How 'bout that stock market?

I trade with margin but rarely use all they give me.
Discipline pays off.. the short side is much easier for me than the long side under these conditions. Still short C from yesterday.
Must be getting ugly. Can't get any shares short. I couldn't even get 500 ETFC shares short, barely 2 grand.
Got out of C at 24.75. No doubt short covering will give a little boost so the goof balls on CNN will have something to talk about.
Got out of C at 24.75. No doubt short covering will give a little boost so the goof balls on CNN will have something to talk about.

Bought and sold "C" 3 times today :biggrin:
Only good trade so far today was shorting AMD down from 7.20 when it popped a little while ago. Lost a few cents on S, stopped out then it moved in the right direction.
AAPL continues to pay the bills today. :biggrin:

I'm glad V took a nice chopping. I'll buy some here again soon. When the XLF gets back into the mid 25's i'll go long again.

May go long C if it drops another buck or so.
I signed up for the CNBC million dollar portfolio challenge :tongue:
Lets hope it doesn't effect my job performance too much :redface:
Yeah I know.. just going to do it for fun.

Are there any programs that allow you to simulate stock trading for free or for a nominal fee?

I think Schwab offers simulated trading.

I know you can do it with Interactive Brokers.
I think Schwab offers simulated trading.


I'll just do it through Schwab then... I'm taking a few months to pull funds together... I figure this way I'll be able to gain some experience during that time. I will be buying a few stocks here and there.. the first one I'm looking at is PMTI .. looks good and affordable at the moment!

Thanks for all the help guys!

I'm into the third chapter of "Trading in the Zone" .. good book!
For the last week or so I have been reading up on candlesticks. Anyone want to suggest any good DVD's on the subject. From what I have been reading and then watching during the day it really seems pretty accurate.
For the last week or so I have been reading up on candlesticks. Anyone want to suggest any good DVD's on the subject. From what I have been reading and then watching during the day it really seems pretty accurate.

Check this out my homie. Not a DVD, but a nice simple explanation of all of the patterns, etc. One of the best "presentations" of the material i've seen on the web.

There are loads of free videos on google...

Once you get good, stock charts start to look like porn lol ;) Still dead market for me. 75 pip's down about 250 more to go until I call it a month. :)