F1 2009 megathread

Caterpillars to be confirmed by Fezza at Monza this year? Ah f*&%.

Re: Writers stirring the pot or real this time?

Shawn-ski where did you get that picture? You think it's real?

When I saw those same old rumors being recycled yesterday, my take was that is was just that Spanish rag having some hackneyed fun in a slow news week. Only this time, they photoshopped "the evidence".

Not saying it ain't happening, just wondering how, this time, the rumor is more credible. In fact, I guess everyone agrees he's going eventually, but we've been given this breaking news for a couple of years:


Any-who, like always, the cliche is "we shall see". :smile:

Edit: I gotta invent a hate meter; I'd like to know if you hate Fred more than Rebel hates what's his name. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Fairly sure it's photochopped but my gut says Kimi is out and Alfonso will be replacing him. But really, who knows? All of this drama in F1 is too much even for me this year.

I guess we'll know for sure during Monza.
Fairly sure it's photochopped but my gut says Kimi is out and Alfonso will be replacing him. But really, who knows? All of this drama in F1 is too much even for me this year.

I guess we'll know for sure during Monza.

It's Alonso.
Re: Clarification please

It's Alonso.
that is his face photoshopped onto the red suit?
that is him actually in that red suit and therefore the deal is done?
that the announcement is imminent?

Ya know, when he does go to Ferrari, I hope he takes the Kimster's seat. I like Flippy better........for no rational driver/qualification reason...........he just comes across as more of an approachable guy. Good reason, huh? :rolleyes:
Re: Clarification please

that is his face photoshopped onto the red suit?
that is him actually in that red suit and therefore the deal is done?
that the announcement is imminent?

Ya know, when he does go to Ferrari, I hope he takes the Kimster's seat. I like Flippy better........for no rational driver/qualification reason...........he just comes across as more of an approachable guy. Good reason, huh? :rolleyes:

meaning you misspelled his name. But yeah, I think Felipe should stay, even though Kimi is the Champion between the two.
Re: Clarification please

meaning you misspelled his name. But yeah, I think Felipe should stay, even though Kimi is the Champion between the two.

Tedroe and I take a certain amount of literary license w/ F1 driver's names. For example, Cardboard = David Coultard, Crash = Sato, Alfonso/Caterpillars = Alsonso, The Drunk = Kimi, Rubinho = Rubens, Seabass = Vettal, etc.
Re: Clarification please

Tedroe and I take a certain amount of literary license w/ F1 driver's names. For example, Cardboard = David Coultard, Crash = Sato, Alfonso/Caterpillars = Alsonso, The Drunk = Kimi, Rubinho = Rubens, Seabass = Vettal, etc.

Never heard of Alfonso. I have heard of Caterpillars and some of the other ones. Very well, carry on. :smile:
Re: Some eye-popping numbers

Half a billion Euros to engineer the '09 Brawn? Sounds about right considering the result.


But if that's true, next year will be way different. :frown:

From Wurz's quote.

"The Brawn is probably the most expensive car with the lowest operating budget ever," the Austrian admitted.

Honda spend about $350 to $400 million last season, which contained the cost of running last year's car and the development of this year's car. The proportion of the spend on developing this year's car is much greater than previous years, as indicated last season.

The basic bare bone cost of running the team this year was also financed by Honda (supposedly).

The rumor was that Honda sold the team for one British sterling silver pound and picked up the basic cost of this year's championship. Any spending at the end of the season will up to Ross Brawn. There shouldn't be any issues beyond this season since Ross Brawn fought against the $40 million cap. The championship winning team will get he biggest cut of the profit share, which will be almost half of the annual budget, so it's up to his team to secure the championship for that money.
speculate on what engine Brawn GP will use next year

Virgin has gone for Manor GP and left Brawn GP behind: Virgin set for Manor GP move . Deputy technical director Joerg Zander leaving Brawn GP (Zander leaves Brawn team) a few weeks ago might hint at the less-than-solid link between Ilmor/Mercedes and Brawn GP. He's the only German national to be in the upper ranks. The only other non-British national in the upper ranks is Frenchman Loic Bigois heading up aerodynamics.

Now let's speculate on what engine Brawn GP will use next year (even though it's not necessarily related to Virgin's move or Zander's move):

McLaren Honda brought us Ayrton Senna.

Williams Honda brought us Nigel Mansell.

Brawn Honda will bring us Jenson Button?​

I think Honda is better off purely as an engine supplier, and not just to one team, similar to how (the former) Ilmor is doing, or the current Cosworth is doing. That big Powered by Honda sign on the snorkel is enough advertisement already, without the need to own the whole team and bring on all the international political intrigue that slows down progress. Imagine if Ilmor/Mercedes was only tied to McLaren and no other team: this year they would be the laughing stock of everyone.
Re: speculate on what engine Brawn GP will use next year

Virgin has gone for Manor GP and left Brawn GP behind: Virgin set for Manor GP move . Deputy technical director Joerg Zander leaving Brawn GP (Zander leaves Brawn team) a few weeks ago might hint at the less-than-solid link between Ilmor/Mercedes and Brawn GP. He's the only German national to be in the upper ranks. The only other non-British national in the upper ranks is Frenchman Loic Bigois heading up aerodynamics.

Now let's speculate on what engine Brawn GP will use next year (even though it's not necessarily related to Virgin's move or Zander's move):

McLaren Honda brought us Ayrton Senna.

Williams Honda brought us Nigel Mansell.

Brawn Honda will bring us Jenson Button?

I think Honda is better off purely as an engine supplier, and not just to one team, similar to how (the former) Ilmor is doing, or the current Cosworth is doing. That big Powered by Honda sign on the snorkel is enough advertisement already, without the need to own the whole team and bring on all the international political intrigue that slows down progress. Imagine if Ilmor/Mercedes was only tied to McLaren and no other team: this year they would be the laughing stock of everyone.

One could only hope.
Re: They denied it, so it must be true

Virgin has gone for Manor GP
Manor boss Booth says:
..."The Virgin link is just speculation and I couldn't really comment on it for legal reasons, and it is unhelpful to speculate about Virgin,........"

Sounds a little like Ferrari denying they will soon announce that Fred will be in a Red Car next year, so yeah, it's probably true.

But, then again, this is Branson we're talking about, so I don't really care if the flake takes his sideshow elsewhere.
Re: I'm speechless

How can a person gain so much control over so many people and lose touch with reality and the world? :confused: In Bernie's case, is it a psych/social thing, in the category of "power corrupts"? or is it simply physical, like dimentia?
Re: Next Weekend

OK, here's my Plan B for next weekend. Assuming the top 4 spots are being predictably contested by Brawn and Red Bull and that one or 2 drivers will be dominating..........what else is there to watch for? (Well, besides human interest stories like Kimi deciding to "retire" early from 13th place and get some ice cream). How about watching for BMW's prediction of improvement?

Re: Bernie's working on it

Buh-bye Bernie.

I hope he's forced to resign.
Well Bernie's backing off: besides apologizing, he is getting advice from Peter Mandelson, a British politican who

In this role he was one of the first people in Britain to whom the term "spin doctor" was applied
Is it just me or was that "apology" a veiled insult at Jewish people. Considering Bernie's money grubbing reputation, I'm not sure those of the Jewish race would like the comparision of Bernie being "more Jewish" than they.

Meh. Rare is the rich person that is grounded in reality.
So Fuji is officially pulling out as a Grand Prix track...and Suzuka is offering to fill the void.

Good, never liked Fuji. Good, bring back the USGP.
From what I saw, Suzuka is not stepping up yet. I believe they had a previous commitment in place for '09 and '11 and are considering stepping up to fill the void but have not committed yet. Am I mistaken?
I think they're waiting for the formal announcement once dates can be found. I dunno, maybe Finish press isn't as good as it used to be. ;)
I think Suzuka is a far better track anyway, so if they do step up, I am all for it.
Re: Everytime you turn around.......

you find another example staring you in the face.
Meh. Rare is the rich person that is grounded in reality.
This time's it's Jacques V. thinking he can come back. Sheesh, he's older than Ruby and been gone for years. http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/090707172812.shtml

"I am talking seriously with teams – new but also older ones," he confirmed to FlagWorld.com. "Serious propositions are effectively on the table, but nothing has been confirmed."
Re: Another provocative move.......

in this billion $$ chess end game?

Correct me if I'm off base here, but.........Recall the speculation that Max will string the FOTA along and drag the details of the 2010 rules out until FOTA is so outraged they'll be ready to bolt again, but they'll be out of time and momentum? Well, I don't know if that will ultimately be the outcome, but it looks like Max (without a queen) is moving a powerful rook in a very menacing way.

James Allen is reporting that Max sent letters to all the teams including the non-FOTA inviting them to the table this weekend to discuss rules and details that FOTA thought was up to them to develop and bring to the FIA for "ratification", whatever that means. :rolleyes: (I doubt it means a rubber stamp) So, if 5 non-FOTA teams have veto power, that is at least distracting to FOTA's agenda. Granted, it's not likely those teams will be so brazen (or stupid) as to use the veto, but at least it gives Max the satisfaction of stirring the pot, and, just maybe, a shot at what could be called a stalemate between him and FOTA by season's end. :mad:

Waddya think? will the drama queens will be at it again this weekend distracting us from the actual racing?