Framed for child porn — by a PC virus

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Everyone reading this should do two things, regularly:

1) Download and run a cache cleaning tool like CCleaner. Clear out all your cache and temp files.

2) Download and ran a malware scanner like MalwareBytes. Clean off anything it finds.

Macs aren't immune to this kind of thing, either. I've received spam emails that contained inappropriate pictures, and Macs get spam.

Even if you have an antispam program, the spam still had to make it to your computer in order to be scanned, and therefore if there was an embedded picture it exists on your computer somewhere.

I'll be adding these to my home laptop and desktop this evening. Thanks!
I'll be adding these to my home laptop and desktop this evening. Thanks!

FWIW I recommend a combination of anti-virus (I use Avira / Avast), and real-time PC protection tools, like Threatfire (which prevents malware from modifying Windows). Also although I don't like them, a good Firewall (eg comodo) can also catch these programs trying to dial out and getting photos from the internet.

So do an anti-virus + Threatfire (free version), and consider a 3rd party firewall.
In addition to the above excellent suggestions, make sure to not run as a local administrator when doing just normal tasks like making documents and web surfing.

Have two accounts on your computer: an admin one that you use only when doing system updates or software installations, and a regular account that you use everywhere else.
Get a Mac! :biggrin:

Linux FTW!! :biggrin:

Certain a Mac or Linux machine helps, but it's not a perfect solution. Scenario: sicko sends you an email with a child porn attachment. Immediately appalled, you delete the email. But are you sure it's gone? Have you cleared your email cache? Do you even know where your email cache is? Do you have a level of confidence that a security professional would not be able to find the porn on your computer?

The problems in cases like the one the OP posted run much deeper than OS of choice.
Certain a Mac or Linux machine helps, but it's not a perfect solution. Scenario: sicko sends you an email with a child porn attachment. Immediately appalled, you delete the email. But are you sure it's gone? Have you cleared your email cache? Do you even know where your email cache is? Do you have a level of confidence that a security professional would not be able to find the porn on your computer?

The problems in cases like the one the OP posted run much deeper than OS of choice.

In that case I forward the email to the authorities and report the sicko. :wink:
Based on prior advice from here and real world experience I use adaware/avast/avg
In addition to the above excellent suggestions, make sure to not run as a local administrator when doing just normal tasks like making documents and web surfing.

Have two accounts on your computer: an admin one that you use only when doing system updates or software installations, and a regular account that you use everywhere else.

I was going to post this .... you beat me to it. Never run in the admin account. During my military days we were tasked to do pen testing and our favorite thing was to find all the local admin accounts for select machines (machine that admins liked to log in to) break into the machine and wait for an network admin to log in and steal the network token. We could then masquerade as that admin all over the network. If you have Vista or Windows 7 log in as a regular user and then use the run as administrator --- Windows 7 allow you run as any user but not Vista.

Thing two...... run a router with a firewall or make a Linux box as a firewall and router with the ability to NAT. Most routers allow this. This will only expose the routers IP.

None of these things are 100%. If a hacker decides to target you and you're connected's only a matter of time. The only good thing is most hackers run tools to find the weak. But this is old hat. Hackers use to store their contraband in company/government computers that regular people have massive storage capabilities they have become a target for this too.
In that case I forward the email to the authorities and report the sicko. :wink:

You don't understand the law. Merely being in possession of the kiddie pr0n is sufficient to get your ass in court. Forwarding the mail onward is likely to cause you more trouble, as the authorities come and seize your computer and go through it with a fine pick. Hope your software licenses are up to date; hope you don't have any "borrowed" mp3s. And who, exactly, are you reporting? Have you ever tried to really track down a spammer? Most likely it's some dude in Bulgaria, using a zombie'd computer in Laos. Good luck nailing him.

It's a scary world out there, made even moreso by witch hunting busybodies and incompetent court systems.
You don't understand the law. Merely being in possession of the kiddie pr0n is sufficient to get your ass in court. Forwarding the mail onward is likely to cause you more trouble, as the authorities come and seize your computer and go through it with a fine pick. Hope your software licenses are up to date; hope you don't have any "borrowed" mp3s. And who, exactly, are you reporting? Have you ever tried to really track down a spammer? Most likely it's some dude in Bulgaria, using a zombie'd computer in Laos. Good luck nailing him.

It's a scary world out there, made even moreso by witch hunting busybodies and incompetent court systems.

In that case, then what's to prevent the government from emailing all 300 million Americans and then throwing them in jail for having kiddie porn? Or let's say your worst enemy creates a random email account and sending you the stuff and then reporting you to the authorities? The problems then lie much further beyond anything technology related in this case.

It sounds a bit ridiculous that just being the unfortunate recipient of a malicious email can get a person in trouble.
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It sounds a bit ridiculous that just being the unfortunate recipient of a malicious email can get a person in trouble.

Yes, it does -- but that's essentially what happened to the guy in the OP's story. The difference is only one of degree, not of kind. (Assuming he is being truthful), he didn't go looking for the pr0n -- it just showed up on his computer, and he got nailed for it.
noob question but

what on earth is meant by the word "child Porn"?

when i hear it, the first thing that comes to mind is an 8 year old in porn which doesn't make sense at all let alone that there would be a whole audience for such a thing. Is this what they mean by child porn? because if it is, then DAMN this word is scary.

also one more thing I want to know. I don't mean to offend any one at all by this but there are regions in this world which I know that get married at a very young age. I'm talking something like 14 years old for the female and 17 for the male. Aside from the porn sites, would this be considered as child porn in the US?

and about securing your computer, what really scares me about these things is that you have your computer sometimes updating stuff (Firefox and others) and the hole time your heart beats being afraid of things like what's mentioned in this post happening to you.
.......also one more thing I want to know. I don't mean to offend any one at all by this but there are regions in this world which I know that get married at a very young age. I'm talking something like 14 years old for the female and 17 for the male. Aside from the porn sites, would this be considered as child porn in the US?.......

Yes, there even states in the USA that need to raise the age up.
ive been using avast! for a while on my windows 7 x64 box and it works great... light weight and not too intrusive...

Also the corporate version of Symantec is lightyears better than the home edition from Symantec... much lighter weight and does a good job at keeping viruses off your hard drive...

And as soon as I stopped using internet explorer, I have not had one virus or malware issue since... food for thought. :)

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