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How 'bout that stock market?

BITE ME! :biggrin:

I don't have any FX positions on... is it just me or have the markets in fx land been a bit different over the past two weeks? I spend a lot of time waiting, but not a lot of time in trades. Anything noticeably different on your setups?

Nope same shit 4hr charts, I use price action a lot now, 100+ pips a week is my goal and I get it most times. As I said I will goto day / week charts once this gets old. Hey have to put gas in my Corolla somehow! Oh my PC setup costs about the same as my Corolla hehe
So Steve...covered my BIDU short today.

3950 Shares at 244.5.

Covered @ 229

Do the math and Fedex me a wheelbarrow. :biggrin:
$61225... christ. Guys, please post your losses and not just your gains, otherwise I feel like a complete loser for not understanding and playing this game :). The posts here lead one to believe you are all nearly perfect and can't lose :).
Did you make almost $60k? Geeze, I'm going to quit my job asap.
Anyone know what's going on end of day here? Last trades were freaking enormous!!!

Here's a few:
AXP 431k
NUE 147K
WU 180K
HD 400K

Anyone know if these were buys or sells? If those are institutional sells, tomorrow is going to be UGLY! :eek:
Anyone know what's going on end of day here? Last trades were freaking enormous!!!

Here's a few:
AXP 431k
NUE 147K
WU 180K
HD 400K

Anyone know if these were buys or sells? If those are institutional sells, tomorrow is going to be UGLY! :eek:

$61225... christ. Guys, please post your losses and not just your gains, otherwise I feel like a complete loser for not understanding and playing this game :). The posts here lead one to believe you are all nearly perfect and can't lose :).

I did 33 trades today. 12 of them were losers and 21 were winners. So we do lose sometimes.

Total profit for today......$15,345.60

However I am sitting on some bidu at 233.3348...BUT I sold covered calls on it at the 250 level for 4.70 and bought those back today at .60 then rolled out the 230's for 6.80 that are now selling for 1.95.:biggrin: That's a 71.32% profit in just a couple of hours.

Those big blocks at the close have me sweating though.
So Steve...covered my BIDU short today.

3950 Shares at 244.5.

Covered @ 229

Do the math and Fedex me a wheelbarrow. :biggrin:
That is friggen sweet. You should buy that white NSX.

I am long bidu at 233.3348 with calls sold on it. I am about even money at the moment.
$61225... christ. Guys, please post your losses and not just your gains, otherwise I feel like a complete loser for not understanding and playing this game :). The posts here lead one to believe you are all nearly perfect and can't lose :).

I'll post my losses! I got annihilated today. You guys ever have a day that you start off with a stupid decision and then it just spirals out of control for the rest of the day? That was today for me. I haven't screwed up this bad trading in months. Total hurt was -312.50/contract. Its not the dollar amount that pisses me off, its how it came to fruition.

Today I took a signal in the S&P before 10AM EST. Thats against my rules - and it lost. Thats why I don't trade before a set time everyday in that market. Mistake 1.

I passed on the two valid signals I got because I got greedy on my entry price and ended up having both moves swing down a pass me by. I missed out on 600.00/contract haggling over a 12.50 difference in my fills. Mistake 2 & 3.

Took a signal in the afternoon now aching to make back my money and show the market what was what I bent my rules to get an entry. And it stopped out. Mistake 4.

And here is where I did something truly shameful. I was down 250/contract going into and I ended up buying the market. The TREND WAS DOWN. And I bought the market in a desperate attempt to revenge trade. Result? I'm was then down 312/contract! I'm freaking pissed off at myself. Mistake 5.

Its one thing to take good solid entries that adhere to your system and have them fail. Its completly disgraceful to ignore your rules and uterlly pitiful when i put on that revenge trade. Literally had to turn off the charts and walk away after I made that decision.

Had I traded correctly today I'd be up like 700/per... tomorrow i'm playing it textbook. I expect to have off days like this on occasion but i've been doing so well lately i'm actually a bit surprised I let it get to this point today. Just disappointed in myself!
$61225... christ. Guys, please post your losses and not just your gains, otherwise I feel like a complete loser for not understanding and playing this game :). The posts here lead one to believe you are all nearly perfect and can't lose :).

I post my trade logs. WYSIWYG...no photoshop here.

I don't have many losses because if a stock goes too far in one direction, I always leave enough buying power to average up or down and close the position for a gain. With this volatility, I am getting a lot of get out of jail free cards. At one point I was off 120K on that BIDU trade, but I had the nuts to stick with it. :eek:

If you want me to start posting my trade logs again, I will gladly oblige.

I was actually hurting today while we were still green. I had two strong up days and I'm leveraged to the downside "sort of". The way the markets were moving it was a lot more than usual.

The I expected the collapse today and if this was to the upside instead of 300~ to the downside I'd be out significantly. I'm still out a decent amount, probably about 5% off my high of up 17% since Feb 1st. I don't move the amount of money most of these guys do though.
That is friggen sweet. You should buy that white NSX.

I am long bidu at 233.3348 with calls sold on it. I am about even money at the moment.

Ha...already have one NSX...don't need two...gains will go towards my credit card bill this month. Holy shit, I never knew how much money you could spend on a house. TV's, furniture, accessories, just stupid stuff. Christ, I had no idea how much blinds cost. That guy took me for 2 g's....and that was just my first floor! I'm going to post pictures of the new place soon once I get it together a little more. Ha....the girls are giving me shit cause I have the electronics taken care of and no couches.:wink:

As far as BIDU...now that my short is closed, I'm going long tomorrow if I can snag some up in the premarket at a decent price. I wouldn't worry about 10 bucks to the downside, Steve...that guy bounces around about 8 bucks a day.
Ha...already have one NSX...don't need two...gains will go towards my credit card bill this month. Holy shit, I never knew how much money you could spend on a house. TV's, furniture, accessories, just stupid stuff. Christ, I had no idea how much blinds cost. That guy took me for 2 g's....and that was just my first floor! I'm going to post pictures of the new place soon once I get it together a little more. Ha....the girls are giving me shit cause I have the electronics taken care of and no couches.:wink:

As far as BIDU...now that my short is closed, I'm going long tomorrow if I can snag some up in the premarket at a decent price. I wouldn't worry about 10 bucks to the downside, Steve...that guy bounces around about 8 bucks a day.

I was thinking of picking up another 1000 shares tomorrow and seeing what happens. I made stupid money selling calls on it already so I am close to even money on it at this point.

Welcome to home ownership. That shit adds up quick.

edit...BTW that is balls of steel you have to sit on a 120k trade in the wrong direction. Was that after doubling up too? If so man, I don't know if I would sleep. Maybe like a baby, wake up every hour balling!!!

Edit 2 you know had you shorted at the top of the 120k loss that would have been a 180k gainer. :eek
I'll post my losses! I got annihilated today. You guys ever have a day that you start off with a stupid decision and then it just spirals out of control for the rest of the day? That was today for me. I haven't screwed up this bad trading in months. Total hurt was -312.50/contract. Its not the dollar amount that pisses me off, its how it came to fruition.

Today I took a signal in the S&P before 10AM EST. Thats against my rules - and it lost. Thats why I don't trade before a set time everyday in that market. Mistake 1.

I passed on the two valid signals I got because I got greedy on my entry price and ended up having both moves swing down a pass me by. I missed out on 600.00/contract haggling over a 12.50 difference in my fills. Mistake 2 & 3.

Took a signal in the afternoon now aching to make back my money and show the market what was what I bent my rules to get an entry. And it stopped out. Mistake 4.

And here is where I did something truly shameful. I was down 250/contract going into and I ended up buying the market. The TREND WAS DOWN. And I bought the market in a desperate attempt to revenge trade. Result? I'm was then down 312/contract! I'm freaking pissed off at myself. Mistake 5.

Its one thing to take good solid entries that adhere to your system and have them fail. Its completly disgraceful to ignore your rules and uterlly pitiful when i put on that revenge trade. Literally had to turn off the charts and walk away after I made that decision.

Had I traded correctly today I'd be up like 700/per... tomorrow i'm playing it textbook. I expect to have off days like this on occasion but i've been doing so well lately i'm actually a bit surprised I let it get to this point today. Just disappointed in myself!

This post is great, really the difference between a good trader and a pro. If you screw up your rules you are trading on EMOTION!!!! Dont trade this way, trading is a job, it is not exciting at all. In fact it's the most boaring thing I have ever done. Want excitment goto Vegas not the market. I am not trying to be a dick but I hate to see people lose. Trade as small as you can untill you go 3 months without a day like this. If I trade 100 contracts and screw up my rules it can cost a few 100k if I go nuts. You will have losing days you know this, just play it without emotion. Call me if you start taking dumb trades lol no shit. If I did something like this I was done for the week, just because I was being a dumbass and there is no need for it.
I was thinking of picking up another 1000 shares tomorrow and seeing what happens. I made stupid money selling calls on it already so I am close to even money on it at this point.

Welcome to home ownership. That shit adds up quick.

edit...BTW that is balls of steel you have to sit on a 120k trade in the wrong direction. Was that after doubling up too? If so man, I don't know if I would sleep. Maybe like a baby, wake up every hour balling!!!

Edit 2 you know had you shorted at the top of the 120k loss that would have been a 180k gainer. :eek

I try not to look at it that way...Rule #1...you don't go broke making a profit. And that was a rough profit....sat on that position for 2 weeks. To tell you the truth I would have much rather snagged 5K scalps a day for two weeks, gone cash @ cob, and not had to deal with the pressure.
The market isn't even open and I am down 5 grand on my first trade. :eek:

It's gonna be a crazy day today for sure.

Do I look scared.
Free money trading PGH this morning. That was like someone leaving money in a bag at my door.

Down 58k on paper with bidu. Up ~20k in real money trading the options on it.
3K shares....avg cost 213.33. Down 15K as I write.

Think steel, Steve.

C is back in the green!
Sold the C @ the day's high of 21.97. That was lucky.