NSX Prime Cribs

Like I said in a post before I have a 28k evo and a 150k house, don't need anymore right now. Keep working the market man and getting better then when people show you therere 800k house you can think in the back of your mind "I can have that if I want it" but then do you really need it or want it? I think it's great having enough cash to buy a enzo any day of the week but I am too damn conservitive to do that. Me and my wife are fine in the house we live in do you REALLY need that much room???

steveny said:
I thought I was doing quite well until this thread.:D This really puts things in perspective about how different the world and the lives of others are. It is very troubling for me to think how effortless life is for some and how laboring life can be for others. The sun shines on only some.:(

I am not complaining, just thinking back about how long and hard the road has been to here, and no matter how much effort I put in the road would never lead to their. But my here is someone else's their.
Hey Len, is that Soulard? Had a buddy who rehabbed a house there---his wife was very cool with the whole 'weekender' process. Took them a couple of years doing it that way but turned out Very nice.

Tom, you should put some interior photos up---you have a really nice custom interior. Oh yeah, some shots of your lit basketball court too.:D
For those wondering about the whole huge house thing, there are a lot of people who have 40% or more of their gross income tied up in a large house. You just never can tell. Back in the early 90's my cousin did appraising in Chicago. He went into a lot of really nice big expensive homes that were poorly, barely furnished. To each their own.

I see a lot of loans where the people have 3k plus mortgage payments and 1k in disposable income. That would drive me crazy, but it seems to work for them.

Then there are people like me who have 40% of their income tied up in cars (just kidding).:D
huckster said:
Hey Len, is that Soulard? Had a buddy who rehabbed a house there---his wife was very cool with the whole 'weekender' process. Took them a couple of years doing it that way but turned out Very nice.

Tom, you should put some interior photos up---you have a really nice custom interior. Oh yeah, some shots of your lit basketball court too.:D

Close Huckster, Soulard is pretty much full blown now, As your buddy and his wife could tell you, you can't find a shell down there now for less than 150k and you still would need to rehab it.

I am actually doing this one in Old North St. Louis, a Few blocks from The dome. It has doubled in price over the last year.
Rehabbing downtown is pretty popular right now. Some of the places downtown have tipped into the 1mil mark.

We got lucky with a few buildings that were not listed for sale.
It is fun, but very tedious. I am looking forward to finishing.
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WOW!! Yeah, they moved out about 4yrs ago--relo'd to chicago. Im glad to hear that those beautiful old homes are all getting rehabbed. Back in the mid 90's, it was touch and go whether those neighborhoods were really going to take off or not.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Like I said in a post before I have a 28k evo and a 150k house, don't need anymore right now. Keep working the market man and getting better then when people show you therere 800k house you can think in the back of your mind "I can have that if I want it" but then do you really need it or want it? I think it's great having enough cash to buy a enzo any day of the week but I am too damn conservitive to do that. Me and my wife are fine in the house we live in do you REALLY need that much room???
I agree from a practicality standpoint--and I am quite content in my modest home right now. However, from an investment point of view, the housing market is going crazy around here and it's hard to refrain from jumping in. I know some folks are not too keen on being landlords, so the only way for them to cash in on this boom is to upgrade.

My mom just sent me this article about the hyperactive real estate market in Vegas, where housing prices have gone up almost $200k in a three-week period in one neighborhood alone! :eek: It's not quite that bad in Phoenix yet, but a coworker bought his 2400 sqft. home for $225k last August and now the same house is going for $284k. It's also no longer uncommon for builders to hold lotteries for lots, which was unheard of when I bought my home.

I just hope the housing bubble doesn't burst, if there is one..
My house at The University of Dayton "Ghetto"


A lovely place where pretty much all the recepticals are run into one breaker.

Our house was built in 1889and leans (all the doors in the house either open or close depending upon direction of opening.)

The house has no insulation.

The roof is fallin in on itself over the porch

About 90% of the houses are University owned and are all packed together why it is called the Ghetto. A landlord was offering a 2 houses that were for sale 1.3million... Just waiting to rape the university.
Kroger said:
My house at The University of Dayton "Ghetto"


A lovely place where pretty much all the recepticals are run into one breaker.

Our house was built in 1889and leans (all the doors in the house either open or close depending upon direction of opening.)

The house has no insulation.

The roof is fallin in on itself over the porch

About 90% of the houses are University owned and are all packed together why it is called the Ghetto. A landlord was offering a 2 houses that were for sale 1.3million... Just waiting to rape the university.

At least you have a nice GTS to look at when you leave every day. :p
New home purchase

Well, as I'm excited about our move to TX this summer, we signed the papers on our new home this week:



Lastly, here was the deal sealer........the detached garage


Look forward to seeing some of the NSXSC group in July.

Best regards,

Damn Ben, now I know your the man, Geesh, I should have become a surgeon.;) I like that a lot.
I don't have any pictures of my everyday home, but I will be taking some very soon. I am redoing my garage and will be taking a bunch of pics.

Here is my place up North on Lake Michigan though:


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Ben- I love the style of the home. The garage is great too. It looks like a very comfortable home. It's the kind of home I picture an reclusive auto enthisiast would own ("leave me alone to work on my cars" kinda person). Nice you have a pool to jump in after a hard day of driving...

Carguy- Where on Lake MI is that? Are you anywhere up near me? Beautiful home...
PHOEN$X said:
I agree from a practicality standpoint--and I am quite content in my modest home right now. However, from an investment point of view, the housing market is going crazy around here and it's hard to refrain from jumping in. I know some folks are not too keen on being landlords, so the only way for them to cash in on this boom is to upgrade.

My mom just sent me this article about the hyperactive real estate market in Vegas, where housing prices have gone up almost $200k in a three-week period in one neighborhood alone! :eek: It's not quite that bad in Phoenix yet, but a coworker bought his 2400 sqft. home for $225k last August and now the same house is going for $284k. It's also no longer uncommon for builders to hold lotteries for lots, which was unheard of when I bought my home.

I just hope the housing bubble doesn't burst, if there is one..

Real estate is nuts around here too. A month or so ago I put in a low ball offer on a lake house to fix up this summer. I figured the offer was a shot in the dark. The offer was accepted. Since then I have sold the house for three times what I paid for it. I do have to put a roof on the house but that is negligible compared to the profit I will make. I have not even closed with the person who sold the house to me and I already have it sold at a ridiculous profit to someone else, almost unbelievable.
poet_x said:
Ben- I love the style of the home. The garage is great too. It looks like a very comfortable home. It's the kind of home I picture an reclusive auto enthisiast would own ("leave me alone to work on my cars" kinda person). Nice you have a pool to jump in after a hard day of driving...

Carguy- Where on Lake MI is that? Are you anywhere up near me? Beautiful home...

Thanks! I am located on the other side of Lake Michigan in the U.P. about 50 west of the Mackinac bridge. I am south of a town called Engadine.
Here is my condo. Not mine, my parents but I live here.


My favorite part mainly b/c of the contents.;)

Joel said:

That's a condo? Looks like a house to me. :confused:

Yeah I know. It is great having a detached condo. It looks and feels like a house but the perks of a condo. But I still do all the landscaping except mowing the grass. I still like to shovel the snow b/c I like to be outside when I can.:)
To me a house is NOT a investment, yes you can sell it for more but to buy the same house does it not cost just as much? Everyone's house goes up not just yours! Something that is a investment is something that pays ME every month not me having to pay for it. I like money coming in not going out every month.

PHOEN$X said:
I agree from a practicality standpoint--and I am quite content in my modest home right now. However, from an investment point of view, the housing market is going crazy around here and it's hard to refrain from jumping in. I know some folks are not too keen on being landlords, so the only way for them to cash in on this boom is to upgrade.

My mom just sent me this article about the hyperactive real estate market in Vegas, where housing prices have gone up almost $200k in a three-week period in one neighborhood alone! :eek: It's not quite that bad in Phoenix yet, but a coworker bought his 2400 sqft. home for $225k last August and now the same house is going for $284k. It's also no longer uncommon for builders to hold lotteries for lots, which was unheard of when I bought my home.

I just hope the housing bubble doesn't burst, if there is one..
Ben.. wow.. nice house.

The detached garage is sweet.. unless it rains.. then it would suck..