How 'bout that stock market?

Long V @ 80.10. Pray for me. :wink:
calls for friday pay 2.1. Not bad for 4 1/2 days

You implying I should write some calls?

Just dumped the shares @ 81.45 so I can't. :)
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I have been thinking of getting a second set so when I send out the current wheel to be repaired I won't have to leave the car on stands until the wheel returns.

Get these steve! :biggrin:


I was just looking at the chart for FSLR. Ouch.
You gonna hold that overnight?
Doesn't look like it's coming down anytime soon either. Wonder what caused that big spike in volume. Over 80% on the RSI though. fundamentals is almost futile these days.
you using level ii?
It is short covering after it crossed 300

Sorry bro, but this isn't short covering, the trading wasn't/isn't rapid enough.
FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SHARES?!?!?! :eek: Steve have you lost your freakin mind? Quit revenge trading First Solar and accept SOLAR POWER! Now how are you going to pay for those darn panels on your roof? :mad:

The revenge trade would be BIDU. :wink: :biggrin: Solar sucks a$$!!!
Steve...if you can't cover before the close, I'd hold this one overnight or try to cover in the AH session. 5 bucks is nothing on a $300 stock.