But when we have the resources and not allow to tap into it, I think that is a government vs. free market issue, wouldn't you agree?
Time to drill; we should be an exporter and help bring down the deficit and gas prices while create jobs. considering our own oil reserve is greater than Saudi's. This will create millions of jobs and at least half a trillion in revenue per year while stop exporting $600 billion a year.
It is at $3.99 to 4.19 per gallon for premium around my area right now. $7/gallon is a likely scenario with the unrests in the Middle East and potential competition between us and China for venezula oil. it is trade based on the US dollar and the up coming inflation will help reach that thresh hold. This will definitely prolong the recession.
Where would this greater than Saudi oil reserve be?
Alaska and ND (and it's surrounding area).
Including shale oil, the US actually has the largest estimated reserves in the world.
Seek the information and you shall find.
That is probably why the green energy sector refused drilling on a massive scale domestically, because it will push back the development and global warming will get worse. That is if you buy their argument.
You know what they say, if you find dinosaur bones, start digging for black gold.
Could it be we're saving these reserves for the future? Years down the road when other reserves become depleted, would they then, in a big way, be to our advantage?
Could it be we're saving these reserves for the future? Years down the road when other reserves become depleted, would they then, in a big way, be to our advantage?
Hrm - little too much faith in our politicians there. They only think as far ahead as the next election.
Alaska can't drill because it's protected with some federal wildlife or nature preservation intitiative.
why is there still a moratorium on nuclear power plants?
Would it be possible to build an underground nuclear power plant? Instead of having them tower high above the ground, dig them down?
I would love to pay $5 (equivalent) over in the UK!!! You guys have it good.
3 reasons, 1 of which is relatively new:
1. Nuclear safety
2. Nuclear waste disposal
3. Nuclear terrorism
In the case of safety, there have been improvements and new techniques that bring us better safety, but these involve ground up builds on new plants.
In the case of terrorism, well, I just don't think we have the proper means to keep our plants safe without full militarization. And doing THAT leads to other issues..
In the case of waste (which I think is the major issue), we have no means of disposal at all, except to toss depleted uranium shells across the globe.![]()
I'll be ready. Picked up a 03 Jetta TDI, 5 speed manual. It already gets 50 city, and 54 to 56 Hwy. I plan to start building bio diesel soon also.
I did just the opposite, bought 09 Pontiac G8 GXP with a 6.2 Litre V8......
I would love to pay $5 (equivalent) over in the UK!!! You guys have it good.
Your gas cost the same right? It's just the extra taxes on it that fund your subways and rail systems?
I would love to have subways and railsystems here...
You argue that political means justify the end results. But you fail to understand that politicians are never done bending the rules to fit their agenda. I am sick of individuals justifying the steady demylination of individual rights, with your so called "justifiable intentions" leading the way. OPEC is not our friend, and can actually be classified as our collective enemy, yet we continue to deny ourselves options. If your logic is true, then why is there still a moratorium on nuclear power plants?
Also, I believe the English purchase their petrol in imperial gallons which are larger by volume than U.S. gallons. (One imperial gallon = 19.2 U.S. pints or about 1.2 U.S. gallons.) Small consolation, of course.
The most expensive gas in America this morning can be found at the Suncoast Energy gas station near the Orlando airport. $5.39 a gallon.
That is true, the UK gallon is imperial. When I quoted about $7.80 for a gallon over this side of the pond it was for the US gallon. We are now averaging about £1.30 per litre (that is how it's priced/charged-f***ing Euroland ruling the UK!!!)
THe US gallon is ~3.80 litres and the Imperial gallon, ~4.5 litres so....
approx $7.90 for the US gallon at current exchange rates or $9.36 for our own gallon!!!
I just filled my car (daily runner) up this evening and it cost £75 or $120For that I'll get about 320 miles (yes they are the same distance miles as you have:wink
. Annual road tax is ~ $385, insurance about $600 and the annual MOT car check ~ $88.
Something tells me our government treat the motorist as an easy target/cashcow because it must be this tiny country that is causing all this global climate.....if only we legally had guns![]()
Don't moan about your cheap fuel and be grateful you don't live here.