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How 'bout that stock market?

EEV/FXP large gains for me.
Closed half of my remaining SKF/QID.

I'm about to pull the trigger on CME.

Nice job on the ultrashorts. With the frequent rallies, that took some determination to hold out.

Pull the trigger on CME = buy or sell?

My shorts are now kicking in big time. Getting killed on NCC today...wonder what the buzz is about. C is still holding up.
Nice job on the ultrashorts. With the frequent rallies, that took some determination to hold out.

Pull the trigger on CME = buy or sell?

My shorts are now kicking in big time. Getting killed on NCC today...wonder what the buzz is about. C is still holding up.

CME damn well better hold the 460's area... if it can't defend that this week its all over and that thing is dropping like its hot!
Nice job on the ultrashorts. With the frequent rallies, that took some determination to hold out.

Pull the trigger on CME = buy or sell?

My shorts are now kicking in big time. Getting killed on NCC today...wonder what the buzz is about. C is still holding up.

The foriegn stuff were trades, made about 10$ on each and packed up my bags. I've had the others for a while [weeks].

CME is collapsing under heavy volume and looks like it found a little resistance at 420. My basis in my long term portfolio is 500 [took profits at ~700 earlier and repurchased in at 500 again] but I just bought my first few shares of CME in my trading account at $421.xx after I saw it make a little floor. It's 1/3 of what I plan on buying so if it goes lower [doubt it] I won't mind.

CNX is almost there..
C is falling with more momentum than I expected after the midday turn around. The volume and drop overnight was heavy and it's almost back to those levels pricewise.
CME damn well better hold the 460's area... if it can't defend that this week its all over and that thing is dropping like its hot!

Looks like the bottom fell out.

65,000 shares of BIDU @ 240.50 = ~ 16 million. Institutional?


I took the screenshot right after 20K of that order executed. After the full order went through, it dropped another 2 bucks of course.

*edit* another 30K shares went through @ 240
Gotta be institutional... thats amazing though! thanks for posting that up.

Do you use Level II analysis a lot?

I don't make a trade without watching the trade trend and level ii screen.

That's how I decide whether or not I want to trade or not. If the trading activity is too slow, I stay away.

Useful also because I see my trades go up, and when they get filled.
I am so torn. I am up big on the day and just thinking of selling out now. I hate to leave big profits on the table before the news comes out.

I got out of most of my downside positions last week and still took a hit today. I was down 5% at 10am and have managed that to down 3% now. I believe I'm in a good position though and will have a strong day later this week. With the good earnings results, it has to be tempting to keep a little on the reserve for the Fed and cut .75. Then again bear sterns just collapsed. I'm willing to bet those guys don't get paid enough.
Damn I'm good, 75 BP.

Down she goes.
Sold my apple calls and went short the stock at 130.71 but the pricks partial filled and only gave me 180 lousy shares. :mad:
BAH...i took profits on all my short positions today. Just have to keep watch. The Dow sank 200 points right after the Fed announcement....and i covered. :wink:

Then, when the rally resumed...I shorted KGC. Decent day.
Ended up ok on the day. Had one last trade on aapl that was a loser but I came out the day with a few grand more then I started with.

I bought some bidu this morning at 242. and sold the 250's for 4.70 FOR FRIDAY, talk about big premiums. Yummy.

BTW. I did a lotto ticket type play on the 09 EK 17.50's and the 30's. HUGE open interest and lots of volume yesterday. Somethings up. Anyone know anything? I know they hold the patent for OLED maybe they are getting ready for a product launch? Looks like they signed a deal with LG too.
1 par S&P trade that stopped out by a tick before continuing onto my profit target. 1 small 16 pip scalp in the GBPUSD, and one missed trade after the FOMC due to me being away from the screens... eh? Such is life right?

Better trading tomorrow for sure!
Talk about the lottery....Just bought 2K shares of TMA. :eek:
lol, Hey I just boght a 42" LCD and a Dell XPS so I don't miss any trades lol Oh and short gbpusd 1.9950 :)

BITE ME! :biggrin:

I don't have any FX positions on... is it just me or have the markets in fx land been a bit different over the past two weeks? I spend a lot of time waiting, but not a lot of time in trades. Anything noticeably different on your setups?