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How 'bout that stock market?

GSI broke through 9.3x and I got in at market open, still riding it. I've got a tight stop now. Oil service is getting hit today.
I currently have MRK option and SGP stock. I think the drug companies have been hammered lately pretty bad.

SGP's earnings are out today. Should go crazy with last years earnings than stable after the Doc's can't find a better staten.
SGP's earnings are out today. Should go crazy with last years earnings than stable after the Doc's can't find a better staten.

I only have 1k shares of SGP so I am up $1221 on that position but it is covered with EW's so I am up $800 on the calls and up $580 on the stock. SO...... I am actually up $1480.:biggrin:
lets see what aapl brings to the table. :smile:
Had a buy lim 74 on V I made this morning when it was 76 or so. Pull up the intra day/1 min chart. My entry point was close to flawless, but it didn't fill! Financials are doing well.
TRMB made a big jump today, I wish I had more than a 100 shares though.:smile: But it was a nice surprise anyway.
TRMB made a big jump today, I wish I had more than a 100 shares though.:smile: But it was a nice surprise anyway.

Money is money. RSI was almost 80 at the day's close. Above average volume as well for most of the day. I probably would have sold by the close but there was a little pickup in volume at the end of the day so it might not gap down too quickly.
What a chump. Gawdddd. No wonder 99% of the population is financially illiterate. I hate stupid people. And even more than I hate stupid people, do I hate intelligent people that try to make a living of ripping off stupid people. Like this Duchebag.

Take a guess who is the NSX owner. :biggrin:

http://www.smartmoney.com/comments/?story=comments&action=add&EntryID=22950&storytitle=$119%20Oil%20Won't%20Stop%20Economic%20Growth&[email protected]&pubDate=04-25-2008

[edit -- just copy the link into a browser]
Fairly slow day, FSLR had a nice pull back over the past week. Shorted MSFT for a little change since that big gap down friday, CSCO as well, not much more left there I think.

I'm not too confident on what the fed is going to do wednesday. I moved all my stops up in my 'longer term' picks so I don't care too much. I have a lot of cash waiting for any momentum plays. Gold stocks have been getting hammered over the last couple weeks but there is still room to drop if the fed doesn't cut. I think oil will shrug it off though.
Fairly slow day, FSLR had a nice pull back over the past week. Shorted MSFT for a little change since that big gap down friday, CSCO as well, not much more left there I think.

I'm not too confident on what the fed is going to do wednesday. I moved all my stops up in my 'longer term' picks so I don't care too much. I have a lot of cash waiting for any momentum plays. Gold stocks have been getting hammered over the last couple weeks but there is still room to drop if the fed doesn't cut. I think oil will shrug it off though.

FSLR is driving me nuts, fall already. Going to have to hold it into earnings.
As far as "Investing" goes:
"Rule #1" by Phil Town
"The Little Book that Beats the Market" by Joel Greenblatt

A must read for any type of trading/investing:
"Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas < All about the mental and emotional aspect of trading. You should read this twice before you even think about opening up an account with a broker. If you don't you are doomed to go through each of the newbie mistakes outlined in his book at your own loss. Had I read this prior to trading it would've saved me about 10k.

Web Sites For Technical Analysis/Trading:

The Ultimate No-Bullshit Market Analysis Expert Blog:
http://market-ticker.denninger.net/ (Referenced in this thread before, I read it everyday!)

My method and trading thread:

Cheers! :biggrin:

Just finished reading The Little Book That Beats the Market. I had bought Rule #1 a while back and didn't finish it.. so I've got to find where I left it. Also picked up Trading in the Zone.. looks interesting.
Haven't looked at any sites yet.
FSLR is driving me nuts, fall already. Going to have to hold it into earnings.

Surprised you didn't try to get out when it started rebounding around 278. Must be going for that big money.
Just finished reading The Little Book That Beats the Market. I had bought Rule #1 a while back and didn't finish it.. so I've got to find where I left it. Also picked up Trading in the Zone.. looks interesting.
Haven't looked at any sites yet.

Looks like a great start to me.

Regarding the blogs/etc., I do a lot of 'current' reading like the denninger blog. It's important to remember a massive portion of the market just plain doesn't give a damn. Soveriegn wealth funds, pension funds, life-less 401k's, they have 30+ year time horizons and are not sweating over the "sell everything" button day in and day out to avoid catastrophe like (some) traders. It's easy to get caught up in it all and it usually doesn't make you any money. If you are 100% right in your logic but your timing is off, you are wrong, and vice versa in this game.
Surprised you didn't try to get out when it started rebounding around 278. Must be going for that big money.

I thought about taking 1/2 off the table down there but I have conviction she is going lower.

The first FSLR, AKA first ponzi, I shorted ~299 and covered it in the low 280's. I shorted another block at 284 that I am sitting on now.
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These two women were walking through the forest when they hear this voice from under a log. Investigating, the women discovered the voice was coming from a frog:

"Help me, ladies! I am an investment banker who, through an evil witch's curse, has been transformed into a frog. If one of you will kiss me, I'll be returned to my former state!"

The first woman took out her purse, grabbed the frog, and stuffed it inside her handbag. The second woman, aghast, screamed, "Didn't you hear him? If you kiss him, he'll turn into an investment banker?"

The second woman replied, "Sure, but these days a talking frog is worth more than an investment banker!"
What's up GSI Low today 9.68 :confused:
What's up GSI Low today 9.68 :confused:

Easy trade when it broke out, otherwise a little risky for me. That's more or less within it's range if it goes below 9.30 you might want to take shelter.

I sold off my oil service gains as well as my financials at good prices this morning. Went short AEM at $60 and am looking for $50. I went a head and locked in profits with a tight stop in case the fed gives it some momentum, I think they will cut.

I'm predicting a summer about on par with the last one but a lot more unpredictable, no more short CFC.
rate cut Or????

Place your bets...........:smile:
They will cut again. A grand on the DOW doesn't solve all our problems.

As for placing any bets, I'm hedged either way so I guess I'm not confident enough to put any money on it. FSLR came up through my stock filter, don't worry steven I'm short precious metals and was up until this morning.
Looks like they are trying to create volume on FSLR. I have been able to short at the ask and cover at the bid all morning. Up 7k
Didn't think GOOG would move this fast, might sell some around ~600 if the volume isn't sustained. Metals are falling as the rest of the market climbs, financials are now slightly positive. Fed announces at 1:15pm central time? Won't be by the computer, sob.