$5+ per gallon gas...

I will enjoy the lighter traffic on the roads. Not saying the price won't sting a bit, but there's a silver lining.

I'm with you on that one, but as GrounDDesignS said, we are pretty close to $5/gal. right now - $129 x 3.78 = $4.88/gal

I do not know how much higher gas prices will effect traffic though, look at how crowded the roads are in england @ $7.80/gal...
I will enjoy the lighter traffic on the roads. Not saying the price won't sting a bit, but there's a silver lining.

I wish but, gas price now is 10 times higher v/s the 80's in some South Asian countires. # of automobiles there has been exploding. The only thing lighter will be our wallet/s :wink:
$5.00 for a gallon of gas is peanuts. One of the products I use in my office costs $71,915 a gallon. Albeit it comes in 5ml bottles, and I'll probably only use a half gallon of it during my career, I'll pay five bucks any day do drive my NSX.
$5.00 for a gallon of gas is peanuts. One of the products I use in my office costs $71,915 a gallon. Albeit it comes in 5ml bottles, and I'll probably only use a half gallon of it during my career, I'll pay five bucks any day do drive my NSX.

Is it Radio Active or what Doc? :smile:

Bring it on....my xom/cvx/cop profits will more than make up for it. :biggrin:


Last year the futures market for 2013 was putting gas at 8.xx a gallon. Someone knew something.

I wonder what the price will be for gas on the water.

My Tundra gets 11mpg and in the summer I blow through a tank every couple of days.

I just had all the fuel storage tanks filled last week. The day I had them filled was the day after I called and fuel had increased 30 cents in a 24 hour period.

the roads will be less congested so that's a bonus.

Last time gas spiked my buddy whos owns a dealership made mad profits from the people who panic traded in their SUV's that he later sold for a lot more after gas came back down.
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Time to drill; we should be an exporter and help bring down the deficit and gas prices while create jobs. considering our own oil reserve is greater than Saudi's. This will create millions of jobs and at least half a trillion in revenue per year while stop exporting $600 billion a year.

It is at $3.99 to 4.19 per gallon for premium around my area right now. $7/gallon is a likely scenario with the unrests in the Middle East and potential competition between us and China for venezula oil. it is trade based on the US dollar and the up coming inflation will help reach that thresh hold. This will definitely prolong the recession.
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Time to drill; we should be an exporter and help bring down the deficit and gas prices while create jobs. considering our own oil reserve is greater than Saudi's. This will create millions of jobs and at least half a trillion in revenue per year while stop exporting $600 billion a year.

It is at $3.99 to 4.19 per gallon for premium around my area right now. $7/gallon is a likely scenario with the unrests in the Middle East and potential competition between us and China for venezula oil. it is trade based on the US dollar and the up coming inflation will help reach that thresh hold. This will definitely prolong the recession.

It's much easier to tell you I am running out of milk because you are far away from my refrigerator. But I certainly can't tell you that you are running out of milk.
IMO, gas price is dictated 100% by the value of the USD.
Everything on the news as to causation is fake.
USD goes down, gas price goes up.

As long as we're buying oil from foreign countries who aren't devaluing their currency, this is the way it is.
The catch22 is the USD has to be weak if we want interest rates 0% which helps the mortgage mess and stock market. If we want to lower gas prices, we'll probably have to crash the stock market to do it.
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I dont think anyone will like the fuel price hike, but I see some positives as some have already mentioned:

1. Less SUVs
2. More fuel efficient cars
3. Less cars on the road due to cost of driving
4. More use of public transportation
5. If we drive an NSX, let's not be cheap on the gas =D

Just my $4.09/gal (aka $0.02)
well people in Europe are paying $8/gallon already..

I love it when people here say shit like this. Here is a thought for you: I don't give a shit what they pay for fuel in their country; they dug that hole for themselves using the same self defeating mentality that you have just displayed. We have options, and our willingness to regulate ourselves into obscurity while the rest of the world points and mocks us is the prime example of how patriotism is a dying mentality.

Ya great....let's be just like every other failing society. Jesus, it's infuriating. I'm really sorry for my offensive tone, but I feel like I'm the last person in America that doesn't want to pay for my bread in euros.
Less SUV's on the road... no more suburbans for every soccer mom out there.

Return of the wagon!

I can't wait to start seeing people drive more sensible cars...

Amen. It disappoints me seeing over 50% of the cars on the road are SUVs/Trucks and only containing one person; the driver. Let's save the 7 passenger SUV as rentals for those long family trips and get back to less dubious lifestyles.
well people in Europe are paying $8/gallon already..

People in Europe don't drive 100 miles round trip to work like in California. In fact, most car owners rarely drives. It is also $8 bucks a gallon in Europe because they pushed the Green energy a little too far with zero result. Most of that is taxation. Than again, in Europe they don't have DVD players at super market for $27.99 either.

Same thing in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong but their gas is not 7 bucks a gallon. My uncle in Taipei paid $170 grand for a parking spot for his 745i. That is a different story.

According to Fluor Cops, one of the biggest construction company in the energy sector stated all the oil companies in the US are ready to drill. One year is all they need to get that stuff out and couple more years for pipelines lead to refineries. AND they will flip the tab with no government assistance.
I love it when people here say shit like this. Here is a thought for you: I don't give a shit what they pay for fuel in their country; they dug that hole for themselves using the same self defeating mentality that you have just displayed. We have options, and our willingness to regulate ourselves into obscurity while the rest of the world points and mocks us is the prime example of how patriotism is a dying mentality.

Ya great....let's be just like every other failing society. Jesus, it's infuriating. I'm really sorry for my offensive tone, but I feel like I'm the last person in America that doesn't want to pay for my bread in euros.

Well done. :biggrin:


One reason Gas prices are spiking: http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/28/news/economy/oil_drilling_deepwater/index.htm
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1. Ill be bummed that i sold my integra which was getting great mileage.
2. Ill be happy that we got two wagons now and leave the SUV parked most of the time.
3. Ill try to telecommute more.
4. Ill still keep driving.
5. Ill learn some hypermiling techniques.
I love it when people here say shit like this. Here is a thought for you: I don't give a shit what they pay for fuel in their country; they dug that hole for themselves using the same self defeating mentality that you have just displayed. We have options, and our willingness to regulate ourselves into obscurity while the rest of the world points and mocks us is the prime example of how patriotism is a dying mentality.

Ya great....let's be just like every other failing society. Jesus, it's infuriating. I'm really sorry for my offensive tone, but I feel like I'm the last person in America that doesn't want to pay for my bread in euros.

You seem very emotional about this issue.

Another viewpoint is that if government policy does not provide private industry with the assurance that petroleum-based fuels will go up in price to the point where in the foreseeable future they are no longer economically viable the way we use petroleum today, there will not be enough incentive for private companies to develop alternatives without any real idea of if or when they will see a return on their investment.

Now some may say that is how capitalism is supposed to work, but history shows capitalism often works best on long-term big-pictures issues when given direction. The market does not tend to reward companies investing in things that will not pay off for decades when they could get a payoff right now.

If left entirely to the private sector and market forces, it seems likely we would be very far behind in those areas by the time the market forced our hand. That would probably be far more damaging than some government interference to provide market incentives encouraging the private sector to move us in the direction I think everyone agrees we should be heading, aka reducing our ever-growing dependence on oil.

As for how $5/gal gas will actually affect the members here, I doubt it will really have much impact on most of us other than general bitching. For the average family you're only talking a couple hundred dollars a month more in fuel costs. While that may hit the "average" household pretty hard I hope anyone buying $30k+ toy cars isn't stretched so thin that a couple hundred bucks a month would really present a hardship.
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