$5+ per gallon gas...

26 August 2008
New Jersey
how will it affect you?

if it does get to that point, i might buy a single speed bicycle for my work commute. shouldnt be nomore than a 30min ride and ill get cardio along the way
No effect in my case as I am familiar with those prices(not happy with it). US will start moving towards Europe at least hope so.

Are you sure you want to move towards Europe?

In the UK we pay about $7.80 for the US gallon at the pump.....:mad::eek::mad: Government screws us for about 70% fuel duty and then......20% purchase tax....You see it's a tiny country like the UK that's obviously f*****g up the planet so our government taxes the hell out of us to stop us blowing a hole in the Ozone layer....Do you believe that shit....OH yeah!!!
It means my lifted F150 that gets 8 mpg will spend a lot of time sitting in the driveway while my civic gets driven awhole lot more.
Since I am currently unemployed and hardly drive anywhere it doesn't affect me much at the moment. However, if I find a job and it isn't close to home that $5/gal is going to hurt.

I do have the option of riding the Ninja 250R(Kawasaki claims 61mpg however I have never gotten more than 54mpg which still isn't bad) but I don't think I would want to ride it on a daily basis in commute traffic.
I will cry.

But seriously I am already looking for a different commute car. My 4.0L V8 will have to go. Otherwise I will have to daily drive my 3.0L 6
Pissed, my wife and I have a long commute. Between the two of us, we go through 4 tanks of gas a week.
Now is the time to get rid of that gas guzzler before it's to late.

I will have to try not to have a lead foot in my 5.0L V10 DD :frown:

However, makes it close to Race Fuel costs...so maybe just run around on that...hehe
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Bring it on....my xom/cvx/cop profits will more than make up for it. :biggrin:
Less SUV's on the road... no more suburbans for every soccer mom out there.

Return of the wagon!

I can't wait to start seeing people drive more sensible cars...
We really don't have a choice!! Either we pay the piper or we don't have a way to work.
Already have a Fit as a DD from the last time gas went up. So I am ready. :redface:
I spend around $42/week in gas or $168/month.
At $5 I'll spend around $235/month.
So I'll lose close to $70/month.
Not sure what I'll cut back on.
This is saying $5/gallon gas, based on history, will put us back into a recession:

"Economics is not a science. There are no laws or cast iron relationships – as there are in "pure sciences", such as physics or chemistry. Throughout recent history, though, there have been a handful of economic variables between which the links have been pretty solid.
Ever since the early 1970s, every single time oil prices have spiked sharply (rising by 80pc or more), regular as clockwork the US has entered recession. "

"Only 8 months ago, oil was trading close to $65 a barrel. Last Thursday, Brent crude momentarily skimmed $120, up 17pc in a week, before stabilising at $112. If oil climbs above $120 again, and stays there, it would be 80pc above where it was in June 2010. We'd then have a bona fide oil-price spike, the sixth since the early 1970s, which suggests a US recession would follow. "


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