If your child still believes in Santa......

11 April 2001
South Florida
this is a great site....


It helps if you have a photo of your child to upload. You'll enter some info about your child, things they've strived for this year, gifts they are requesting, etc and it creates a personal video from Santa which gets emailed to you (or your child), you'll be able to view it before it's sent. It's really a great idea and creates a really cool personalized video.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the link!

I just sent one message for each of my 3 kids. They're gonna flip out!
Glad to pass it along. My daughter (8 yrs old - probably the last year I'll get away with this) checked her email last night and she was totally freaking out. She called her grandparents to tell them Santa sent her a video. She kept asking me how does he know so much about me :wink:

Merry Christmas!

Well my daughter saw her's tonight and she was really into it. She saw it three times and was talking about it for an hour. Heh, it was pretty cool. She is lately into making the best cookies for Santa (aka me) so I've been giving my input on the topic as to what Santa would like.

Much fun, thanks again for the link.
great site, my wife heard about it somewhere and sent me the videos this morning. my son wondered why santa's beard was so long when he just saw santa the other day with a much shorter beard.

my daughter said his clothes are wrong.

my son totally bought into it though, but my daughter seemed skeptical this year. was the other way around last year.

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