Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?

Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday? When I ask somone if they use thier nsx as a daily driver they look at me like I am crazy. lol
I would never pay alot for something that I can't use all the time. Ofcourse if its raining real hard or if you need more room for passengers, don't want other people to scratch it, etc. But EVERYONE here knew before buying this car that these problems can arise and at that time I decided I can afford to take these chances meaning I can buy this car. Why would you buy something you can't fully use or are scared to lose? Its just a car and it doesnt cost over 50K (most of our nsx's) Just wondering how other feel about this. Lot of nsx owner are so anal about thier cars its so funny to person like me to see.

I use to drive my car every day but driving a sports car as low as the nsx every day getting annoying and stressful. I love just being able jump in my truck, go anywhere, hit a curb, no biggie. park wherever i want and I dont have to constantly worry about my car. I love my car, but after having it over the years and driving it all the time I got spoiled. I use to dread having to drive it every day, now I look forward to driving it when I want to.
Everyone who purchased an early NSX paid over $100k according to Acura.
Unless you're talking about inflation-adjusted dollars, I think that's a little exaggerated. MSRP was $63k for 1991. I know people paid ~$20k over that to get an early one (like original owner of mine). I've never heard of (much less seen invoice as evidence of) people paying $40k over MSRP.
I don't drive mine daily because it's an '05. It was one of the final ones made and it is only one of three in my color combo. This may be a silly reason, but it's my reason. I don't feel like I enjoy it any less by not driving it every day. If it was a car readily available to replace, it probably wouldn't matter too much.
How many NSX's have been sold. That's how many have paid that much. lol.
AKA, everyone who bought their NSX new...

I have the window sticker for mine. It was $89,400 if I remember right. With taxes thats $94,000. Add in all the freight, and misc charges, and it's just under $100,000.

Everyone who purchased an early NSX paid over $100k according to Acura.

I don't drive mine daily because I want to preserve it and stop and go traffic is no justice to the car. Further more finding end unit parking to avoid dings and dents is bad enough and living in DC/Metro area some of the worst drivers on planet earth hence the high insurance rates for this region compared eleswhere in USA.

Yes it has dual purpose street/track, honestly it really belongs on the track, maybe if I buy a rough example then I will feel comfortable to track that one.

Unless you're talking about inflation-adjusted dollars, I think that's a little exaggerated. MSRP was $63k for 1991. I know people paid ~$20k over that to get an early one (like original owner of mine). I've never heard of (much less seen invoice as evidence of) people paying $40k over MSRP.

C'mon I don't mean what you have put into it or what the original owner paid for it. I have the window sticker and bill of sale from the first owner also showing 89k but that was in 1991. We are in 2008, most people here don't have 2002 and up nsx, thus most people didn't pay the crazy sticker price. I am the second owner and I have a good 10K plus on mine and more to go. Like I said most of us paid under $50k for thier own. I am not saying everyone should drive thiers everyday to enjoy it but as much as they can and not worry about it its JUST A CAR.
LOL, every nsx fan wishes that a brand new NSX should cost less than stick price. If nsx costs same as bmw M3, our beautiful exotic NSX will not be rare anymore. :biggrin:
buying a 290 HP car that cost almost 100K is kinda crazy. i drive my nsx to school every day, but i worry about some idiots being jealous on my nsx, and make some scratches on purpose to my beautiful car. this has happened on my previous modified prelude.
a faggot must be mad at it, and he made a freaking long scratch on my right door. it even cross the front fender. i was totally in fury when i saw it. i really want to give him a headshot if let me know who did it.
paying an extra amount of money over MSRP sounds stupid. it only happens when some hot cars just come out. back in 2006 i guess. the new civic just came out. i went to honda deal with my friend to get a baisc model. and we asking the price of SI. they told us that it's around 23000. probably 2000 more than stick price.
anyway, it depends. if u can wait a long period until the car being announced a few yrs, u may find a good deal. for example, if u decide that u gonna buy the upcoming GTR, u may pay extra over MSRP.
Unless you're talking about inflation-adjusted dollars, I think that's a little exaggerated. MSRP was $63k for 1991. I know people paid ~$20k over that to get an early one (like original owner of mine). I've never heard of (much less seen invoice as evidence of) people paying $40k over MSRP.

I don't know about the early models. I was talking about NA2 cars.

2000 NSX:
MSRP: $84,000-88,000

2005 NSX:
MSRP: $89,000-89,000

I don't know why the 2000's are listed as cheaper than what my 1997 cost. Did Honda freeze or lower the price for a few years?

I am not saying everyone should drive thiers everyday to enjoy it but as much as they can and not worry about it its JUST A CAR.

I agree. I put 20,000 miles a year on mine.
But realize, compared to Ferrari and Lambo owners, NSX owners are FAR FAR better about this. You will NEVER see a Ferrari will 300,000 miles on it.

paying an extra amount of money over MSRP sounds stupid.
Just depends on how much you need the money I guess.
A lot of people just don't care about a few thousand bucks.

buying a 290 HP car that cost almost 100K is kinda crazy.
No, crazy is buying a 500hp car for $180,000 that cost $2.90 in maintance per mile to drive.
Multiply that by 20,000 miles and see how "crazy" that is. The NSX is quite sane.
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I drive my beauty once in a while...and I like it that way...its like opening a present...I love the sheer beauty of the car...but I see her in the light of a Lamborghini or a Ferrari...it commands attention...and I only take her to places that I feel confident in...I always take her on the highway...but a few Lamborghinis got out of hand in Calgary - and now the police are always looking for us! :eek: It may also be my age...I am 45 and I am much more relaxed with how I see the world and my material possessions.

My turn to chime in as one whose NSX is a daily driver.

I drive mine everyday and just about everywhere I go - work, to the shops, food runs, groceries, Costco. Rain or shine - even through last week's deluge. I don't think I have to guts though to take her out if it snowed or iced here in the SF bay area, nor will I brave any severe flooding, but I'll continue to try and drive mine daily.

I average 20,000 miles/year and hope to hit 100,000 during my time of ownership. For me, life's too short to let my passion sit around unused. I'm just not a garage-queen or even weekend-driving kind of guy. Much admiration to all of you who show more restraint, if not respect for their NSXs - you'll certainly retain more resale value than my reckless butt ever will.
Unless you're talking about inflation-adjusted dollars, I think that's a little exaggerated. MSRP was $63k for 1991. I know people paid ~$20k over that to get an early one (like original owner of mine). I've never heard of (much less seen invoice as evidence of) people paying $40k over MSRP.

Acura gave this information Mine sold over $100k. The ones sold over seas UK/Japan also sold over MSRP. Last NSX sold in the UK it was about £ 65K or around $ 130.000 USD! Maybe your NSX was sold in a small town where demand was not as much.

a ferriar or lambo can cost $2-5 per mile which is crazy. those cars never have good quality. they may build that on purpose in order to rip those owners off.
if any of us buy a car over 250k, we will expect a very high quality within 150k miles ( maybe better than NSX :biggrin: ).
otherwise, we paying for a piece of crap ( no matter how beautiful or fast it is)
i try and drive mine around everyday.

the only problem with mine is...

well there are a few problems.

its too loud.
its too flashy.
cops pull me over to check out my car.
i get too excited and get too many tickets.
the clutch is 6 puck and hard to drive.
ride is stiff due to JIC MAGIC 2.
its stressful to drive and park since i feel like everyone is going to hit my car.
any stock evo and take me and it always leaves me wanting somthing faster.
gas milage sucks.

its so much easier to just drive my beater civic.:wink:

hey when i do take it out, i feel like a million bucks.

Another problem, Rob, is your license plates are 2-1/2 years out of date!

I should be out in LA in February (not in the NSX this time -- I'll stop by.

Rob did my timing belt/wp a/c compressor and a bunch of other stuff in September. Good Job. Have you ever had anyone else come so far for service?
I don't daily drive mine because of 3 reasons:

1. The horrible drivers on the roads in Dubai.
2. Work provides me with company truck, insurance, etc.
3. I want her to last for a long while until I can afford a second one

That being said everyday I try and get her out for some exercise to the Mall, Golf Course, etc. So in a way she is daily driven but not from home to work, work to home.

Being 31 years old I figure I want to keep the car until I'm old and grey so i'm trying to keep the mileage down. But I'm in the process of setting up another savings schedule to get myself an Imola Orange (hopefully by the time I return back to Canada - then I'll have a garage queen and a daily driver).

Its scary to think that there aren't many of these cars around anymore...more than the usual sportscar car but still...
Some generalized reasons might not have been mentioned:

-It is not an automatic
-There are other fun cars to drive. NSX is not the only fun sports car out there. Owning just one sports car is boring.
-Level of enthusiasm is different
-Level of attention to detail is different
-People are simply different
-Some are just meticulous and find enjoyment in being meticulous

In my case and my .02cent:
-When I am not in sport mode/mood, I prefer driving something else. I just want something that is super comfortable, relaxing, and gets the job done, plenty of cars serve the daily driver duty better than nsx

-Purchasing merely just an NSX is easy, finding the perfect NSX to someone's liking is the hard part. I am definitely not down to do it again, very time consuming. It is not something everyone can relate.

-Not the type of person who value things merely by monetary value. Sentimental value>montary value. Money is easy to make, build the car to your liking and meet the level of standard that is acceptable for the owner is really hard, sometimes takes teamwork. Time invested can not be replaced with money, you can't buy time with money.

-Time, effort, wait, hassle invested into any project can not be valued by dollar amount. You mentioned the cost of buying the car. Many NSX owners spent more than cost of car on mods, sometimes significantly more. I witness many nsx owner's built the first hand. It is a lot of hard work man.

-When I daily drove it for half year, it was miserable

-It gives out wrong impression, some will perceive you differently good and bad

-I will never sell the my NSX, keeping it clean for next owner doesn't apply here. I gladly do so if that is the case.

-I perfer looking at garage queen than a garage eye sore:tongue:

Lot of nsx owner are so anal about thier cars its so funny to person like me to see.
The NSX owners who are meticulous are merely minding their own business. Just matter of personal freedom. No harm, no foul.

When I dropped off my GT-one V5.1 exhaust for installation yesterday afternoon, the shop employee told me to just place it on the ground and told me it will get scratched up anyway. My exhaust was out of box and some portions were exposed unprotected. Merely place it on the ground would had guarantee scratches. Sure it is just an exhaust, a few scratches wouldn't hurt. These are scratches that however can easily be avoided merely by taking additional 15 seconds to place a shop towel on the ground.

I told him in most friendly tone possible with a smile. "I like keep things clean", he took it wrong and got all bent out of shape. I wasn't bothering him, he wasn't the one doing the work. I merely placed it down carefully on the ground, doing my own business. I guess that was an eye sore for him. Normally he doesn't act like that, so I assume he must just had a bad day.

Not respecting customer's freedom wasn't cool. When he saw the condition of my old exhaust that have been on my NSX for 2~3 years, his jaw dropped. I wasn't kidding when I said there will be no scratches.

NSXTed happen to be at the shop and asked me if I want to sell my old exhaust. I ended up selling it to him right on the spot, he had to leave early and asked me to leave the exhaust at the shop. When the old exhaust came off, I placed a towel on the ground, I didn't even do that for my own new exhaust. I did not have cleaning/polishing supply with me, so all I could do was clean it with towel and make sure it is well protected, so it doesn't get scratched up easily. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to do extra in life, especially if it is for someone else.


The shop owner Sonny were quite careful and bent his back for me. I greatly appreciate his kindness.
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I work in ATlanta GA, where pot holes-----are like black Holes.....Also i car pool....
Because I don't drive every day.

I work from a home office alot and go into a traditional office occasionally. There are times when I don't drive for two days straight (no need to commute and no errands to run).
I drive the 05 daily. Snow, rain, whatever....just be careful and make sure your tires are good. I've put on 4k in 5 months:biggrin:
It's the Worry factor also and what you classify as a daily driver.

Everyday commuting with some rush hour mixed in and all the fools, Not worth it.
Alot of wear and tear and dodging trucks.


Agreed! I don't drive it everyday because I have a pickup truck for that. I mean I still drive my NSX. I put 5,000 miles on it this summer. Is that too little?