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How 'bout that stock market?

So i'm bored right now waiting on FOMC... so i thought I'd take a look at your equities that you guys are trading. My holy god you guys have it easy!

There are so many crisp, clean, and sassy entries all over these charts its ridiculous! :biggrin: Now if only I had hundreds of thousands in my trading account I would seriously consider trading them. I would imagine working yourself into the position would take a lot more effort than in the futures markets... but dizamn there is money to be had. A couple of signals I would've taken in FSLR over the past 3 days. Not trying to brag, just curious how my entries would differ from you guys - obviously its 20/20 hindsight, but i did drag through the charts with the outcomes hidden as much as possible.

(I had to remove my exact entry method because its not mine and its copyrighted but the arrows represent exactly the entry and exit).

Any of you guys take positions around any of these entries? How much do you shoot for in profits/ or $/share movement?







Most of my trading is 66% fundamentals, 33% pure technicals. I usually don't trade with daily charts on stocks more than 20$ or so, mostly out of habit. On a stock like GOOG/PBR/GS [wide range there] I'll look off the 3-6m chart and look for general trends/resistance areas. I'll take note of prices and the volume/RSI I consider favorable. When the time comes, I identify all the risk factors and more specific entry/exit points. I wait until the stock goes in my range before I do this so I don't get emotionally involved or "ancy".

Some stocks I'll sell the same day, some I'll hold until either it's moved to an exit price or the underlying foundation of the trade is degraded or changes.

During volatile times I make a lot of $, last summer and in march I was doing very well. The past few weeks I have had only about 50% on the table at any given time.

There are many equities that with the right stop setup and very basic technical analysis can provide consistent returns. I have been trading GSI off and on as well as the ultra long/shorts off price action and bouncing around off of very clearly defined resistance levels.
Getting in on a good trade is the easy part, getting out is always the problem. All charts are easy if you know what too look for. As I said I do it due to the tax reason's now. A few 100k differenece in taxes is worth it too me.
^^^ Truer words have not been spoken. Exits and management are what make or break any system or method.

As far as taxes go... i contact traders accounting about setting up an LLC for trading purposes. Anyone else have a corp. set up?
^^^ Truer words have not been spoken. Exits and management are what make or break any system or method.

As far as taxes go... i contact traders accounting about setting up an LLC for trading purposes. Anyone else have a corp. set up?

No but I'm thinking about it and would be interested on hearing more about it. I know it wasn't cost effective before but it would be nice to have it setup so if in the future when you really needed it, you wouldn't be stressed.
No but I'm thinking about it and would be interested on hearing more about it. I know it wasn't cost effective before but it would be nice to have it setup so if in the future when you really needed it, you wouldn't be stressed.

Heres a .swf presentation from a webinar they did a couple years back. Really helped explain the benefits. I uploaded it in .rar format. Just unpack and open the "home" application.


Worth the time to watch it.

Cliff Notes:
- Some asset protection
- More write offs (salary is tax deductable, all business expenses)
- Minority shareholders, shareholder meetings
- Lease house/apartment to your corporation for tax write off

FSLR down 13+ bucks :biggrin: Come on 2 hundo. If this thing hits 200 I am buying that black black with 15k on the clock that just came on the for sale section.
Went short gold [S AEM] and oil [L DUG], so far so good. Downside is easier fo rme than upside.
FSLR down 13+ bucks :biggrin: Come on 2 hundo. If this thing hits 200 I am buying that black black with 15k on the clock that just came on the for sale section.

I just looked at that thing. OMG its perfect. Why don't you be a nice guy, buy it as my college graduation gift and we'll call it good? :biggrin: I'm getting my butt hammered today! :mad:
I just looked at that thing. OMG its perfect. Why don't you be a nice guy, buy it as my college graduation gift and we'll call it good? :biggrin: I'm getting my butt hammered today! :mad:

Congrats on the graduation, I will send you a card. :biggrin:
Old co-worker of mine from NOV just gave me a call. He isn't in to stocks much but has 20% of his life savings in the company stock [of course, everybody's own is always a winner..].

He is having a mild heart attack because it's down 10 dollars in 5 days [now at 64, a month ago in the 50's] and everyone on CNN says the oil bubble might be bursting. Didn't really know what to tell him, the party can't go on forever without at least a breather or two.

His next biggest holding is wally world I got him in to a while back so I know he's doing OK.
Well they just released very solid earnings and were recently upgraded. I think they are unfairly getting beaten down. I have 200 shares of NOV, I'll just keep selling covered calls till this thing recovers. I don't pay attention to the morons on CNN, fundamentals speak louder than those jackarses :biggrin:

Old co-worker of mine from NOV just gave me a call. He isn't in to stocks much but has 20% of his life savings in the company stock [of course, everybody's own is always a winner..].

He is having a mild heart attack because it's down 10 dollars in 5 days [now at 64, a month ago in the 50's] and everyone on CNN says the oil bubble might be bursting. Didn't really know what to tell him, the party can't go on forever without at least a breather or two.

His next biggest holding is wally world I got him in to a while back so I know he's doing OK.
I have 200 shares of NOV at 74.39. Sold may 75's on it so the CB is 70.70.

First solar is selling off nicely. Big up day today may signal down day tomorrow if the market is red FSLR should shed somemore of it's fat. Plus MArgin calls and panic will come in for the people who get home tonight and see :eek: FSLR down 23 bucks.
I would like to see some selling coming in from inst. though
Well they just released very solid earnings and were recently upgraded. I think they are unfairly getting beaten down. I have 200 shares of NOV, I'll just keep selling covered calls till this thing recovers. I don't pay attention to the morons on CNN, fundamentals speak louder than those jackarses :biggrin:

APA faced a similar fate. In reality crude fluctuations have relatively low influence in a firm like NOV's profits based on their structure. They are selling the picks, shovels, and jeans to the gold miners. They are a very solid buy at these levels for longer term [or if you can sell calls on them], but I'm personally short crude for now.
Yes, that's exactly what it does.

DOW 13k will not hold

Wow I feel like I'm progressing. I'm assuming you'd have to buy a ton of shares to see a profit, but yet only <200k traded so far. Is that expected to increase dramatically? Thanks for the help too!
Depends on how much exposure you want I only bought 200 shares. Most everything I have in my portfolio I have sold calls against so if we go red for a week I will be ok if we go way down I will probably have to roll out June calls to offset losses on positions that don't sweep.

I bought DOG as a momentum play. We have had a lot of forward momentum lately and if we get a few down days in a row we may see a change in direction of that momentum. There are a lot of people sitting on some pretty decent gains right now and they WILL take them off the table between 10%-20% retraction.

edit..BTW the ass end of you car looks great.
Depends on how much exposure you want I only bought 200 shares. Most everything I have in my portfolio I have sold calls against so if we go red for a week I will be ok if we go way down I will probably have to roll out June calls to offset losses on positions that don't sweep.

I bought DOG as a momentum play. We have had a lot of forward momentum lately and if we get a few down days in a row we may see a change in direction of that momentum. There are a lot of people sitting on some pretty decent gains right now and they WILL take them off the table between 10%-20% retraction.

edit..BTW the ass end of you car looks great.

haha thanks steve. .. I might start whoring her out! =)

I actually didn't check the chart before I made that quick observation. I see how much fluxuation has been there even in the last 3months. Your outlook makes much more sense (looking at intra-day chart, doesn't get more noob than that).
Killed it today. Went long before jobs report on V, GOOG & AAPL. BAM 12K before I could blink. ( I love Ameritrade's routing...you can trade ANY TIME of the day) Saw the pile of green and sold like a good boy. On the whole, raked in about 38K today. Steve, you wanna see the day's log?

Sorry I haven't been around lately.....work/b school and everything is killing me.