If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX....

18 January 2008
City of Sin
If a friend of yours wanted to try driving an NSX and you owned one would you let him take your car for spin with you in the passenger seat? Let's say you know this person fairly well. He owns a few nice cars himself, can drive a stick and offers to pay for something if he breaks it.

Just curious......
as long as he have insurance sure why not its only a car.
As the other posters stated, it's a car.:rolleyes:
I have let many of my friends drive mine...sometimes without me even in the car. :eek: They are all long time car enthusiasts as well and have a huge respect for the car and I would only hope they would do the same if the roles were reversed.
yeah, i loan my car out all the time if they asked. like what everyone says, its just a car.
Just yesterday I let a buddy of mine drive it unsupervised. Granted, most of my friends are 'car guys' and a number of em have track experience so there isn't much to worry about.
I let my friend drive my CTSC only a few weeks after I got it on the car. I kept telling him to drive faster.
If my friend knows how to drive a stick and is respectful, sure.. why not?

However, if another friend likes cars but doesn't know how to drive stick and wants to learn on my car, nuh-uh. :rolleyes:
If my friend knows how to drive a stick and is respectful, sure.. why not?

However, if another friend likes cars but doesn't know how to drive stick and wants to learn on my car, nuh-uh. :rolleyes:

Why would you have friends who can't drive stick? :confused: :D
Im not sure I am as "giving" as other responders here but if you have seen him drive and he has insurance, then have at it. :wink:
I let my friends drive my NSX anytime they want. There's nothing that can do to the car that's worse than I can/have done to it. Furthermore, whenever someone from out of town comes to visit me I give them my NSX as a loaner if they stay with me.
I let my friend Missy drive the car for the first time and it was on the track. By the second day she was only 3 sec of my lap times (really, really hauling ass).


What was I thinking? :eek: Oh, I was getting some. So, I wasn't thinking.

At least if one of your friends crashed it (a guy) he would pay for it. A girl, would just shrug, say I'm sorry and walk away. :rolleyes:
Here is CA, insurance follows the car, not the driver. Regardless, if a friend asked to drive mine when I owned it, they got to drive it. If they are a friend, I trust them and it is just a car. Probably the easiest "exotic" to drive.
Contrary to what many think, most of my friends DO NOT want to touch any of my toys since they know how much I cherish them.....hahaha

But, I let my brother and most of my friends drive it if they want, it's only a car AND.......................

I'm not sure about you guys but for me, I LOVE TO SEE MY CAR ROLLING FROM OUTSIDE AND THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS TO LET SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE IT! :biggrin::biggrin:
I let a friend drive my car who is one of the best driver's I had ever witnessed in person, but he was used to 300whp Civics/Integras. My car at the time of the test drive was around 650whp and had the capability to break the tires loose up to 110mph. Lets just say that happened and by the grace of some higher power, he kept the car out of the ditch!

That was the last time I let anyone drive my car unless I have $60k in cash lining my pockets for crash potection...

So moral of the story, just make sure your driver knows his/her limits with an example of your car before you let them behind the wheel.

FYI, my wife manhandles my car! :biggrin:
Its a only car...

so i let them drive it, if a part breaks then oh well, good excuse to rummage thru the parts for sale section!!! :biggrin: :tongue:
Meh - I've had two cars involved in accidents when I loaned them out, and I don't do it very often. One was not exactly the driver's fault, and one wasn't. YMMV :redface:

Having said that, NSX's are very low and not many folks are used to mid-engined cars.