If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX....

I'd offer to let a friend drive my car to and from my funeral.

That way they'll be safe and I won't worry one bit.:biggrin:
Dude, the OP said... drive it around the block, with him in the passenger seat; not learn how to drive a stick on it.

Either way, it sounds like the OP is not so much for the idea of someone else driving his car, much like you (or he wouldn't have started a discussion on it) -- and that is totally OK. I mean, it IS your car and that makes it your call. It just so happens that the majority of us are OK with someone (a friend) taking a spin in it. I said a spin, not taking it on the track, loaning it out for the weekend, or learning how to shift a manual transmission.

Frankly I think this thread got way out of hand but you know everyone has something to say when it comes to friends and one of your prized possessions, especially cars. In the end, what matters is that the OP feels good about his/her decision.

By the way, thanks to Jon Martin for letting me drive that sweet 3.8 on JRZ's; tremendous motor, tremendous suspension. I picked up a set myself after driving it.

Oh, I know exactly what the OP said :biggrin:. If you're comfortable with letting someone drive your vehicle, then more power to you. I also forgot to add, that with my particular car, that I just purchased, the clutch, as well as the clutch master cylinder are going out soon. So you have to KNOW how to drive it, in order to not kill the clutch. Maybe I'll have a change in heart after my car is 100% again
Yes. I give plenty of rides and will let a friend drive it no prob.
Altho I must admit I don't do it near as much as I used to after it cost me a clutch last year from one guys abuse.
If he did a burnout longer than one I could do then I would knock his ass out.

Otherwise I wouldn't care.

Go ahead if he respects You he WILL respect your car. Or like Steve says otherwise you can knock him out. I guess if you are in the car with him there is nothing to worry about in my opinion.

What do you guys do in situations where valet parking is mandatory?


What do you guys do in situations where valet parking is mandatory?

Ask if you can self park with a tip....or don't park it there. Sometime ago at the palos verdes show that Acura invited us to had valet parking. One NSX'er watched the valet do a burnout as he was parking his NSX.

Need I say more???
Ask if you can self park with a tip....or don't park it there. Sometime ago at the palos verdes show that Acura invited us to had valet parking. One NSX'er watched the valet do a burnout as he was parking his NSX.

Need I say more???

+1! This is what I always do - Offer to park it myself + tip....or find some other place to park.. :)
yeah, i loan my car out all the time if they asked. like what everyone says, its just a car.

Yeah me too. I don't even wash mine. And I set crap on it in the garage when I can't find a clean spot on my workbench. Sometimes when I need fuel for a lawnmower I'll just syphon out of the NSX. I jump my pickup truck with it too when the battery is dead. I let people eat in it and drop crumbs and spill drinks and stuff. I also like it when my windows fog up... when they do, I'll pull over to the side of the road and pick up a kid just so they can draw smiley faces on the inside of the windows. :rolleyes:

No. Nobody drives my car. It's not just a car. It's MY NSX. If you want to drive one, go find a dealership with one on the lot and drive it.

A Corolla is JUST a car. How sad it is that your NSX is just a car. What a lack of respect that phrase shows for what you have in your garage. :frown:

i would not let them drive it.

what if someone hits him? or he crashes your car? that would put a black spot on your friendship or end it all together.

i think this topic is like money between friends, dont borrow dont lend.

i dont ask people if i can drive their car unless they offer. even if they do. most of the time i'll decline. not cause i cant drive. but other people cant drive and if i was hit, i would feel pretty stupid.

there are ofcourse certain people which i will be ok with driving my cars regardless if it gets damaged or not.

personally insurance does not mean anything. you have a mint nsx. they crashed it... insurance fixed it.... is it still a mint nsx? my point exactly.

make no apologies, just say NO and avoid a world of trouble. if they get offended or keep asking. you should dump this person since they clearly do not respect your wishes.

LOL @ it's just a car comments

It's a car with a 2500 dollar clutch job!!

I vote no. Since, day 1, I have been the only one who's driven my car, besides the nsxtech at Source1 automotive

Never, ever.

Thank god.
+1! This is what I always do - Offer to park it myself + tip....or find some other place to park.. :)

That's exactly what I do. The Hoffbrau House in Newport, KY demands that the valet park the car. I tell them I'll give them the tip, and put it wherever they like if I can park it myself. They say it's against policy. I say ok. Do a U-Turn and park it across the street at the levee. The valet gets my 20 dollar tip and it's in sight of the people that said no. F those people. If you can't park your own car, the hell with 'em. Some will let you park it yourself if they ride shotgun with you.
I never let a valet park my NSX. I usually insist on parking it myself up front and out of the way, then give them a $10 or $20 tip. I hand the keys over to them but before I get out of the car to give them the keys, I hit both kill switches knowing that no one will ever be able to start the car. I've had valet's come into a reception asking me to move the car and I politely tell them I will when the party is over. :D
I never let a valet park my NSX. I usually insist on parking it myself up front and out of the way, then give them a $10 or $20 tip. I hand the keys over to them but before I get out of the car to give them the keys, I hit both kill switches knowing that no one will ever be able to start the car. I've had valet's come into a reception asking me to move the car and I politely tell them I will when the party is over. :D


You have 2 seperate kill switches?

You have 2 seperate kill switches?

Yep. And sometimes I've even forgotten that I've switched both on and I look like an idiot with an exotic that can't start up. After a few cranks I flip the second switch and the car starts right up. :smile:
When anyone asks to drive the NSX, I tell them you break it - you bought it . . .
They always say never mind!
What a minute, Robert... don't you remember? You offered to let me drive your car once... at the Starbuck's Valencia meet.

....but I turned you down because, "Your car is too slow."

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

always exceptions to the rule. :wink: