If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX....

Well, if a friend is going to do 0-120 launches in your car than you should have an idea of it before hand. The mid-engine thing is a concern as is the low production numbers as long as the individual is responsible that it shouldn't be TOO much of a concern. I have come across a number of "car" guys who are very picky with their cars. One such person before I got my 335i was a friend's dad who had 07' 330i and he was extremely weird about it. It wasn't even that big of deal since it was a BMW 330i I thought.
As long as he is a good driver I say go for it. It suks to be overly possesive of material things.
At our local enthusiast club we let one another try out different cars. One guy lets people drive his Diablo!:eek: I got to drive a white Lotus Espirit like the one from Pretty Woman. It is a great experience for you and your friends to share the joy of driving fine automobiles. The more you give - the more you get.:biggrin:
I let my wife drive my car. Does that count.

She drives better than most on the road and refuses to drive an automatic.
Her clutch on the S2000 is most likely in better shape than my NSX.
If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX and you owned one would you let him take your car for spin with you in the passenger seat? Let's say you know this person fairly well. He owns a few nice cars himself, can drive a stick and offers to pay for something if he breaks it.

Just curious......
By the fact that you are asking the Forum, I'm guessing you have some misgivings.

Most FRIENDS of mine wouldn't ask or would be respectful of my property..."friends" (acquaintences) are usually met with a hardy laugh.
I wouldn't have a problem offering up my car for a drive, if that's what I chose to do and it was my decision to make the offer. However, if the other person insisted in driving my car and got offended if I refused, then all the more reason I wouldn't have extended the offer to begin with.
In my circle I have a possessive reputation about my car. And yet no one has even asked, not once. What am I supposed to do, beg ‘em?
“Drive my car – please.”
If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX and you owned one would you let him take your car for spin with you in the passenger seat? Let's say you know this person fairly well. He owns a few nice cars himself, can drive a stick and offers to pay for something if he breaks it.

Just curious......

I would let him drive, but only if I was in the car with him. He may not be used to a mid engine car that could oversteer.
I let my friend drive my CTSC only a few weeks after I got it on the car. I kept telling him to drive faster.

It's nice day out the whole week this week.

I'm your freind.

I have insurance.

I know how to drive a stick :wink:

Can I borrow it... to PR??:tongue:

On a serious note, whoever had insurance driving your car and crashing it. Their insurance may not paying for it. If you do care, check first. For me, I really don't care, if someone will crash my car, he wouldn't be allowed to drive it.
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Nobody has driven my car besides me...so far.

It all depends on which friend. The last time I let a certain friend drive a vehicle of mine, it got wrecked in the process.
Also, did you know if you loan your car out to someone and they wreck it, they have absolutely no legal obligation to pay you anything. Auto insurance covers the car and not the person, so if your friend wrecked your car, then it will be your insurance company that handles the claim. And if they told you to suck a lemon, then legally you can't do a damn thing about it.

This is the typical fallout I've seen between friends who have borrowed cars. Friend wrecks borrowed car. Owner's insurance pays blue book which we all know is way under-valued for the NSX. Owner asks "friend" to pay the balance. "Friend" only offers to cover insurance payout or thinks owner is overvaluating his/her car. The $$$ discrepancy never gets resolved. Owner pays for the discrepancy, friendship over.

Not worth it in my opinion.
Sure, why not?

But I'm not a very good passenger in my own car, that much I've learned. I just can't resist giving the driver tips (mostly "don't shift so soon, rev it up!") If I'm going, it's better if I follow in a different car. I like the view that gives, too.
The question is actually from a different forum for Bimmers. I can see both sides to this arguement. The Acura NSX is mid-engine and limited production. So if somone destroys the car than there is no of actually replacing the car. The mid-engine item is a concern since "I have heard" that they drive very different. I drove a stock one and didn't notice it being a crazy difference but I also wasn't abusing the car in the streets. I was surprised at how little torque the car had when I drove it. Some of you have spent time and money altering your car to a 1 of a kind. In that case it is even harder to replace the car so I can understand the hesitation from some people.

I think some cars have more sentimental value than "actual" value. If you hand build everything on your own than you probably have more of a connection to the car. I bought a 69' Mustang years ago and the person who purchased the car before me took it from ground up and decided to sell it after there was no place to go with it. He had rebuilt the car, had receipts for everything and pictures of before and after. I would swear he would be more connected to his car but he wasn't. It was just a project to him and now it was over. He sold it to me and I sold to someone else after that.

I let a total stranger drive my car that Mike Angel introduced me to. In retrospect he was a little harsh on the car but it wasn't going to hurt the car. I did learn that a few things from watching someone else drive my car though. That is one reason I do hand my keys over. I'm not the greatest driver so I would like to see someone else show me how its done. That being said I'm going to the Spring Mountain Raceway with the Porsche Club for their next run to learn a few things about my car.
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Casually sure.. 110mph tire spinning red line bashing racing.. get your own vehicle. I let a couple close friends drive my 91 400whp 300zx turbo and they were too scared to drive it faster than a camry. I had to make them WOT and even then they'd only do it in 4th or 5th after getting an unexpected taste of 2nd gear boost.
I let my friends drive my car all the time. One friend kept shifting at about 3500 rpm. I told him to punch it all the way up to 8000. He never did :frown:.
FYI, my wife manhandles my car! :biggrin:

...if you know what I mean :tongue:
As others have said, if he is your friend and not just "someone you know", then let him drive it.

I let friends drive my NSX. They always drive it w/ a soft touch and I end up telling them "step on it already!!!"
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I let a s2000 club member drive it no problem. He didn't ask, I suggested it as he was eyeing picking one up. True car lovers are instant cool people. posers/liars (I got a gsr with a Hemi back home) are typically unsavory characters. I wouldn't let those guy near the car. Funny after driving the car for so long i forgot it doesn't have power steering. This guy noticed right away :biggrin:
Also, did you know if you loan your car out to someone and they wreck it, they have absolutely no legal obligation to pay you anything. Auto insurance covers the car and not the person, so if your friend wrecked your car, then it will be your insurance company that handles the claim. And if they told you to suck a lemon, then legally you can't do a damn thing about it.

This is the typical fallout I've seen between friends who have borrowed cars. Friend wrecks borrowed car. Owner's insurance pays blue book which we all know is way under-valued for the NSX. Owner asks "friend" to pay the balance. "Friend" only offers to cover insurance payout or thinks owner is overvaluating his/her car. The $$$ discrepancy never gets resolved. Owner pays for the discrepancy, friendship over.

Not worth it in my opinion.

You hit the nail on the head here...

I am still friends with this person, but I wouldn't let him get behind the wheel of anything I own. Luckily it wasn't a car that I cherished as much as my NSX. He has not asked to drive it either.

I would much rather offer a ride than hand over the keys.
First time on the track with mine I did not know TiDave. He was my instructor and drove the first few laps..............in short I thought Dave was crazy and now I know he is :biggrin:

Still to this day I can't believe the grip an NSX has even on crappy street tires and stock suspension :tongue:
i let over 10 of my friends drive my car without me being in it. I let my sister and girlfriend drive it for a day or two. But, after the turbo install, i have been pretty tight. I can't even recall the last time my gf has driven it.
It he is truly a friend, then it is just a car. There is no amount of money that is greater than friendship to me, no matter what. You can always make more money. However, a recked friendship is hard to mend and never the same.:redface:
As far as car insurance goes it will vary depending on your policy. If you modded the hell out of your car but didn't tell you insurance company about it....well that is your problem then. They will cover the car for what they think it is worth in the even it is totaled.(I think that would be rare)

The reality is most people are fairly responsible drivers and will do like most of you said and NOT drive it very fast for fear of braking the car. I know when I drove a buddy's NSX I didn't want to slam through the gears or rev it to high even though I knew that was the story of an NSX. In my book it really is just a car. What I won't do is tell someone how great my car is and how fun it is to drive and not offer them to drive the car. That would not make sense. If someone is truly a "car" person than they will apprieciate taking the car out to understand it better.
OK lets reverse things a sec. I for one could not bring myself to ask a friend if I could drive his car. Now if I were offered to drive it then yes. I kind of find it disrespectful to ask if I can drive someones very nice car. But thats just me.