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How 'bout that stock market?

Last one, I promise. :wink: 6K today...not 10, but it'll do.

Why am I not getting email notification when new post come up on this thread.

Anyways, I bitch slapped this thing today. BIG PROFITS!!!!

I was trading RMBS, AAPL and I closed my BIDU postion too.

At one point there were no more shares out there to short on RMBS. I think I might have had them all:wink: :biggrin: baaahaaa.

I did a lot of trades today. Partial fills were pissing me off though. I could have made a lot more if all my orders filled. Some of my buy to cover trades on RMBS were big enough that they moved the stock, so I filtered them in smaller blocks.
1250 locked on AAPL today. Holding losing positions on both AAPL and BIDU currently. Cost basis on BIDU is 244....AAPL is 145. :cool:
Dumped the aapl for a 3750 gain.





Partial fill but still managed 750. 10K for the day, i'm done.

I lied...nuther G.

Ugh..another G.

^^Nice trading!!!

Only up 100/contract on a quick upside scalp. I actually got slipped 25.00/per on the exit which pissed me off. This is the S&P... we don't slip fills here.

Lots of time left on the clock... I could see this thing easily cracking here and pushing lower for the rest of the day. We'll see!
Pretty bizzarre day. V is down, I have it on my watchlist and it's the only red among a slew of financials/credit services.

I got $20 off CME but otherwise have just been watching the show.
Shorted the usd/eur last night closed that and got short the usd/cad. Pretty good day so far. Also got my taxes cleared up from 2001 lol, Hey only took 7 years right. :) You guys making 10k a day are throwing away 10% every day in taxes but if that's what you like that's cool.
Still not getting email notifications about new posts to this thread.

Out collecting rents right now. Maybe the end of the week I will jump back in. I see my HD and my AXP postions are doing really well.
Shorted the usd/eur last night closed that and got short the usd/cad. Pretty good day so far. Also got my taxes cleared up from 2001 lol, Hey only took 7 years right. :) You guys making 10k a day are throwing away 10% every day in taxes but if that's what you like that's cool.

Rule #1....you don't go broke making a profit. :wink:

Steve...time for a short BIDU position. I"ll tell you when I cover.
Let us know. :)
So you think BIDU is going to miss earnings?

The PE is crazy high that's for sure. Looks like a short squeeze today maybe?

To bad I closed my long position a little early, but as they say no one goes broke making a profit!!!

I sure would hate to be short and see it go to 325. OUCH!!!!

Would love to be short 1-3k and watch it go back to 250 or even 225. Seems like it will have to pull back a bit for sure.

What is your strategy?
So you think BIDU is going to miss earnings?

The PE is crazy high that's for sure. Looks like a short squeeze today maybe?

To bad I closed my long position a little early, but as they say no one goes broke making a profit!!!

I sure would hate to be short and see it go to 325. OUCH!!!!

Would love to be short 1-3k and watch it go back to 250 or even 225. Seems like it will have to pull back a bit for sure.

What is your strategy?

Same logic here. Looks like there is a little resistance at the 260-270 level so unless you were expecting it to break out going long right here is a little risky. Not sure if that's enough to go short, but my ears are definitely open.
So you think BIDU is going to miss earnings?

The PE is crazy high that's for sure. Looks like a short squeeze today maybe?

To bad I closed my long position a little early, but as they say no one goes broke making a profit!!!

I sure would hate to be short and see it go to 325. OUCH!!!!

Would love to be short 1-3k and watch it go back to 250 or even 225. Seems like it will have to pull back a bit for sure.

What is your strategy?

I'm going to watch it very closely. This stock is grossly overvalued and is running on steam from the google craze and all the recent reports about tech being the market's latest hidden gems.

No short squeeze on BIDU... ~ 13% short ratio....trading 6-9 million shares per day wouldn't amount to much of a run up. This is pure speculation and irrational bullishness.

Earnings...who knows....i'm betting that they miss narrowly, but I can't predict how the market is going to react to that.

Build a short position...start when you see the steam running out. 250-500 shares at a time. Be prepared to be looking at red before you see green. This guy is so volatile, I've seen 20 dollar price swings multiple times over the past month.

Yesterday was a ridiculous show of optimism....that looks like it will continue today...up 3 bucks already premarket. One piece of bad news will send the markets reeling once again. We are not out of this crap yet. Best to all the traders.
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