How 'bout that stock market?

WOW it just keeps getting worse. It can't go on forever. LEH has sold off 10 bucks this week that is crazy on a 30 dollar stock.

I have 4k shares at 27.59 down 17k
Hola, since MI is down about 40% since I bought, i thought i'd jump in on some FITB and bought 100 shares at $15.90. Let's see how much more I can lose :).
Sheesh, I feel your pain.

If LEH punches through it's 17 MAR low, look out below. It certainly didn't help that MER downgraded it today to Neutral; a week after upgrading LEH to a Buy.

I hope you optioned your LEH, because it's been trading like (the former) BSC.

Don't even say that BSC stuff. That would wipe out 100k of my net worth. :frown:

I keep mind screwing myself with this

When: 1926
Where: Florida

The amount the market declined from peak to bottom: Land that could be bought for $800,000 could, within a year, be resold for $4 million before crashing back down to pre-boom levels. The prices were so inflated that to buy a condo-style property in 1926, you would've had to pay the same as you would now have to pay for a luxury home in the guard-gated communities in Miami ($4,500,000) - without adjusting for inflation!

Synopsis: In the 1920s, the United States of America was chugging along like the British Empire of the 1700s, and it was only natural that people were beginning to believe such prosperity was infinite. But it wasn't the stock market that was the recipient of a bubble. It was the real estate market.

In 1920, Florida became the popular U.S. destination/residence for people who don't like the cold. The population was growing steadily and housing couldn't match the demand, causing prices to double and triple in some cases, which was not exactly unjustified at this point. But, news of anything doubling and tripling in price always attracts speculators. So, once people began pumping huge amounts of money into the real estate market it took off. Soon everyone in Florida was either a real estate investor or a real estate agent.

Unfortunately, the rules are the same whether you pay too much for a stock or for a piece of land: you have to make that much more to claim a profit. This did happen for awhile, and land prices quadrupled in less than a year. Eventually, however, there were no "greater fools" to buy the disgustingly overpriced land, and prices began to adjust ever so subtly. Speculators realized there was a limit to the boom, and began to sell their properties to solidify their profits while they could.

Then everybody simultaneously saw the writing on the wall, and panic selling ensued. With thousands of sellers and very few buyers, prices came down with a sickening thud, twitched a bit, and then crawled down even lower.

And this soon after
When: October 21, 24 and 29, 1929

Where: USA

The amount the market declined from peak to bottom: A string of terrible days led to a more than 40% drop in the market from the beginning of September 1929 to the end of October 1929. In fact, the market continued to decline until July 1932 when it bottomed out, down nearly 90% from its 1929 highs.

Synopsis: Despite the Florida crash, Americans were as bullish as ever. The stock market was guaranteed to make everyone rich as the first world war had been won, and industrialization was resulting in previously-unimaginable luxuries. It was a good time to be American.

Since the stock market was believed to be a no-risk, no-brain world where everything went up, many people poured all their savings into it without learning about the system or the underlying companies. With the flood of uneducated investors, the market was ripe for some manipulation and swindling. Investment bankers, brokers, traders, and sometimes owners banded together to manipulate stock prices and get out with gains. They did this by subtly acquiring large chunks of stock between them and trading them between each other for slightly more each time. When the public noticed the progression of price on the ticker tape, everyone would buy the stock. So, the market manipulators would then sell off their overpriced shares for a healthy profit. On and on the cycle went as uneducated investors turned a profit by selling the manipulated, over-priced shares to someone who wanted to have a rising stock.

Behavioral finance shows that the less an investor knows, the easier it is for him or her to be swept up in popular opinion (herd mentality). This behavior is a double-edged sword because the ignorant investors are also easily spooked into panic. Both actions, joining and fleeing, have very little basis in the quality of the news or the quality of the market. Instead, the herd follows the cow that runs the fastest, trampling the market.

During the craze before the Great Depression a number of academics, including Roger Babson, were predicting a crash if things didn't “calm the hell down.” Sadly, for every Roger Babson, there were four bull-blinded academics guaranteeing the eternal rapid growth of the American stock market. Although Babson had been predicting the crash for years, the capricious and ignorant investors finally listened. The twelve-year worldwide depression came and ended only with the declaration of war. This stands as the worst financial blow to the USA ever. The crash itself, though large in its own right, was nothing compared to the ensuing graveyard market and devastating depression.
Ah, someone is buying BUD. Lets get these mergers underway. Good news. Come on someone buy out LEH for 50 a share or just hint that they are looking at it at 50 a share. While they are at it pick up C for 30 and etrade for 5 bucks a share.:biggrin:
Ah, someone is buying BUD. Lets get these mergers underway. Good news. Come on someone buy out LEH for 50 a share or just hint that they are looking at it at 50 a share. While they are at it pick up C for 30 and etrade for 5 bucks a share.:biggrin:

As long as GS doesn't buy them I wish you the best of luck. Still long GS down a buck.
Steve, your CFO has been ousted. Big surprise. :biggrin:
Who's going to the lake this weekend?


I'm going to thwart myself on that jet more learning key, lol.

Where you guys go? I'll be at Norris Lake, TN.
AAPL continues to get slaughtered.....
AAPL continues to get slaughtered.....

I am trying to figure out what to do with it too. I bought 1500 shares at 157.53 and sold oct 180's on it. I could buy the 180's back right now for a 8k profit and wait for it to go back up and sell them again. I just don't want to uncover it and watch it fall another 10 bucks.
You bet I am, took the ski in last night to get the 10hr done. The lake is like crack ;) lake allatoona

I used to go to Lake Alltoona as a kid. Parents had a home in Marietta. Good times!

Long EURO/USD 1.5400 - stop 15380 - TP 1.5480.
Speaking of music, I started buying NAPS two days ago, and am now long 25,000 @ $1.50.

I trade this dog alot. It's like watching paint dry, but if you're patient there's usually a minimum 20% profit by buying at it's current price.

you sure that thing isn't ready for the fork?
you sure that thing isn't ready for the fork?

Nope. But I've never lost money on NAPS, and I've been trading it for years.

NAPS historically flattens out around this time of the year, and then trends back up. So as a position trade, it's a good play.

With dogs like NAPS, though, it takes patience. I consider NAPS my money market fund, but at a far higher annual rate than 3.5%.
Anybody got any money left:biggrin: LOL

I had 46k shaved off my net worth today


3000 AMR
1000 LEH

And the calls on both

Realized losses 1400 for the day.