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How 'bout that stock market?

Don't stop posting them either. I like to see what you are up to. I was even able to make some money on SFI and PGH because of your one post.

You think we are gonna post losses on TMA??? Sure isn't looking good so far for any gains. I tossed some in my IRA too.

I sold TMA a while back for.....surprise....a profit. I posted on it. TSK TSK, Steve...you should pay as much attention to my posts as mr. ryan. :)

Steve, i'm officially short BIDU. 1K shares @ 318.

Pray that goog misses the mark tomorrow. :smile:

Oh, and here's where I bought TMA. ;)

Steve, i'm officially short BIDU. 1K shares @ 318.

Pray that goog misses the mark tomorrow. :smile:

I saw BIDU up 33$ today and wondered if you were going to take this opportunity to go short.
Thank you for the well wishes...i'll be watching this sucker like a hawk today. I don't think the action will really start till AH, though.

Either way, get your fedex flat rate envelope ready and call the courier. I'll either need a wheelbarrow, or a revolver. :wink:
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Looks like you made a profitable move, MER's quarter was even worse than expected. Expect the market to open down about a hundred.
Thank you for the well wishes...i'll be watching this sucker like a hawk today. I don't think the action will really start till AH, though.

Either way, get your fedex flat rate envelope ready and call the courier. I'll either need a wheelbarrow, or a revolver. :wink:

looks like a little resistance at 330, not a ton but that may help. What are you doing for stops and profit targets? The one thing I don't like is it went up on high volume.
Thank you for the well wishes...i'll be watching this sucker like a hawk today. I don't think the action will really start till AH, though.

Either way, get your fedex flat rate envelope ready and call the courier. I'll either need a wheelbarrow, or a revolver. :wink:

I shorted a little FSLR at 294.47. There is a perfect ladle on the chart. Do you have a buy stop on the BIDU?
I do not. I'll watch it. I've got my cover order in under 300.

Feel the burn.
Short EUR/JPY @ 162.45 stop @ 163.25. So far down 40 per contract.

I think you're right on with this position...

Just closed out for +7.5 in the NQ. Markets are a little choppy this AM with option expiry...

Gonna take an early lunch and play conservative in the afternoon. The more I trade the more I realize that I much rather make a decent bit of coin in the AM, quit trading, go live life, not risk giving it back, and putting more stress on myself to perform.

Did I get every pip/tick out of the market? Nope. But I think i could be more than happy with just trading this way and adding size. The NQ can handle a good 50 contracts without major slippage and the ES can handle a couple hundred without slippage. So thats what i'm gonna focus on.

What do you guys do? Stay at the computer all day? Quit after X amount of profits? What?
I'm off and on. Sometimes I only get an hour in the middle of the day to do my own stuff, sometimes I get a few hours spread throughout it.
I think you're right on with this position...

Just closed out for +7.5 in the NQ. Markets are a little choppy this AM with option expiry...

Gonna take an early lunch and play conservative in the afternoon. The more I trade the more I realize that I much rather make a decent bit of coin in the AM, quit trading, go live life, not risk giving it back, and putting more stress on myself to perform.

Did I get every pip/tick out of the market? Nope. But I think i could be more than happy with just trading this way and adding size. The NQ can handle a good 50 contracts without major slippage and the ES can handle a couple hundred without slippage. So thats what i'm gonna focus on.

What do you guys do? Stay at the computer all day? Quit after X amount of profits? What?

I play games, just got a Dell XPS and 42" screen. Been playing Assissians Creed waiting for Conan to come out, My brother is a pro poker player so we play on-line a lot, other then that Play drums, goto the gym 1-2 times a day and cook.
I play games, just got a Dell XPS and 42" screen. Been playing Assissians Creed waiting for Conan to come out, My brother is a pro poker player so we play on-line a lot, other then that Play drums, goto the gym 1-2 times a day and cook.

Check out Bioshock, that's a great game. It's a little spooky.
Check out Bioshock, that's a great game. It's a little spooky.

Got that too, it is kinda spooky, underwater but how can you go wrong beating people with a pipe :) I like the online stuff for the social side of it. Not too many ppl to talk to about the market or that are around during the day.
Got that too, it is kinda spooky, underwater but how can you go wrong beating people with a pipe :) I like the online stuff for the social side of it. Not too many ppl to talk to about the market or that are around during the day.

I like to pick up the dead bodies and slam them into zombies attacking me.

The game just about drove me nuts when I was looking for the part to transform myself into a big daddy.
Yea... i'm trying to make some coin so i can get a nice flat panel and a PS3 to entertain myself during the day... That would help out a lot. Trading can be SOOO boring by yourself.

Right now I watch movies during the day, play with the dog, cook, and work out... but even then it still can get dry!
I'm at my day job. I take care of business, but always have my streamer/level ii/trade ticket screens up. Ironic thing is, I take more profit trading in a couple days than I make in a month @ the job.

Up 5K on that short @ 318. Let's see what the bell brings.
I'm at my day job. I take care of business, but always have my streamer/level ii/trade ticket screens up. Ironic thing is, I take more profit trading in a couple days than I make in a month @ the job.

Up 5K on that short @ 318. Let's see what the bell brings.

Good job, I am up 9K on the FSLR short.
I'm at my day job. I take care of business, but always have my streamer/level ii/trade ticket screens up. Ironic thing is, I take more profit trading in a couple days than I make in a month @ the job.

Up 5K on that short @ 318. Let's see what the bell brings.

A job is nice, I work from home it gives me a social outlet as well as I can max out 401k and get bennies. I live off my work pay but I work for about 1-2 years then take a year or so off most of the time. A lot easier to work when you dont have too.