NSX Prime Cribs

Okay, these are some of the high-end properties in Phoenix (with prices to match! :eek: ). The site is in flash, unfortunately. Click on "View all properties" once the page loads, after the intro.



I wanna see how people live in different parts of the country/world. C'mon NSXers, post your pics/links! :)
PHOEN$X said:
I wanna see how people live in different parts of the country/world. C'mon NSXers, post your pics/links! :)

I thought I was doing quite well until this thread.:D This really puts things in perspective about how different the world and the lives of others are. It is very troubling for me to think how effortless life is for some and how laboring life can be for others. The sun shines on only some.:(

I am not complaining, just thinking back about how long and hard the road has been to here, and no matter how much effort I put in the road would never lead to their. But my here is someone else's their.
dnyhof said:
What happened to people showing pics of THEIR houses?

Thread got off-topic (such is the nature of of the Off-Topic Forum i guess)...

I'd post pics, but I'm in the process of buying a home. I will be happy to post pics when I seal the deal on whichever home my wife and I choose...
Ok I know mine is probably trailer trash compared to others, but I am very happy with it. 1000 sq ft garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath as well as an office upstairs and working on the 4th bedroom as well as the 4th bath, toyroom, and TV room down stairs. All clear maple throughout. I have a huge deep lot, with another driveway and room for a shop off of the road in my backyard. I had it custom built my cost $183,000 worth $200,000 the day I moved in due to some sweat equity.


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T Bell said:
1000 sq ft garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath as well as an office upstairs and working on the 4th bedroom as well as the 4th bath, toyroom, and TV room down stairs.
Very nice, Tom! I like the simple and clean lines, of course it's all about the garage. :) Not a fan of grass, but I guess I'm just a desert rat at heart.

I take it you have a basement? It doesn't look like a two story house; basements are not very common in Phoenix - just an fyi.

I just found the MD equivalent of the floorplan you posted by Toll Brothers. 600k is a steal. It called the malvern here and starts at..... Take a deep breath ....$1,780,975. Personally, I'd go for something in Biltmore at that price range.

Heres the link
T Bell said:
Ok I know mine is probably trailer trash compared to others, but I am very happy with it. 1000 sq ft garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath as well as an office upstairs and working on the 4th bedroom as well as the 4th bath, toyroom, and TV room down stairs. All clear maple throughout. I have a huge deep lot, with another driveway and room for a shop off of the road in my backyard. I had it custom built my cost $183,000 worth $200,000 the day I moved in due to some sweat equity.

very nice. thanks for posting. that's very close in size to what i am looking at. I need 2-3 car garage, 3 bed, 2-3 bath, an office and/or study (to get away w/o having to leave the house), and a nice family room for, well, family time I guess.

Kitchen would be nice too... ;)
All I've got on my computer is my garage so far..... :(
Mines a little dinky compared to others as well. two bedroom bath and a half on main, unfinished basement. But the fun part was picking everything out how I wanted it since my dad and I built it (Ok it was more him than me, but still I made the burgerking runs so I helped out somehow). :D


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Ok to clarify the above, I'm not expert at photo foolin' around, hence the chunk of white in the pic.
I am rehabbing a 120 year old Home.
3 floors and a full basement. This was a 4 family that is being converted to a single family. About 4500 sq.ft. total.
National Historic district, so it returns 25% back in tax credits.
My brother is doing the same with a house right across the street.
It's pretty much the twin to this one.


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Akira said:

I've been to this house before - it is in Lake Dallas, which is a little pit of a town between Denton (where I went to school) and Dallas. The owner is an ex CEO of a telecom company, and this house is for just him and his wife.

By the way, they are moving to a smaller 12,000 sq ft house across the street that they had built to live in while this house was being finished. I believe the houses are connected by a series of underground tunnels (although that might be gossip).

This house has been for sale forever - if you are looking to spend $45 mil, Lake Dallas might fall behind Lake Como, no? :D
PHOEN$X said:
Very nice, Tom! I like the simple and clean lines, of course it's all about the garage. :) Not a fan of grass, but I guess I'm just a desert rat at heart.

I take it you have a basement? It doesn't look like a two story house; basements are not very common in Phoenix - just an fyi.

The pic was taken months after we moved in, the yard looks boring. It will look much better this year when all of the landscaping goes in! PS at least we can walk on our grass barefoot!!! :D
PHOEN$X said:
BTW, I think you get a lot for your $$$ here...in what other major metropolitan city can you find a 5bed/3bath, 3000+ sqft. home w/4-car garage for under $340k?
Atlanta, for one. I have a 5 bed/3 bath, 3700+ heated sqft + full basement w/ 2-car garage (:() for $250k, built in 2001. Not to say that there aren't other places that don't have homes in this range, but just thought I'd give an example.
dnyhof said:
All I've got on my computer is my garage so far.....
Very nice, dynhof! I love how you "converted" that 2-stall garage into a 3-car one! :D

Here's a pic of my humble abode...after a monsoon storm took out my poor Palo Verde! :eek:

I just plan on grabbing hold of some land here in the next year or two and building a nice house for my needs (3,500 sq. feet) and a garage big enough to hold 12 cars and a lift. My fiance is all for it. Happy days are ahead.... :)
Although my current home is somewhat more humble than this, I am making preparations to purchase this one.

Note the 3-car garage. There will be another 3-car garage under this one to be entered from the rear (walk-out basement level).

<img src="http://home.kc.rr.com/mbartlett4/Images/Next home.jpg">

I put a deposit down on the lot yesterday and will be talking with the builder about the additional garage space (and a few other changes) today.
Damn, Mark! :eek:

That is one sweet house, I had no idea anything like that existed there (with the stucco finish & tile roof)!

Would you consider adopting me? :D
Hey Kelvin,

It is in a developement of mediteranian style homes; so, the look is standard for the area. Once mine is actually built, I will post more pics.
PHOEN$X said:

I had no idea anything like that existed there (with the stucco finish & tile roof)!

Thats the way we like it up here in the KC area, one of the more affordable metro places to like in the country.

Hey Mark,

I wish I would have put a basement under my garage as well. Didn't and now I'm kicking myself.

Wisdom of real estate appraiser says........ask builder if you can carry the construction loan yourself. That way you get the tax break, he's going to pass his const.loan int/costs in your costs anyway.

Nice place, I know the subdivision.
Re: .

Tom Larkins said:
I wish I know how to resize pics larger and keep them under 100kbytes with decent quality.
That's a nice looking house, Tom. If you want help with the image resizing, feel free to send me a PM.