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How 'bout that stock market?

Just initiated a position in the gbpusd on a longer term swing play @ 1.9795, stop at 1.9717, target is 2.0236.

As for the redemption in the ES... nothing so far today... just sitting and waiting for a potential setup. Maybe there will be one, maybe not. Either way, my rules are strict and going to be followed to a T.

Good luck with the rest of the day folks!
Just initiated a position in the gbpusd on a longer term swing play @ 1.9795, stop at 1.9717, target is 2.0236.

As for the redemption in the ES... nothing so far today... just sitting and waiting for a potential setup. Maybe there will be one, maybe not. Either way, my rules are strict and going to be followed to a T.

Good luck with the rest of the day folks!

Looks good nice support @ .9740
+287/contract on one trade so far... letting the lunch time mess have fun without me. I traded my rules, and whadaya know... it worked exactly as I had designed it to! Cheers...

Looks good nice support @ .9740

Get in on it ryan... ALL THE COOL PEOPLE ARE DOING IT!!! ;)
+287/contract on one trade so far... letting the lunch time mess have fun without me. I traded my rules, and whadaya know... it worked exactly as I had designed it to! Cheers...

Get in on it ryan... ALL THE COOL PEOPLE ARE DOING IT!!! ;)

How did you make +287 when it moved about 40 pips?


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back even on bidu, STEVE....i need a rally into the close to make some jack!
let's pray!!:smile:

edit...up a buck!
Remeber market closed tomorrow.

You know I knew this too and I FORGOT to buy back the covered calls in my IRA. PHUCK!!! Some of it will get swept for sure. Oh well I guess I can buy it back and roll out April. I knew the market wasn't open tomorrow too. Just wasn't thinking.

Anyways....I made some really good money today selling the BIDU calls throughout the day and buying them back. Finally... I rolled out the April 230's for 11.30 each. I hope that it holds 200.
Tomorrow is my birthday so I had them close the market down so I can get a day off, (clears throat):biggrin:
Tomorrow is my birthday so I had them close the market down so I can get a day off, (clears throat):biggrin:
Happy Birthday Steve, you know that I was the one that arranged this for you!!!
Happy birthday Steve. Next week should bring some nice gains.

Ha..your broker lets you write options within your IRA? Must be covered, correct?

I dont' even think Ameritrade lets you do that.
Happy birthday Steve. Next week should bring some nice gains.

Ha..your broker lets you write options within your IRA? Must be covered, correct?

I dont' even think Ameritrade lets you do that.

I've written covered calls within my IRA for years.
Pocketed 10K...but left 30K on the table.

Repeat after me....
"You don't go broke making a profit.....You don't go broke making a profit...."

Weak Sauce silverstone!!! ;)

I missed out on a nice trade this morning because I have friggin morning classes on mon and wed... fricking college is costing me money!

Took another entry a couple minutes ago, got low ticked out at par before it went up to my target profit.... boooo hisss... To be exactly right and get ticked out on a move is frustrating. But thats trading!
Pocketed 10K...but left 30K on the table.

Repeat after me....
"You don't go broke making a profit.....You don't go broke making a profit...."


I am still sitting on my 4k at 223. Looking good although I have sold covered calls on it. :wink: :biggrin: If it holds above 230 until april expiration BAAAHHAAAA
The calls have slowed down a bit so I moght buy them back and close the postion in the next few days.
Buy back those calls, Steve. And dump your TMA today. I did. ;)
You think Bidu is headed higher from here?

I just saw some good news on TMA.

Yes and yes. I'll start building a short position in the mid 260's again.
Just had to, Steve. :wink:

You guys sure make this look complicated,all I did was buy bsc at 6 and sold at 12 all in the span of 36 hrs:wink: Of course that small victory does'nt make up for all the losers I held and winners I sold too early:redface:
Ugh...and this order was fat finger...I wanted to put in an order to buy more at 228.5....but typed in 238.50. Executed and I dumped it real quick. Still made a few bucks. Pure dumb luck. :wink:
