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f1spec Full bucket racin seats. in frp,cf,ck

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it was great meeting larry and nim this weekend. if any of you guys want to check out these seats in person you guys can pass y my warehouse and we have displays. and we sell hid kits .
Where are the $%@ photos of these installed ?

With no one posting photos of them installed, it makes me wonder if this guy has sold any seats at all.
i was asking him about seats with recaro logos but he said we dont sell but on photos you could see that they available :mad: also they are expensive a little bit than in ebay.but nothing personal waiting for the photos like the others
i was asking him about seats with recaro logos but he said we dont sell but on photos you could see that they available :mad: also they are expensive a little bit than in ebay.but nothing personal waiting for the photos like the others

These are not recaro seats, they're knock offs - selling these seats with recaro logos would be infringing on recaro's brand... you would probably need to go directly to the source, probably in China, where brands are less of a concern, if you wanted fake recaros.

You could pick up a set of brembo caliper covers while you're over there:

Where are the $%@ photos of these installed ?

With no one posting photos of them installed, it makes me wonder if this guy has sold any seats at all.

I'm not in controll of other people not posting the installed seats in their car.
So please don't make it seem like its in my power to make them post it
i was asking him about seats with recaro logos but he said we dont sell but on photos you could see that they available :mad: also they are expensive a little bit than in ebay.but nothing personal waiting for the photos like the others

I've have told you that we were only selling the seat that was compared to that recaro SPA seat.
The seat right next to it is our seat without the RECARO stitching.
These are not recaro seats, they're knock offs - selling these seats with recaro logos would be infringing on recaro's brand... you would probably need to go directly to the source, probably in China, where brands are less of a concern, if you wanted fake recaros.

You could pick up a set of brembo caliper covers while you're over there:


realy? how much ya think
looks really sweet!! what about fiiting you into these seats?because my friend has MOMO AND IM HAVING TROUBLE TO PUSH MY ASS IN THESE:eek: :biggrin: :rolleyes:
There seems to be a height difference between the seats in BluryNSX and larryNSX's car.

BlurryNSX, how tall are you? Do you notice if your head is sticking up above the top edge of the seat?

larrynsx, is your head far from the top edge of the seat? Is the seat close to the roof?
I have seen limited review/opinions on this product?
Can others share on their experience?

This sounds like a decent deal - but are there drawbacks other than the fact that it's a knock-off?
im interested in this but sometimes i dont understand this seller :frown:
It would be great if those with experience can chime in here to answer one important question on this seat - safety.

How safe are these seats, and/or how do we know that they actually *are* relatively safe.
-We know they are not FIA approved - is there other certification that might provide some level of expectation?
-Are they built by a reputable race parts manufacturer or...? Who is building them?
-Has anyone been in an accident with these and shared an experience? Doesn't have to be an NSX.. What about a similar unit on a different car?
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It would be great if those with experience can chime in here to answer one important question on this seat - safety.

How safe are these seats, and/or how do we know that they actually *are* relatively safe.
-We know they are not FIA approved - is there other certification that might provide some level of expectation?
-Are they built by a reputable race parts manufacturer or...? Who is building them?
-Has anyone been in an accident with these and shared an experience? Doesn't have to be an NSX.. What about a similar unit on a different car?

Just sharing thoughts... Hope I don't get flamed. I spoke with 3 reputable track guys and they said that one is taking significant risk when purchasing a set without any safety certification. One of them has seen a seat absolutely shatter in pieces from a moderate accident... Unless there is formal proof that this will not happen, I would proceed with caution. The worst thing you want is to be in an accident and less safe than having a stock seat.
i agree with slownsxt if not a problem leave you experience with these seats
Why would anyone (especially NSX owners) cheap out on their safety harnesses? Believe me, none of these seats has been impact tested for safety. Knock-off fiberglass bodykits are one thing, but one's personal health and safety should not merely reside on "eye-candy" alone.

Unless F1 can provide stagnant documentation on the safety of their products, IMO, I would stay far away from these fly by night shops.

These knock-offs reminded me of fake Bride Ergos from awhile back.
Nsx Prime members

Eventhough our seats are not FIA approved,
our seats have been tested to certain saftey standards that would be safe in collisions and will not fall apart as some of you guys have said.
you have to know that most of the seats out there that major companies are not FIA approved ,
for example, bride. spoon, mugen, recaro, momo, sparco seat are not all FIA approved , and if you wanted them to be fia appoved you would have to pay the higher marked up prices they have for the FIA approved seats.

I can say our seats are safe and our manufacturer that makes our seats for our company are capable and are making seats for other companies that are Fia approved.

If you guys are looking for Fia approved seats and don't mind paying for higher prices we can get those seats for you that we sellin Fia approved versions.

If you do have anymore question about safety standards or seats please feel free to email me or private message me.
Here's a picture of BluryNSX's seat to prove that a Recaro Young Start booster fits perfectly. :wink:

Nsx Prime members

Eventhough our seats are not FIA approved,
our seats have been tested to certain saftey standards that would be safe in collisions and will not fall apart as some of you guys have said.
you have to know that most of the seats out there that major companies are not FIA approved ,
for example, bride. spoon, mugen, recaro, momo, sparco seat are not all FIA approved , and if you wanted them to be fia appoved you would have to pay the higher marked up prices they have for the FIA approved seats.

As I have mentioned above, safety standards such as FIA approval is a small price tag to pay - you can't put a price tag on that.

I can say our seats are safe and our manufacturer that makes our seats for our company are capable and are making seats for other companies that are Fia approved.

By no means am I instigating to single you out, but do you have any documentation to make such claims? I can say NSXs are faster than F-Cars, but without proper Dynos and time slips, that claim to fame won't carry much weight.

Awesome pic Otto, imagine Junior being strapped down with this as well.
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