If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX....

OK lets reverse things a sec. I for one could not bring myself to ask a friend if I could drive his car. Now if I were offered to drive it then yes. I kind of find it disrespectful to ask if I can drive someones very nice car. But thats just me.

+1 I agree.

A good friend of mine bought a c5 vette around the same time I bought my NSX. We gave each other rides in our cars but neither one of us asked to drive the others car. I felt that this shows the utmost respect.
I gotta laugh at the number and variety of claims about what insurance will or won't do.

How many of you have ever read your policy? The answers are right there.
OK lets reverse things a sec. I for one could not bring myself to ask a friend if I could drive his car. Now if I were offered to drive it then yes. I kind of find it disrespectful to ask if I can drive someones very nice car. But thats just me.

I don't think it's disrespectful; rather the opposite, it's flattering. No one asks to drive a POS, after all. But I'm with you -- I would never ask. That said, I have offered to swap rides if someone has a cool car. That seems a fair deal -- they get to try my NSX, I get to try theirs. The only worry is that they might not give it back :tongue:.

i would not let them drive it.

what if someone hits him? or he crashes your car? that would put a black spot on your friendship or end it all together.

i think this topic is like money between friends, dont borrow dont lend.

i dont ask people if i can drive their car unless they offer. even if they do. most of the time i'll decline. not cause i cant drive. but other people cant drive and if i was hit, i would feel pretty stupid.

there are ofcourse certain people which i will be ok with driving my cars regardless if it gets damaged or not.

personally insurance does not mean anything. you have a mint nsx. they crashed it... insurance fixed it.... is it still a mint nsx? my point exactly.

make no apologies, just say NO and avoid a world of trouble. if they get offended or keep asking. you should dump this person since they clearly do not respect your wishes.
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Depends on how responsible they are. I let my dad drive the NSX all the time since he is a responsible driver. But I wouldn't let my cousin drive at all, since he is a knuckle head behind the wheel.
In my circle I have a possessive reputation about my car. And yet no one has even asked, not once. What am I supposed to do, beg ‘em?
“Drive my car – please.”

My Boss does :-P. He's told me to drive his car a couple of times. I guess it's, "what better way to enjoy your car then to let others see what a cool car you have" :-P.

He let me drive his 2009 63AMG 507HP, torque monster, 7spd A/C seat power of mayhem without him in it. Because of it's weight the G force is about the same as my car BUT, since you're always in a power band in his car (7spd paddle), you are ALWAYS feeling that g-force, there is ALWAYS power when you press down the gas.

It seems that the general consensus is, if both trust them as a friend and their driving ability and they can drive stick then sure, especially if you're in the car. I haven't loaned my car out (I have the last owner to thank for a big dent caused by that) and I don't let many people drive it BUT, if they are a close friend, can drive stick, I trust them and their driving ability (wont push the envelope), and I'm the car, why the heck not?

Just my $0.02 <--This doesn't even cover tax on anything!


i would not let them drive it.
what if someone hits him? or he crashes your car? that would put a black spot on your friendship or end it all together.
i think this topic is like money between friends, dont borrow dont lend.
personally insurance does not mean anything. you have a mint nsx. they crashed it... insurance fixed it.... is it still a mint nsx? my point exactly.
make no apologies, just say NO and avoid a world of trouble. if they get offended or keep asking. you should dump this person since they clearly do not respect your wishes.

I never ask to drive someone else's car. If I'm offered I decline unless they insist. If they insist then heck yeah, granted I'm going to be responsible about it. But like people have said here, in regards to loaning, it's just a car, bottom line. If they get hit or hit someone, it could have happened in any car and a car is far less important than say, your life. Being an enthusiast about material things is one thing but being obsessed just isn't healthy...

If you don't give a little you wont get a little. Trading money among friends always seems to pay off, you just have to choose who you lend to wisely. But it often turns out for me that when I need money a friend will have it and when they need money I will have it. We all are able to help out a friend when they could use it, which in turns helps you out when you need help. This has just been my experience, I'm not arguing that your points aren't true.
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Ok, here’s what I’m going to do: there is an NSX meet this weekend in Austin. While driving from Houston (about a 200 mile trip) somewhere out in the country, I’m going to pull over, get out, and tell the GF, “Hey, Babe. You drive for awhile.”
what if someone hits him? or he crashes your car? that would put a black spot on your friendship or end it all together.

No, it wouldn't. I value my friendships way more than I value my car. I can always get another car. Friends are a bit more difficult to replace.
kinda depends on the friend. I have some that i wouldn't think 2x about handing him/her the keys and some i wouldn't let even breathe on it.
Can you drive it? Yes

Can you race it? No

You have to weight it out, there's a handful of factors to consider. If it's someone who has had sportscar driving experience, is mature and responsible, why not? If they don't have the experience, the ownership, or the age but they are going to drive it similar to the way they drive their Corolla (with the exception of a tap or two on the accelerator)...go for it; make the kid's day.

There's also a big difference between letting someone take your car for a spin and letting someone bring it back the next day. You want to try to avoid any liability issues so unless it's someone who's liability you're willing to eat -- don't loan the car out.

I think part of being (good) friends is to share good moments and sometimes good moments involves indulging in material things such as these sexy cars. If you take joy in seeing your friend experience the car, do it. If the car is solely for you to enjoy , then hold on to the keys.

There is no yes or no answer for all circumstances but generally speaking, and assuming there is some sensibility in the scenario you speak about.... sure, let your bud try it out. This, especially if it is around the block, you're going to be next to him, and he's not going to put lives in danger. What was everyone else saying? It's just a car. If you've ever lost a car, and lost a loved one, you'll have a deep understanding of what truly matters.

The only approval you need for your decision, is your own.
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LOL @ it's just a car comments

It's a car with a 2500 dollar clutch job!!

I vote no. Since, day 1, I have been the only one who's driven my car, besides the nsxtech at Source1 automotive
when i let my brother drive the car and i was driving behind him, and when i let him drive the car while i just sat and watched, made me appreciate the car even more

other than that, larry b drove the car. besides that, nobody else will sit in the drivers seat and drive
No, it wouldn't. I value my friendships way more than I value my car. I can always get another car. Friends are a bit more difficult to replace.


kinda depends on the friend. I have some that i wouldn't think 2x about handing him/her the keys and some i wouldn't let even breathe on it.

Yup, only competent, mature, close friends who can also drive wisely.
LOL @ it's just a car comments

It's a car with a 2500 dollar clutch job!!

I vote no. Since, day 1, I have been the only one who's driven my car, besides the nsxtech at Source1 automotive

Dude, the OP said... drive it around the block, with him in the passenger seat; not learn how to drive a stick on it.

Either way, it sounds like the OP is not so much for the idea of someone else driving his car, much like you (or he wouldn't have started a discussion on it) -- and that is totally OK. I mean, it IS your car and that makes it your call. It just so happens that the majority of us are OK with someone (a friend) taking a spin in it. I said a spin, not taking it on the track, loaning it out for the weekend, or learning how to shift a manual transmission.

Frankly I think this thread got way out of hand but you know everyone has something to say when it comes to friends and one of your prized possessions, especially cars. In the end, what matters is that the OP feels good about his/her decision.

By the way, thanks to Jon Martin for letting me drive that sweet 3.8 on JRZ's; tremendous motor, tremendous suspension. I picked up a set myself after driving it.
Re: Post #58.
I really did it ... pulled over and said it was her turn to drive.
She was nervous at first. Fifteen minutes later, some guy passed us and she said, "Oh, yeah?" He became the rabbit. She'd let him run a bit and then reel him back in. She also redlined it often and for any reason.
The experience of winding it up is intoxicating for everybody.:smile:
No, it wouldn't. I value my friendships way more than I value my car. I can always get another car. Friends are a bit more difficult to replace.

no one said you would but lots of other people would react differently. why even risk any kind of issue when you can say no and prevent all the problem/risk from the get go. if your friendship is that solid, im sure your buddy would have no problem relating to your point of view.

maybe you'll be ok with someone crashing your car but he/she could views it differently. maybe your friend will feel bad every time he sees you :rolleyes: and wont want to come around anymore out of guilt.

its easy to think and talk when with a clear head. its easier to "take" the high road when your not there. last of all, its the most trivial walk in the park to predict all another person's reaction to an uncomfortable situation.

if i crashed someone's car, i definitely would feel pretty bad about it and no amount of "its ok buddy, no big deal" would change my mind.

that's why i do not allow myself to be on the giving or receiving end of unpleasant circumstances. My friends are worth more to me then a quick drive down the street:smile:
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In my four yrs of owning my nsx, I have only let my father, my 28 yr old brother, and my 2 mechanics drive my car.

I would consider letting a very close friend, or family member the chance to drive my car had I completely trust them and know their driving experience

DISCLAIMER*** for your friends protection, never allow someone chance to drive an nsx unless they can afford to purchase one otherwise you'll tease yourself.
The only thing I have to gain is being a nice guy, the only thing I can lose is everything, if someone gets hurt.

I love it when my NSX is back from a service at the dealership, and all the radio presets have been reset to the mechanics favorites. Who needs to hear the engine when out on a "test drive"?
The only thing I have to gain is being a nice guy, the only thing I can lose is everything, if someone gets hurt.

I love it when my NSX is back from a service at the dealership, and all the radio presets have been reset to the mechanics favorites. Who needs to hear the engine when out on a "test drive"?

That partially pisses me off :frown:.
I let a "friend" drive my accord and he rear ended someone... $3k in damage... ever since I never let anyone drive my car. No valet no one.
I let a "friend" drive my accord and he rear ended someone... $3k in damage... ever since I never let anyone drive my car. No valet no one.

wow man. thats tough! i wonder how he left. :frown:

my point exactly. its just too many things that can go wrong that is outside of your control.

Im not a big fan of driving other peoples cars. I value their friendship more then a quick test drive down the street.

But when i have to for a test drive of a customers car, i go for the shortest test drive possible to limit my chances of getting hit and also to keep the mileage down.

there are people i would let drive my car. my parents, my best friend and my girl friend, i understand if they crash the car, its no big deal. They also understand and respect me enough not to ask unless i offer. After a night out, the gf is definitely better behind the wheel sober then me buzzed and ready to rock. :biggrin:

think long and hard before handing over your keys, the last thing we need is another NSX damaged or totaled for the trill of a test drive.
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I went for a spin with my 15.5 year old daugter. It's nice to see others enjoy the car as much as you do....

Now that's a scary though :eek:! No 15.5 year old is driving my car, I'm assuming you mean she was shotgun though.

The classic video (I think was on Prime) is the one with the 15 year old who drove daddy's new Mustang straight through the garage wall. Whoever didn't see that coming could loose a lot of money on a bet :-P.