Search results

  1. DrVolkl

    $5+ per gallon gas...

    Less SUV's on the road... no more suburbans for every soccer mom out there. Return of the wagon! I can't wait to start seeing people drive more sensible cars...
  2. DrVolkl

    NSX parked next to a ________ thread for size comparos

    One of the few cars I've seen where the NSX actually looks larger! lol
  3. DrVolkl

    What is this car worth?

    +1 !! I think a lot of NSX's are over priced... if someone really wants to move some of these cars, they need to drop 5-10k. Not saying you can't get top dollar for one, but you may be waiting a year or more. The buyer pool is just too small for these cars. Personally, if you have a nice...
  4. DrVolkl

    Have ya'll seen this in classifieds? JH4NA21615S000200

    I would have bought it and installed a new instrument cluster with 20k miles... just to make myself feel better! :wink::wink: 150k miles on an NSX doesn't bother me... here's a chance to get a 2005 (I preferred my NA2 to my NA1) for a 1993 price. The '93 would probably have close to 100k miles...
  5. DrVolkl

    After the NSX, what is the "LOGICAL" upgrade next car?

    Yeah, I'm having a blast with my 997 Turbo... Have you checked the 6speedonline classifieds? I see 996's occasionally. I think a "logical" upgrade to the NSX is a Ferrari, especially now that they're more practical. The new Loti look good too.. the McLaren seems a tad pricey.... the R8 in any...
  6. DrVolkl

    Have ya'll seen this in classifieds? JH4NA21615S000200

    Well it's somewhere local to me, 206 is a Seattle area code among others... Plus it's been on craigslist almost daily. I'm tempted myself to pick it up, just because... man that's cheap! lol
  7. DrVolkl

    Wednesday has Plenty of Sunshine Guys, Lets Have a Mini Meet at Joey's?

    Bummer... I wanted to stop by but I had a meeting already set for that night. Was hoping to see what some of the local cars looked like these days! I'm sure there will be plenty of time this summer...
  8. DrVolkl

    Wednesday has Plenty of Sunshine Guys, Lets Have a Mini Meet at Joey's?

    Anyone take any pics?
  9. DrVolkl

    So what's everyone's thoughts on Unicorns?? (Official Unicorn Picture Thread)

    What the **** has happened here. I sell my car and this place goes to hell! :wink:
  10. DrVolkl

    Bronze or Spark Silver TE37's?

    Lol... I sold the car almost a year ago... I can't remember when the rims came! Yes, I got blue, thanks Cosmo! At this point in my life I would have gotten silver again, but that was then and a different build. Not a bad looking car, eh?! It was for sale briefly back East and I haven't...
  11. DrVolkl

    Anyone got a day off on Friday?

    Friday as in today... or next week? I'd be happy to take you on my lunch.... unless of course it's too late. :)
  12. DrVolkl

    Drink of choice

    I just drink crown or chivaz on the rocks when I'm out. I love beer, but I get too full after a couple.
  13. DrVolkl

    GT-R is an ugly car (I hate to say it)

    Hmmm... I think Batmans car AND the GT-R both look pretty fantastic.... :redface:
  14. DrVolkl

    If your child still believes in Santa......

    Nice! 3yr old will love it!
  15. DrVolkl


    The later model ones with power steering are easier to drive... around a parking lot. That being said, the ones without power steering are not difficult to drive around a parking lot.
  16. DrVolkl

    2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S kicks serious asses

    ... and there are tuned 997 turbos that will eat pretty much anything out there. How did we get to this? I've learned more about GTO's since Batman joined NSXprime than any other non-nsx vehicle. lol :smile:
  17. DrVolkl

    Stern signs with Sirius...

    +1... I've been listening to him non stop since I got my subscription with my new Audi back in Jan... after the 3 month trial period ended, I bought the package because of him.
  18. DrVolkl

    2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S kicks serious asses

    Decent 997.1 Turbos are still mostly in the 70k+ range... and I haven't seen a ford GT for less that $140k. Kinda like saying I'm going to buy a '91 NSX for $18k... Yeah, you can, but, you probably don't want to. You'll be hard pressed to find a nice 996 Turbo for $50k.
  19. DrVolkl

    2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S kicks serious asses

    Exactly... I have no desire to own a '69 camaro, but someday I hope to own another '91 NSX. I kinda feel the same way about both of those cars... in their day, they were king.
  20. DrVolkl

    2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S kicks serious asses

    Basically hit the nail on the head. The NSX looks a ton more "exotic"... there's just no doubt about it. I kinda out-grew that whole idea and I wanted something more practical. When it comes to super cars, there is probably nothing more practical than a 911. A lot of NSX owners will say the...
  21. DrVolkl

    Steals on 2011 Honda Odyssey leases

    We have a 2008 Odyssey Touring as well... has been a fantastic van. We opted for the 0.9% financing... and I'm stoked, because $4k more and I own the damn thing! I think the new one is a little more polarizing in the looks department, I don't think they're moving them like they used to...
  22. DrVolkl

    2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S kicks serious asses

    Lol... and I'm the total opposite. I've put more miles on my 997tt in 7 months than I did on my '03 NSX in 2+ years. I haven't missed either of my NSX's... although they were super cool cars.. and I still hope to have one in my garage someday as part of my "collection".
  23. DrVolkl

    Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

    WikiLeaks to release future files with UFO talk:
  24. DrVolkl

    STMPO Race Products - New product - NSX Targa Rear Strut Tower (95-05)

    I had to do it on my '03... I just broke it off with my hands.... I may have used a hammer.. lol. It was that bad.
  25. DrVolkl

    2003 Auto NSX on Craigslist for $46k!

    The Automatics also come with the 3.0 engine only, detuned to 252 HP. IMO that would be icing on the deal breaker.