work. It gives the wrong impression to some people, and that can hurt my business.

3) Weather here is always a factor, as is the fact that for half the year the roads are in terrible shape. You literraly risk suspension/wheel damage everytime you go in those conditions.

Having said all of this, there is a good point to your thread. No "object" in life is worth worrying over. Material posessions need to serve you, you should not be serving them. When you worship/garage queen a car, you are serving your car. I do at times have to remind myself why I own the thing.

Do you remember that thread where the Veyron with 36K miles was all scratched and being detailed cuz the guy daily drove it? That guy is my Hero. There are others on here... Most guys that track their car are really doing what the car was designed to do. It was never designed to sit in a garage.
nsx is not a comfortable car if we compare it with the new automatic civic.:biggrin: i have driven both. Civic (baisc) sounds like hybrid. very comfortable. nsx has god damn tough suspension that shocks me every day since i have owned it 3 weeks. very small interior. i am about 5-10. i think it is the car for small people. haha. not a really comfortable daily car.
Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday? When I ask somone if they use thier nsx as a daily driver they look at me like I am crazy. lol
I would never pay alot for something that I can't use all the time. Ofcourse if its raining real hard or if you need more room for passengers, don't want other people to scratch it, etc. But EVERYONE here knew before buying this car that these problems can arise and at that time I decided I can afford to take these chances meaning I can buy this car. Why would you buy something you can't fully use or are scared to lose? Its just a car and it doesnt cost over 50K (most of our nsx's) Just wondering how other feel about this. Lot of nsx owner are so anal about thier cars its so funny to person like me to see.
People buy the NSX for different purposes. Some use it as a daily driver. Some use it as a leisure driver. I bought it as a daily driver since I cannot think of a better car as a daily driver that would drive, feel, and look as good for that affordability. My NSX is way cheaper than many SUVs and semi-luxury sedans. There are people that own planes, boats, million-dollar cars, mega-millions jewelry, vacation homes, and many things. They simply can afford them and don't need to use them daily.
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I cant carry a ladder in the NSX I have tryed but no go. I did often carry a folding ladder in my BMW but its just wronge to see and estimator, pull up in a nice car and pull out a folding ladder from the truck.
You have to drive what is expected in your profession sometimes thats my reason. If your lawyer pulls up in a VW bug or a Pinto you my have already loss the case. I am a contractor so NSX dosent say I can build a house for you.
i always laugh at veyron when people say that it's the one of the fastest cars ever made. take a look. any car needs quad turbocharger? in the post, it says that it will beat mclaren f1 from 0-200. o yeah. of course. with a bigger engine that carrying 4 turbos. what if mclaren F1 with twin turbo??:biggrin:
i always laught at veyron when people say that it's the one of the fastest cars ever made. take a look. any car needs quad turbocharger? in the post, it says that it will beat mclaren f1 from 0-200. o yeah. of course. with a bigger engine that carrying 4 turbos. what if mclaren F1 with twin turbo??:biggrin:

Going off topic a little, no?

A car is a car. If it's turbocharged it is turbocharged, if it's supercharged it is supercharged and if it is NA, it is NA. They are just engine designs. The argument of "what if Mclaren was twin turbo" is no different than saying "what if the Veyron weighed 1000 pounds less?". They are all what if's...

The Veyron is an engineering marvel, probably the most engineered car on the planet today. I am not saying it is the best, but it probably has more engineering hours put into it than any other car. If I had the money, I would buy one. And a Mclaren. And a CGT. And Zonda. And a Koengisegg. And an Enzo. That's all. That would be enough, I don't want to ask for too much.
I just got home from 818 and it took me almost 3 hours today......that is one reason why I don't drive the car daily. Also it is not a car you can just leave anywhere unsupervised. You also forget that there are not a lot of NSX's out there left. So if you get you car stolen or wrecked.....then you may not find another one to your liking to replace it for a whiles. There are less and less of them floating around. It is not worth the worry and hassle to drive everyday.....but to each their own......if you want to drive it every day then go for it.....but as for me I will take it out on the weekends or whenever I feel like taking it out.

those are my thoughts almost exactly, most of the components on my ride arent easily replaced nor is it very easy to find a BG NSX in good condition... I love mine and can't stand the thought of something happening to her! :mad: lol