F1 2009 megathread

The back pedalling by the FIA and Bernie are understandible as FOTA is clear on their intentions to split. FOTA has basically put the FIA into a corner and justified in doing so as rule and regulations as per the Concorde Agreement cannot be changed every 6 months - this will be the FIA's downfall when it came to legal wrangling.

Reports from all over media are that tracks globally are interested and media outlets as well. If I were a media outlet who's previously dealt with Bernie and FOM I'd be well interested in securing media rights to televise if it were substantially less than what is presently sent to the FOM. I think you'll see this with tracks as well...especially the likes of Canada and the U.S. The mayor of the Gold Coast in Australia is very keen and supportive of FOTA as they lost the Champ Car race that was normally held there.

Ferrari are not to be trusted by FOTA even though they appear to be in the pocket of such. Ferrari are well know to get what they want and really don't care who they abuse to get there. If Bernie and the FIA were to throw Ferrari a bone guess who would bite?
I am hoping to go to Monaco next year, I hope these clowns figure this out. I don't want to spend the money, if all I am going to see are second class teams racing go carts.

I believe I heard Bob Varsha say that Monaco has made the statement (paraphrasing): "No Ferrari, No Race".
I believe I heard Bob Varsha say that Monaco has made the statement (paraphrasing): "No Ferrari, No Race".

Actually, the Prince of Monaco said they will go where Ferrari goes. So it's more like, "No Ferrari, no FIA race, but a FOTA race, yes!" ;)
Well Max Mosley is retiring, so who knows what changes we will see in the future.

They also posted the 2010 F1 Teams...

www.f1-live.com said:
The following teams have been accepted for the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship.




What about Bernie Ecclestone and CVC/FOM?? Are all the monies still going to those leeches?
Re: No, not a good thing

It was too good to be true.
Reb, I hear ya. Yes, a lot of us wanted some rule stability or at least predictable gradual changes, as well as different venues and what not, but at the high cost of a split? No one, including us, the fans, could live with the baggage that would go with that. Both sides would lose major shine that could not be replaced in the next 10 years.

Now I'd normally say "this is my 2 cents" or "IMHO" but it's not; It is the position of the overwhelming majority of everyone in the know that I read.

Guess we'll have to go back to discussing Hamo. :biggrin:
Re: No, not a good thing

Reb, I hear ya. Yes, a lot of us wanted some rule stability or at least predictable gradual changes, as well as different venues and what not, but at the high cost of a split? No one, including us, the fans, could live with the baggage that would go with that. Both sides would lose major shine that could not be replaced in the next 10 years.

Now I'd normally say "this is my 2 cents" or "IMHO" but it's not; It is the position of the overwhelming majority of everyone in the know that I read.

Guess we'll have to go back to discussing Hamo. :biggrin:


Now FOTA has to get rid of Bernie Ecclestone and his FOM/CVC!! :mad:
Re: No, not a good thing

Now FOTA has to get rid of Bernie Ecclestone and his FOM/CVC!! :mad:

I wonder what they decided about their demanding of a greater share of the revenue.

www.f1-live.com said:
The eight Formula One Teams Association members were demanding a higher budget cap and a right to participation in the sport's governance, in addition to obtaining a greater share of Formula One's revenue from the commercial rights holder represented by Bernie Ecclestone.
Re: WTF is this?

I knew the FOTA was doomed the minute I saw their logo. Looks like something Flavio came up with after partying all nite with some bimbos. I'll bet the big boobed cleaning maids get high off what falls on the floor. :wink:
and Honda is listed as part of the new F1 commission! :eek::confused:

Ferraris press release after Mosley's ouster states...

""A Championship, which will be held, as suggested by FOTA, in the spirit of sporting and technological competition, with clear and fixed rules and transparent governance, handled by the F1 Commission."

And what is the F1 commission?

"The World Council uses a fax vote to appoint the F1 commission which includes a representative from the FIA, one from the commercial rights holder, five promoters (Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Monaco and Spain) and six teams: Red Bull Racing, Renault, BMW Sauber, Ferrari, Honda and Williams F1. The selection is based on national licences and Red Bull has managed to get a place having decided to apply for an Austrian racing licence, although the team does not yet have this sorted out."

Tracks get 5 votes
Teams get 6 votes
FIA gets 1 vote
FOM gets 1 vote

Max was cut off at the knees.
Re: They oughta make a movie

A common cliché back in the day. One that pops into my head after reading this editorial.

Anyway, like most of you, I’ve been trying to digest all the personalities, twists, turns and nuances of “The Split Saga” that we’ve been following like a popular TV sit-com for………. how many weeks now? And I was thinking there would be a lot of interesting character development in a movie about this episode. Something like the Frost Nixon movie which showed a plausible side of Nixon that the media never got or wanted a glimpse of back in the 70's.

So then I read the James Allen article below. And it’s very hard to grasp how incredibly bumbling the personalities have been as they have fumbled the ball back and forth; each retort sounding more childish than the last. “Racin’ is Hatin.” I think Robin Miller made that popular when he quoted Paul Tracy a few years back. I like it. But that kind of smack only belongs in driver interviews and my race reports. It has no place coming from the upper management and being quoted in the media when so much is at stake.

So this has me shaking my head all over again. How incredibly unprofessional of FOTA.

Mosley furious at FOTA jibes
June 25, 2009 by James Allen

Looks like FOTA may have got the tone wrong with their triumphalism over the deal agreed on Wednesday to avert a breakaway in Formula 1.

Max Mosley has reacted angrily to the tone of messages coming out of FOTA and about what he sees as misleading briefings to the media. Having cast his eye through the morning’s papers, some of which we reviewed here on JA on F1, he sent off an angry letter to FOTA prior to their meeting in Bologna,

“Given your and FOTA’s deliberate attempt to mislead the media, I now consider my options open. At least until October, I am president of the FIA with the full authority of that office.

“After that it is the FIA member clubs, not you or FOTA, who will decide on the future leadership of the FIA.”

Mosley is not saying that he’s changing his mind about standing again in October, but he is saying that FOTA should be careful and treat the FIA with the respect it claimed to have for it in closing the deal.

Mosley is furious with the tone of messages like Luca di Montezemolo’s jibe about no more ‘dictators’. He is also angry that FOTA representatives have claimed that FIA Senate president Michel Boeri is now in change of F1, rather than that the Senate itself, of which he is, and will remain, a part. He has also bridled at suggestions that he was forced out of office.

“We made a deal yesterday in Paris to end the recent difficulties in Formula 1. A fundamental part of this was that we would both present a positive and truthful account to the media.

“I was therefore astonished to learn that FOTA has been briefing the press that Mr Boeri has taken charge of Formula 1, something which you know is completely untrue; that I had been forced out of office, also false; and, apparently, that I would have no role in the FIA after October, something which is plain nonsense, if only because of the FIA statutes.

“Furthermore, you have suggested to the media that I was a ‘dictator’, an accusation which is grossly insulting to the 26 members of the World Motor Sport Council who have discussed and voted all the rules and procedures of Formula 1 since the 1980s, not to mention the representatives of the FIA’s 122 countries who have democratically endorsed everything I and my World Motor Sport Council colleagues have done during the last 18 years.”

Mosley makes it clear that he wants them to change their tone and be more respectful,

“You must correct the false statements which have been made and make no further such statements. You yourself must issue a suitable correction and apology at your press conference this afternoon.”

No such apology has been forthcoming so far.

It’s hard to imagine that the situation will return to what we had prior to Wednesday’s meeting, but Mosley’s pride has been hurt and FOTA know that.

There is no need to be provocative, they have what they wanted and Mosley is not staying on after October. But clearly they couldn’t resist it. In Italy in particular, Montezemolo is being being painted as St George, who slayed the dragon.
Sweet! So we might still have a FOTA breakaway series! :biggrin:
C'mon FOTA, break away already!! :biggrin:
Re: Peter Windsor......

he's got the drum roll going for his team announcement. Did you hear him on Despain last nite?

He's talking about a "different way" to fund the team "well into the 21st century" or some such thing. Any one have an idea of what will be so different about his business plan? :rolleyes: