3rd Mt. Fuji run 2008

coming from Long Island willing to meet up with anyone interested, since I refuse to get lost on my first Mt Fuji run, most likely be taking the throgs neck bridge.
ill see you guys there! looks like nice weather

any of you guys going to be having "speed contests"? haha
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ill see you fellow spa yellows there. ill be leaving in a few. damn beautiful weather.

the kid, i hope you bring your zanardi :biggrin:
Guys, we had little issue with the people count when paying for the food :mad:

In any case. When we left, some people had to pay again as for some reason they did not include them on the same bill.

I have $80 left and there were two people that payed with credit cards that I forgot their names. For those guys, PLEASEcontact me [email protected] as we have to give the money back to the guys that payed twice.

I hope that everyone had fun, and it was good seeing everyone again :)

From the other run I mentioned

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