Insane markups on local Craigslist ads

But will you still come back here and post about how NSX values have shot up $15k in the last year, or have values miraculously fallen in the last couple months now that you will be looking to buy again?[/QUOTE]

Why would i leave? This forum is great w/many wonderful primers, not all (lol)..
My guess is you must of fallen off your bed this morning and BUMP your head and can't think straight ! "The vehicle you are now taking to auction was one of the few I was considering buying. But once you purchased the car from a primer and tried to flip it here as you did, I quickly scratched that car off the list..... " You scratched this car off ur list cuz i bought it from another primer... I bet the real reason is price not whom or where i bought it. If i listed this car for $40k - my conclusion you will hv no problem buying it. Buddy, i have sold so many cars in my days and came across buyers like yourself everyday and i could care less what you think is right or wrong. Have a nice day!

Well this certainly isn't going to help you with any new sales attempts on Prime. He stated his honest opinion about why he chose not to do business with you and I would have thought you would take that constructive criticism and rethink your touts here on Prime.

And I, too, agree you have a right to do what you do. That is all part of the free marketplace and a dealer's "job" is just like the stock market - buy low and sell high.

However, just like the stock market I analogized your various posts as a "pump and dump". You engaged in a pattern of posts whereby you talked about market prices increasing considerably and how cars such as your '04 are worth the increases for various reasons. You even went so far as to bump your prime listing from 69kish to 75kish and then on autotrader you went to 78kish - all while shilling for a perceived overall marketplace price rise. We have seen that you then lowered it again to 65k before going to auction.

I admit that I was not a fan of your sales technique but I do support your right to utilize that method. That is your business.

My "business" is looking after our little NSX community and making sure our enthusiast members and member wannabes are treated fairly here in Primeland. And if that means I become vocal at times when I disagree with someone, then take it for what it's worth but also take note that demonstrating a condescending attitude toward our members (newbie and old timer alike) isn't going to help "your business".

Have a nice day!
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I have to agree with Squischer. Nothing against your choice of profession and you seem very good at it, so hats off. But you do seem to predominantly post from a "professional" slant that sides with falsely inflating the prices of these vehicles. Just some examples from this thread:

"Low miles examples are getting rare by the day and they command top dollars if it is all original with service records."
Tabasco probably sitting back just about now thinking if he should up his asking!!"
All of a sudden I think my 04 is worth north of $85k. :smile:"
"Here's 2005 for $90k"
"IMO, all original no mod low mileage with documented service records should command premium dollars."

etc, etc, running throughout the thread...

We all see it, most of us just can't be bothered taking the time to point it out

Originally Posted by RYU
or try to be like the Du Sportscar guy and use nsxprime to try to artificially raise these prices with hype :wink:

RSO: And here I was thinking I was the only one who noticed this......

Its a free country and you can do as you choose, but it does strike some of us as being goofy. Then again, I feel most car salesman are a bit goofy which is why I buy from private sellers (no offense)

I price my cars base on book value not "prime book value" You should write a letter to KBB and tell them their numbers are off. My advertised price is average based on what everyone else is asking. I find it funny how some of you guys say i inflate my numbers..... I can see why i get a little heat here cuz i bought it off here and advertised here.... Some members disagree and others don't really care as i have sold a few cars to members here who knew i bought it from another primer. If i paid $5k for this wonderful machine and turn around the next day and relist it for $25k - would you buy?? I bet you would. :)

however, just like the stock market i analogized your various posts as a "pump and dump". You engaged in a pattern of posts whereby you talked about market prices increasing considerably and how cars such as your '04 are worth the increases for various reasons. You even went so far as to bump your prime listing from 69kish to 75kish and then on autotrader you went to 78kish - all while shilling for a perceived overall marketplace price rise. We have seen that you then lowered it again to 65k before going to auction.

Have a nice day!
My guess is you must of fallen off your bed this morning and BUMP your head and can't think straight ! "The vehicle you are now taking to auction was one of the few I was considering buying. But once you purchased the car from a primer and tried to flip it here as you did, I quickly scratched that car off the list..... " You scratched this car off ur list cuz i bought it from another primer... I bet the real reason is price not whom or where i bought it. If i listed this car for $40k - my conclusion you will hv no problem buying it. Buddy, i have sold so many cars in my days and came across buyers like yourself everyday and i could care less what you think is right or wrong. Have a nice day!

Uggggggh. Enough already. How about we agree to disagree about business principles, Buddy?? Best of luck to you in all of your business ventures.....

As far as your proposed "bet", I accept. How about we do this: Let's let RSO, since this is his house, moderate it. We both send him, let's say $10k, and once he receives our money I will allow him to see my financials and let him decide if price was indeed the issue. And Bob, will 20% of my winnings be enough to cover your time for dealing with this nonsense spewing from Du?:)
If i paid $5k for this wonderful machine and turn around the next day and relist it for $25k - would you buy?? I bet you would. :)
Actually, I wouldn't. If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k. I fully acknowledge you have a much better shot at finding and obtaining a great deal than I due to your professional experience, but not that much greater of a deal.

To use real numbers, if you bought a car for $60k and tried to sell it to me for $80k, I wouldn't buy it because I figure I could probably find a similar car for about $65k (give or take $777 dollars ;) ).
Strangely this thread has ZERO comment from members who are dealer's... Any chances they are on the same song sheet as I..? C'mon guys who are dealer's - jump on this wagon and enlighten your thought :)
Du SPorts Cars, yes capitalism is great but it does have its ugly side and most car and mattress dealers are not exactly the prettiest.:smile:

The law of supply and demand is often manipulated by car dealers when trading "collectibles" I have seen it very often especially in the F community where I have been since 1978.
Eventually sellers and buyers of F classics woke up to it and have cultivated a new space where sellers and buyers are more encouraged to deal directly.
Another recent example is the GTR NOGTROC forum where people are encouraged to use a new "sticky" thread where would-be buyers list their requiremenst and $ capability. This is separate from the "wanted" forums where people typically do not engage in conversations. A lot of the used GTR's are changing hands that way and dealers have had to become much more realistic and honest dealing with the community.

If indeed the NSX is becoming a "collectible" we should make the effort to create a better place on this forum where buyers and sellers communicate. After all a would-be buyer should and often would always come here first.
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Actually, I wouldn't. If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k. I fully acknowledge you have a much better shot at finding and obtaining a great deal than I due to your professional experience, but not that much greater of a deal.

To use real numbers, if you bought a car for $60k and tried to sell it to me for $80k, I wouldn't buy it because I figure I could probably find a similar car for about $65k (give or take $777 dollars ;) ).

Lets get real people. All comes down to market value and wht everyone else is asking. People need to understand wht i paid has nothing to do with what i am asking. Ex, if i paid $100k for this car, should i be asking $102k or somewhere close to what the average going price is for an 04? You get what i am saying. By no means, my asking price is over inflated base on condition and service history. Trust me i have seen so many NSX's that seller claim is all original and they are not. Till you see my car you will agree w/my asking price. How many sellers do you know walk around a car they are selling with a paint meter w/potential buyer? Not too many!

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Actually, I wouldn't. If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k. I fully acknowledge you have a much better shot at finding and obtaining a great deal than I due to your professional experience, but not that much greater of a deal.

To use real numbers, if you bought a car for $60k and tried to sell it to me for $80k, I wouldn't buy it because I figure I could probably find a similar car for about $65k (give or take $777 dollars ;) ).

My example is very straight forward, i bought this car for $5k here on prime yesterday and relist it today for $25k and u are looking at the car right now and verified it is real. Are you saying you wont buy?,...
Strangely this thread has ZERO comment from members who are dealer's... Any chances they are on the same song sheet as I..? C'mon guys who are dealer's - jump on this wagon and enlighten your thought :)

SourceOne is a dealer I would do business with in a heartbeat. I think he has now "owned" 25 NSXs and buys them from members, fixes them - indeed, transforms and rejuvenates them - and then deals fairly with the community. And he has never tried a "pump and dump".

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Till you see my car you will agree w/my asking price...

And somehow no buyer has agreed wtih your asking price, whether it be 68k, 75k, 78k or 65k.....

Dealers can "ask" any amounts they want and if they catch a fish, then the tout paid off. As I have been pointing out, I still am not seeing the ridiculous price points being met with the buyers in the marketplace.
SourceOne is a dealer I would do business with in a heartbeat. I think he has now "owned" 25 NSXs and buys them from members, fixes them - indeed, transforms and rejuvenates them - and then deals fairly with the community. And he has never tried a "pump and dump".

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And somehow no buyer has agreed wtih your asking price, whether it be 68k, 75k, 78k or 65k.....

Dealers can "ask" any amounts they want and if they catch a fish, then the tout paid off. As I have been pointing out, I still am not seeing the ridiculous price points being met with the buyers in the marketplace.

Cars don't sell overnight. They all eventually will sell and someone will buy. FYI ..I had a buyer offer over $70k and financing fell through and a few other offers i reject....If my asking price is overpriced then there are more than a hand full out there over priced as well. We see 91-95 listed for sale here on prime for full KBB retail value and my asking dollar is well below KBB and overpriced?
Member this where I come in? ;)

But having dealt with both awful dealers (brother got used truck which ended up having different sized tires... to name one) and great private sellers (240SX owner knew exact [simple] problems, told me, and still priced it low), I really don't put much faith in any claims made. And with recent stories around here of dealers turning back odo's and such. I can't trust dealers over private sellers, especially for a premium.
My example is very straight forward, i bought this car for $5k here on prime yesterday and relist it today for $25k and u are looking at the car right now and verified it is real. Are you saying you wont buy?,...
I thought my answer was straight forward too. Will leave out the reasons this time though and focus on the straight forward part. No.
If my asking price is overpriced then there are more than a hand full out there over priced as well.

And, once again, we return to what has been my point all along..........

And, also once again, we highlight the title of this thread:

"Insane markups on local Craigslist ads "
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Very interesting on NO! You may say no but i have confidence there will be many suitors @ $25k and more. If you can buy 04 for $5k, i will be more than happy to give you profit regardless what you pay as long as i know i can make a profit at my end. i am more than happy to give you your $20k profit you're asking. Is like saying your home mkt value is $500k and investor bought identical model next door(2 lot down) from distress owner for $100k and relist it for $300k and you have the mean and extra cash sitting around and say "NO" cuz he's making a few bucks. lol. Too funny!!!!!!!!! You know how much starbucks make off you on a cup of coffee or a loaf of bread you buy at lucky's?
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Thing is, you didn't buy that car that's going to auction at 5k and tried to sell at 25k. You are using unrealistic numbers in a hypothetical question. Now if you can buy an nsx in good running condition for 5k and list it for 25k, sure potential buyers would jump on it like flies on shiet. Only if you can find one at 5k that didnt get beat to chit though.

Very interesting on NO! You may say no but i have confidence there will be many suitors @ $25k and more.
Member this where I come in? ;)

But having dealt with both awful dealers (brother got used truck which ended up having different sized tires... to name one) and great private sellers (240SX owner knew exact [simple] problems, told me, and still priced it low), I really don't put much faith in any claims made. And with recent stories around here of dealers turning back odo's and such. I can't trust dealers over private sellers, especially for a premium.

If you think private sellers are trust worthy you are greatly mistaken. I came across a 04 silverstone in LA i was planning on buying. Seller advertised here on prime is all original , guess what , whole left side has paint work and part of right side. Some panels were replaced. After i pointed it out he still did not update is ad. This particular car/ ad and vin is forever flagged for future prospective buyer. My point is your average joe don't see body work/paint work or issues like someone who has set of train eyes. So you know, I have seen cars go through PPI and not notice paint work.
If you think private sellers are trust worthy you are greatly mistaken. I came across a 04 silverstone in LA i was planning on buying. Seller advertised here on prime is all original , guess what , whole left side has paint work and part of right side. Some panels were replaced. After i pointed it out he still did not update is ad. This particular car/ ad and vin is forever flagged for future prospective buyer. My point is your average joe don't see body work/paint work or issues like someone who has set of train eyes. So you know, I have seen cars go through PPI and not notice paint work.

I am a technician, I inspect cars myself - the 240 had an accident in 1998, but the evidence was of a well-done repair. Then again, I also tend to buy cars that need work for a nice discount. I only bought the Jeep as a daily from a dealer I personally know.

I tried to reach you privately, but to no avail. Possibly due to my limited technological abilities???? Anyway, you made a couple of pretty strong personal statements there about me. I rarely post on the few forums I follow, and this is why. If you felt that I was attacking you personally, then I apologize. I will admit to being peaved when you purchased that vehicle from a primer (recall how it feels when you miss out an a deal??) and your ensuing tactics, which I to this minute do not like, and is why there was no way I was going to purchase it from you. But I did not - and do correct me if I am wrong - make any statements about you personally. Once again, I apologize if you felt that way or I came across that way. But for you to think that you are so smart and know me so well is quite pathetic. Thus my offer to take you up on YOUR proposed bet stands. If you want to make it $5k, so be it, but any less is not worth my time - or RSO's. Furthermore, as far as "doing business with people like me", feel free to contact Josh Bryan at and ask him what it was like to deal with "someone like me". I am certain he would tell you that he would welcome the opportunity.


Mike Lischh.
Thing is, you didn't buy that car that's going to auction at 5k and tried to sell at 25k. You are using unrealistic numbers in a hypothetical question. Now if you can buy an nsx in good running condition for 5k and list it for 25k, sure potential buyers would jump on it like flies on shiet. Only if you can find one at 5k that didnt get beat to chit though.

Thats my point to My_riddn. Asking price has nothing to do with wht i am asking. If car is priced right and ad is real and he say No on buying- i find this too funny. He may say no here but my guess in real life if he can buy 04 for $25k ,he will jump all over it (anyone would include you regardless wht i paid). Some of you guys here think is wrong to make a profit regardless i am making $100 or $10-$15k over what i paid. Profit is profit. Man i wish some of you guys know the in's and out of how to run a car dealership and how much profit in high end cars w/selling price north of $50k. IF ONLY YOU KNOW.

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No need to apologize. You said wht you need to say and i did the same. Just responding to your comment on "feel is wrong to advertise a car here since i bought it from here.... "
Since you seem to be puzzled by my answer, let me repeat what I wrote earlier that I don't think you read:

"If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k."
I would think that your question was answered when you decided to ship it off to auction.

ALl dealers ship cars to auction for many reason. Some b/c they have so many days they want to keep in inventory etc... And i have my reason. RSO, find me 04 in better condition w/25k miles with all records advertise for less... Do remember asking you the same not too long ago and zero reply from you. PLease send me a link to 1 owner full documented 04 advertised lower than mine. :)
Since you seem to be puzzled by my answer, let me repeat what I wrote earlier that I don't think you read:

"If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k."

Du means an NSX specifically....I think, but it makes his hypothetical a little silly.