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How 'bout that stock market?

Killed it today. Went long before jobs report on V, GOOG & AAPL. BAM 12K before I could blink. ( I love Ameritrade's routing...you can trade ANY TIME of the day) Saw the pile of green and sold like a good boy. On the whole, raked in about 38K today. Steve, you wanna see the day's log?

Sorry I haven't been around lately.....work/b school and everything is killing me.

Sure lets see it. Congrats.

I have only done about 3k today trading because of the phone. Had a pretty good week though. I was slapping FSLR around for a bit towards the beginning of the week and now I am fixed short [email protected] and not covering until it lands on earth.
NOV put on 1.45 today to close at 67.20 and the june 70's are going for around 3.40, so tell him not to worry. The stock gods will work it all out :tongue:

APA faced a similar fate. In reality crude fluctuations have relatively low influence in a firm like NOV's profits based on their structure. They are selling the picks, shovels, and jeans to the gold miners. They are a very solid buy at these levels for longer term [or if you can sell calls on them], but I'm personally short crude for now.
Did well this week but got it wrong today. I'm holding over the weekend even though I don't prefer it. I also thought we wouldn't hold the S&P 1410 level but I guess we did? Looking for dollar strength over the next couple weeks.
Did well this week but got it wrong today. I'm holding over the weekend even though I don't prefer it. I also thought we wouldn't hold the S&P 1410 level but I guess we did? Looking for dollar strength over the next couple weeks.

I am VERY surprised we held up today. I think we get 12.5 before 13.5

I have done pretty well this week, but left some on the table because we are going lower.
Made my money back on SKF. Crude is screaming, I'm short crude and long nat gas so I'm only down a little. Looking to get rid of GOOG over 600 for the short term.
Here are the last five trading days, Steve....not including today. I've been dabbling in V and GS. Great volatility there.

Thought this might be easier to read than the actual trade log. This also shows Ameritrade's GainsKeeper software. It is so helpful. With turbotax, you can directly import this data and you're ready to go. No hassles.

That is a nice format. Zecco's is a mess unless I just don't know what I'm doing which is possible. Been trading SKF to make up for my short crude positions. Just about had enough of that, even with hedges it's starting to get to me.
My gains keeper sits right behind me. I say print it and she prints the slip enters it in excel and shouts back what I am up or down for the day.:biggrin:

Her name is Alberta and she is worth every penny. If she goes up a dime on 10k shares though I will sell.:biggrin:
My gains keeper sits right behind me. I say print it and she prints the slip enters it in excel and shouts back what I am up or down for the day.:biggrin:

Her name is Alberta and she is worth every penny. If she goes up a dime on 10k shares though I will sell.:biggrin:

1 word CPA, I print it all out and mail it then I get a letter back that all I have to do is sign, mail, and send in a check :)
1 word CPA, I print it all out and mail it then I get a letter back that all I have to do is sign, mail, and send in a check :)

Indeed....I used a CPA until this year.
Short C at 26.05. Got a crappy price but so far so good.

Long SKF at 93.50.
Look at the XLF around 10:20.

Good entries on AAPL and RIMM around 2:40, missed it and am just watching.
The markets won't hold these levels

Funny you are shorting C. I was thinking of going long and buying put protection. The puts are cheap and the dividend pays for them this month so they are actually free. I bet C will be back to 40 in 6 months.
Indeed....I used a CPA until this year.

I just don't keep up with the laws and writeoff's and such. I used to but now I just let someone else who's a pro do it. I always had a hard time trusting others but you have to get others to help you at some point. Just like trading, I don't take "Tips" from anyone but most people love them so they have someone to blame when it fails "cough cought Steve LOL" j/k man :)
You can get that too, I was going to hire a chef for me but I think that's just too lazy lol :)

Call me lazy then, I don't cook, clean the cars, put gas it them, mow the lawn, clean the pool, clean the house....nothing. I am on the phone all day long and when I say all day I mean all day, 5700 minutes on the cell phone last month.

I use to mow my lawn and I enjoyed it actually but I don't have time to do anything anymore.
The markets won't hold these levels

Funny you are shorting C. I was thinking of going long and buying put protection. The puts are cheap and the dividend pays for them this month so they are actually free. I bet C will be back to 40 in 6 months.

Pure momentum play. I'm cash on that trade and I made good. Don't need huge swings when you're moving 15K shares.
Call me lazy then, I don't cook, clean the cars, put gas it them, mow the lawn, clean the pool, clean the house....nothing. I am on the phone all day long and when I say all day I mean all day, 5700 minutes on the cell phone last month.

I use to mow my lawn and I enjoyed it actually but I don't have time to do anything anymore.

Call me an idiot. I do all of that crap and it is making me crazy.

Trying to decorate the house on top of that. Nothing is worse than shelling out big bucks for furniture then having to wait until it comes in.
Call me lazy then, I don't cook, clean the cars, put gas it them, mow the lawn, clean the pool, clean the house....nothing. I am on the phone all day long and when I say all day I mean all day, 5700 minutes on the cell phone last month.

I use to mow my lawn and I enjoyed it actually but I don't have time to do anything anymore.

I am doing less and less, I am only 32 and feel strange not doing shit but I really dont work that much at all maybe 4-5 hours a week so I have lots of time. I do watch the market though about 12-14 hours but it's 10min 4 times a day so far. Working on a 1min system "Godzilla" that I may screw around with due to nothing else going on until a week or 2 when I hit the lake for the summer :)