NSX Prime Cribs

poet_x said:
actually i think I'd like that. I enjoy houses that have the things I want in different areas. Makes me feel like I'm really using all of a house.

I guess that's just me...
I know where you're coming from. I have a bit of that view myself for other parts of the house, but the bathroom oughta be right off the bedroom IMO. Nevertheless, that's a majestic house. Looks like ~4900 ft2, not incl. garages.
CokerRat said:
Nice... except you have to walk 300 feet to take a leak in the morning. :)

or you can option in the door that lend to your patio.....:D

theirs nothing like waking up walking out side and well you know...........i know my dog loves it.........:)
CokerRat said:
Looks like ~4900 ft2, not incl. garages.
Close, it's 5125 sq. feet.


Here are a couple pics of my future crib. :D


Only $600,000. You should buy two so relatives will have somewhere to stay when the visit :)
Thats beautiful Phoen$x. I love the house. I guess if i ever get to Az. , you'll have room to put me up. LOL . Always wanted to get out to the west. Never been to the left coast. Need to make time and just do it.
NetViper said:
Only $600,000. You should buy two so relatives will have somewhere to stay when the visit :)
That's a damn good price for that house. In my area, the duplexes are going for around that price. A 4000 sq ft single family is in the $850K+ area.
donwon said:
Where would you wash your car at though?
Actually I would have to modify the plan slightly for my taste. I'd put the master suite downstairs (don't care much for climbing stairs, BTDT), and build a separate RV garage/workshop/covered car wash area. Ok, dream over. :D
that house is sweet and $600k is cheap...at least by Cali standards.
That's a neat house! Wish I could see a bigger version of the floorplan though, can't quite make out what all the rooms are. Know what the spaces between (and above) the garages are designed for?
MsKadyB said:
Yeah, DUPLEXES go for $300,000 or more here. A house like that would be in the millions.
A new sub-division of Duplexes located about 2 miles from my house are going for $500-600K :eek:
O-Ace said:
A new sub-division of Duplexes located about 2 miles from my house are going for $500-600K :eek:

How do people afford to live in these places?? Are these duplexes made of gold?
donwon said:
The space space between the garages is a Porte Cochere and can be used as a motorcourt a well. The area above the garage are is called a "sky room".

You can see full size Here
Thanks for the info, Don. That is a cool house, I love how the Porte Cochere is flanked on both sides by garages, it's the perfect place to wash cars. You definitely need a DEEP lot to build that house. :)
NetViper said:
How do people afford to live in these places??
That's what I'd like to know too. Unless they're getting 1000 year mortgages, the monthly payment would be way out of reach for the average joe. :eek:
NetViper said:
How do people afford to live in these places??

600k for 30 years @ 5.09=$3254 per month
..............20 years @ 5.09=$3989 per month.

That is a lot of house for ~4k a month. Now the question is does anyone really need a house that big?

BTW the payment is much easier when others are making it for you. i.e employees and tenants.
If your really wondering what a place like that would cost. I'm a real estate appraiser and you couldn't touch that design for anything less than $175 to $200 a square foot. "Donwons plan" That is the kind of place that requires top of the line quality and finish work. That cost will not include the land to put it on. Based on the drawing that monster prob. has 150' of frontage. In order for the home to look proportioned correctly on a lot would take at least 3 to 5 acres. We can all do the math on this!!!
