Insane markups on local Craigslist ads

Since you seem to be puzzled by my answer, let me repeat what I wrote earlier that I don't think you read:

"If you were able to buy a vehicle for $5k, I suspect I could find a comparable vehicle for $7-8k."

Like i said, you may say no but many others will disagree w/not buying $25k. If this car is on ebay today for $25k buy now- it will be gone in seconds and i am sure you are the winning bidder lol

You can't just make up random numbers and pretend they have any connection to reality. *If* you could buy a NSX for $5k, then other people would be able to buy a NSX at a similar range and the market price would adjust accordingly. As such, $25k would NOT be the market price and you wouldn't be able to sell it at that.

You can't just make up random numbers and pretend they have any connection to reality. *If* you could buy a NSX for $5k, then other people would be able to buy a NSX at a similar range and the market price would adjust accordingly. As such, $25k would NOT be the market price and you wouldn't be able to sell it at that.

Not true... I may not be able to buy 04 for $5k. Dealers have access to buy cars at different level where as your everyday civilians can't so i have to disagree with you . In numbers /dollars wht i can buy vs wht you can buy is too different world. Most primers here follow this thread has Zero clue wht i paid, could be $60k or maybe $50k, anyone who is a dealer probably have an idea wht the true going value is for 04 nsx on wholesale end...
This should be familiar to you since you bought it......

I can also point to your own your own ad comparing your price drop on Prime compared with your autotrader listing for the same car but then would be getting a tad redundant......

I think you are missing something here. Please point out another car similar to mine listed anywhere for less than wht i am asking. Every car has re-con. Ex, brand new tires on it after purchase...You keep plaster original ad and remind everyone wht i paid or think i paid on this thread doesn't mean anything to me. :)
Most primers here follow this thread has Zero clue wht i paid, could be $60k or maybe $50k, anyone who is a dealer probably have an idea wht the true going value is for 04 nsx on wholesale end...

True, I am not a dealer. I'm just a lowly volunteer Marketplace Moderator in our little part of the interweb. And my day job isn't really relevant here except to the extent of providing legal represention to Manheim for 15 years, but what do I know......
If you hv access to mainheim then why would you ask me in previous thread wht this car would bring at mainheim? Mr RSO, please copy/paste every 04 sold through mainheim. You ever stood in lane at mainheim auction and bid on a unit? Everyday is different depend on who wants wht as a car goes through a lane. Someday may bring more than another. Like you said, wht do i know?... being in the car business over 25 years from sale end to finance to GM- only can 'PRETEND' i know what i am doing :)
You ever stood in lane at mainheim auction and bid on a unit? Everyday is different depend on who wants wht as a car goes through a lane.

Been there many times. Have seen many dealers run cars through after not getting their price and then unloading inventory through auction while waiting to pick up someone else's albatross hoping to make it up on the next shiny toy.

But I digress........

This whole thread now is becoming an excercise in futility since the bottom line is you bought a car at a fair price, tried to flip it while touting an overall market increase in value, didn't find a buyer, dropped your price and now you are moving on. Cost of doing business.

This thread is about "insane markups". Yours was included when you bumped your price $6-9k after not finding a buyer at the lower price, thinking somehow that you would attract a buyer with a higher price.

To me, at least, that is quantifiable evidence of "insanity" in the marketplace, thereby bringing this thread back on topic....
Been there many times. Have seen many dealers run cars through after not getting their price and then unloading inventory through auction while waiting to pick up someone else's albatross hoping to make it up on the next shiny toy.

But I digress........

This whole thread now is becoming an excercise in futility since the bottom line is you bought a car at a fair price, tried to flip it while touting an overall market increase in value, didn't find a buyer, dropped your price and now you are moving on. Cost of doing business.

This thread is about "insane markups". Yours was included when you bumped your price $6-9k after not finding a buyer at the lower price, thinking somehow that you would attract a buyer with a higher price.

To me, at least, that is quantifiable evidence of "insanity" in the marketplace, thereby bringing this thread back on topic....

Where's my ad you promised me? lol. You and i both know a similar car as mine advertised less cannot be found as of today. If there is i will bet you have a field day rub it in my face just about now :). Face it RSO, you and i both know i have a almost mint condition example and is not easy to find a comparable,one that is fully documented with low miles and all service up to date. Like i said and repeat once more, please forward an ad listed for sale for less. I am waiting with all eyes and ears open.

FYI, a few reason why not sold. Well, i have had more than a few offers here on prime at and over asking and back out of a deal cuz they came across you paster original ad -THANK YOU RSO. One of the member NSX1477 offer $65 and then $63. Not is not sold b/c no buyers. Not sold b/c of you. Thank you again
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fantasy land looks friggen awsome..........
I personally don't think anyone would give a rats arse, if you didn't repost on here for considerably more money than what it was advertised before by the previous owner. That's the part that rubs a lot of primers the wrong way. Did you do considerable maintenance to the car? Did you in fact do anything else to the car? If you did major service to it, then we would all see your asking prices. You have every right to do what you want, but don't get your nipples chafed because people are expressing their opinions, when in a very basic view, it seems like your either taking Primers for a bunch of morons, or else you're just taking a big dump on the NSX community. That's my .02
Here is what I have learned in the car business.... Not every deal, vehicle is the same. There are two ways to sell cars like these:

1. Do the normal games, increase price, decrease, etc.. Play the game like you would any other marquee.

2. Build a reputation providing great cars at great prices and move them quick.

I have been involved in buying and selling NSX's for 12 years now. I've owned 24 and #25 is going to be here this weekend hopefully. The key to buying and selling specialty cars ( in my opinion ) is doing it like #2.
These are such small market vehicles, so doing things like you did here is noticed and absolutely frowned upon by just about any person buying one of these. I buy and sell these due to my passion for the car and that the market is and will be strong on them. I buy them cheaper and needing work and put them through our shop, make them great and re-sell. Do I make money doing this? YES I don't do it to lose. But I also don't high gross or inflate pricing if I had it listed at a lower price. There were several times I could have pulled the ad and listed it for more and easily gotten it. For instance the white 00 that "Ric" bought from me. I sold that in a couple hours for a good price. I had offers on it for 3-4 days after he sent the deposit those offers were 3-5k higher than asking price. And that wasn't the only time that happened. the 02 I sold to "stormrider" is another example.

Dealer to dealer - the price increase I am reading about is what is hurting you here. Although I understand it I just would not do it in a small market such as nsx's F cars, etc.
NSX prices at auctions are climbing for sure.. But if you buy a car at a fair price pass that along at a fair price and don't do the sales game and you will sell a lot more here on prime. The cars I list here usually don't last more than a few days.. a couple have sold in hours.

Hope this helps and clears things up a little!

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I personally don't think anyone would give a rats arse, if you didn't repost on here for considerably more money than what it was advertised before by the previous owner. That's the part that rubs a lot of primers the wrong way. Did you do considerable maintenance to the car? Did you in fact do anything else to the car? If you did major service to it, then we would all see your asking prices. You have every right to do what you want, but don't get your nipples chafed because people are expressing their opinions, when in a very basic view, it seems like your either taking Primers for a bunch of morons, or else you're just taking a big dump on the NSX community. That's my .02

Dude, every car goes through dealer inventory has re-con and yes i replaced all tires ( go read my ad ) on updates on wht i did.You have no clue wht i paid to re-con. Go get yourself a license or and business license and i am sure you will come to sense that we have overhead and don't work for free. You go to work and not get paid? Again, you and everyone else who has too much time on their hands worrying about other people business. Wht i ask ,wht i paid and wht the market retail price is too different thing. Paid $5k and asking $65k- so wht.. I paid $50k/45k and ask $65k, again so wht. What's your point!
Here is what I have learned in the car business.... Not every deal, vehicle is the same. There are two ways to sell cars like these:

1. Do the normal games, increase price, decrease, etc.. Play the game like you would any other marquee.

2. Build a reputation providing great cars at great prices and move them quick.

I have been involved in buying and selling NSX's for 12 years now. I've owned 24 and #25 is going to be here this weekend hopefully. The key to buying and selling specialty cars ( in my opinion ) is doing it like #2.

And this is why I unqualifiedly can say I would do business with Source1 and have no hesitation recommending them to the community.

Du - you have now heard from a dealer.

It probably would be a good time to this part of the topic to come to an end and perhaps use it as a lesson learned when listing your next nsx here.
For instance the white 00 that "Ric" bought from me. I sold that in a couple hours for a good price.

True, I recall that exact vehicle sale and talking with you Brian, still second-guessing myself for "thinking about it"
Ric got a very nice car
And this is why I unqualifiedly can say I would do business with Source1 and have no hesitation recommending them to the community.

Du - you have now heard from a dealer.

It probably would be a good time to this part of the topic to come to an end and perhaps use it as a lesson learned when listing your next nsx here.

Lock the thread. But i have no intention sitting around reading this and not respond.
Lock the thread. But i have no intention sitting around reading this and not respond.

:frown: ^^^^ Therein lies another issue. Like a couple of others that regularly post here on NSX Prime, you absolutely must have the last say.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the Monday drama. :biggrin:
Here is what I have learned in the car business.... Not every deal, vehicle is the same. There are two ways to sell cars like these:

1. Do the normal games, increase price, decrease, etc.. Play the game like you would any other marquee.

2. Build a reputation providing great cars at great prices and move them quick.

I have been involved in buying and selling NSX's for 12 years now. I've owned 24 and #25 is going to be here this weekend hopefully. The key to buying and selling specialty cars ( in my opinion ) is doing it like #2.
These are such small market vehicles, so doing things like you did here is noticed and absolutely frowned upon by just about any person buying one of these. I buy and sell these due to my passion for the car and that the market is and will be strong on them. I buy them cheaper and needing work and put them through our shop, make them great and re-sell. Do I make money doing this? YES I don't do it to lose. But I also don't high gross or inflate pricing if I had it listed at a lower price. There were several times I could have pulled the ad and listed it for more and easily gotten it. For instance the white 00 that "Ric" bought from me. I sold that in a couple hours for a good price. I had offers on it for 3-4 days after he sent the deposit those offers were 3-5k higher than asking price. And that wasn't the only time that happened. the 02 I sold to "stormrider" is another example.

Dealer to dealer - the price increase I am reading about is what is hurting you here. Although I understand it I just would not do it in a small market such as nsx's F cars, etc.
NSX prices at auctions are climbing for sure.. But if you buy a car at a fair price pass that along at a fair price and don't do the sales game and you will sell a lot more here on prime. The cars I list here usually don't last more than a few days.. a couple have sold in hours.

Hope this helps and clears things up a little!


This is precisely what I meant and why I would gladly do business with individuals such as yourself anytime - and even pay more to do so.
FYI, a few reason why not sold. Well, i have had more than a few offers here on prime at and over asking and back out of a deal cuz they came across you paster original ad -THANK YOU RSO. One of the member NSX1477 offer $65 and then $63. Not is not sold b/c no buyers. Not sold b/c of you. Thank you again

Your '04 didn't sell because of YOUR UNREALISTIC PRICE INCREASES when nobody bit at the lower price. I wish I could have this power over the market that you want to bestow upon me but alas, I can merely delete and lock but otherwise have no impact on pricing.

Since you added the edit above after your original post, I am responding to it now. All I did was refuse your request to DELETE the prior owner's listing here so that nobody would see what you paid for it and thus not have this blowback. I advised you that it is not Prime's place to delete ads and we keep all listings for historical reference to assist our members. Anyone here knows that all you need to do is plug in the VIN into our Prime search engine and find the pedigree of any nsx that has been owned/transacted by a Prime member - including prior advertised prices.
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Your '04 didn't sell because of YOUR UNREALISTIC PRICE INCREASES when nobody bit at the lower price. I wish I could have this power over the market that you want to bestow upon me but alas, I can merely delete and lock but otherwise have no impact on pricing.

Since you added the edit above after your original post, I am responding to it now. All I did was refuse your request to DELETE the prior owner's listing here so that nobody would see what you paid for it and thus not have this blowback. I advised you that it is not Prime's place to delete ads and we keep all listings for historical reference to assist our members. Anyone here knows that all you need to do is plug in the VIN into our Prime search engined and find the pedigree of any nsx that has been owned/transacted by a Prime member - including prior advertised prices.

Like i said in the past, i ask to delete b/c another member ask me to ask moderator to do so hence i didn't know rules here. Yes i still have PM from this member who suggested (not my idea). For some reason you keep bringing this up to paint a negative pic of me.
....and that's why if and whenever I sell my car, Sourceone is the first one I ask if he wants to buy it back. I was thinking of selling it a couple months ago and he was considering buying it back, but I decided to keep it, for now.

Trying to sell the same car on prime for more money than the previous owner asking price, while trying to pump it up by stating that nsx price is going up without any proof except KBB obviously did not sit well with members here. ( damn it's a longest sentence I've ever written). If you just listed your car for whatever and not say anything, sure some people would still complain but nobody would jump on you.
Like i said in the past, i ask to delete b/c another member ask me to ask moderator to do so hence i didn't know rules here. Yes i still have PM from this member who suggested (not my idea). For some reason you keep bringing this up to paint a negative pic of me.

I don't need to paint a negative pic of you since your posts will speak for themselves.

But you do seem to have some transference issues in trying to assess your failed sale on me rather than your business model on this particular '04.