Search results

  1. redshift

    youngest nsx owner here?

    Hey Ricky, While I'm 27 now, I purchased the car at 26 (or was it 25??) and paid cash for it. I did go to college - BS and MS in Computer Engineering and Computer Science, respectively... and I'm still going for my PhD. However, the money I used to buy my NSX was defiantly not earned at a...
  2. redshift

    I'm famous

    Lol, that's awesome dude! congrats on the 15 minutes! :biggrin:
  3. redshift

    Dali seat cushion info needed

    I read somewhere on prime about a guy who took his OEM cushion out, cut 2" off the bottom, and put it back. I like that idea the best... just unwrap the leather from around the bottom, do the surgery, re-wrap the leather, put the thing back in place... maybe re-secure it with velcro or...
  4. redshift

    Happy Hanukkah!

    Happy Hanukkah right back at you! :biggrin:
  5. redshift

    I'm 40....Buy the NSX now or later?

    That's an easy one. Buy the business first! I feel bad in saying it, but the fact that you're even considering the NSX before your business is throwing off enough money to buy it for you is a bad sign - IMO of course. If you're serious about the business then MIND it, allow it to buy your...
  6. redshift

    Investment Ideas

    I like LRW. Interestingly, WON's current market price is below its book value. EDIT: I also really like DHI right now. *see value investing :biggrin:
  7. redshift

    Investment Ideas

    Invest more time in your education... I'm not saying that you should go back to school and get another graduate degree. I mean that you should become educated, one way or another, in investing. One of the most important financial lessons we can learn is that it doesn't matter how much money...
  8. redshift

    Phoenix NSX drive down to the Pima Air Museum

    I put in my vote. :biggrin:
  9. redshift

    Coming to Phoenix/Scottsdale!

    Can't go wrong with any of these: They're all in great locations!
  10. redshift

    What the F--k is going on here?

    Agreed! Let's all try not to take ourselves too seriously.
  11. redshift

    Ariz. driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months

    Today is the final day of the 101-highway speed camera program in Scottsdale. At midnight tonight they will be turning off the cameras. The sensors will remain on to facilitate speed data collection, but at least we won't get ticketed anymore! :biggrin:
  12. redshift

    Ariz. driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months
  13. redshift

    The Ultimate Time Waster

    I have enough trouble keeping up with the first one! :biggrin:
  14. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    Sweet, I love the enthusiasm! :biggrin: I'll actually be in Vegas on Friday so I won't be able to make it if you guys/girls do meet up.
  15. redshift

    Do you call it "Cali"?

    I guess I could have used the term GenY as well. Either way, I tend to think of echo boomers as people born between the late '70s up through the 90's. I'm a member of the former group ('79). With the popularity of rap/hip-hop, slang seems to be in much higher demand these days with the...
  16. redshift

    Do you call it "Cali"?

    I have a few friends that grew up, and currently reside, in Southern California (SoCal :wink:). I've heard them call it "Cali" on many occasions. It is just part of the vernacular of us echo boomers.
  17. redshift

    R8 Unveiled

  18. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    Cool. Hope to see you around next time. Maybe we can do this lunch thing regularly. Every first week of the month or something like that.
  19. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    It was good seeing everybody today. :biggrin:
  20. redshift

    In Shape, Out of Shape....

    For most of the human race, those two goals are counter productive to one another. Many people have been able to pull off both (mostly beginners), but MOST of the success stories I see are from people who work toward only one of those goals at a time. The quick and dirty explanation is that in...
  21. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    Cool! I'll see you guys at Malee's around noon. :biggrin:
  22. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    No problem Joe :smile:. I'm down for any of those places, but check my response below to Lance (creative338). Cool, I was thinking around 12:00, but I'm completely open to suggestions. Joe, you might want to chime in here if you have a preference. :smile: I'd love nothing more than to meet-up...
  23. redshift

    Friday lunch in North Scottsdale, AZ

    Hey Phoenix NSXers, Joe and I are meeting for lunch on Friday in North Scottsdale. Anybody want to join? Shoot out some dining suggestions. :smile: Hope to see some of you guys there!
  24. redshift

    In Shape, Out of Shape....

    Don't forget about your back :). Personally, I would split it up more like the following: Mon: shoulders/triceps Tues: quads/hamstrings Wed: back/biceps Thurs: off Fri: chest That's just me though. Some people like to do push/pull type splits and others see great results from...
  25. redshift

    Tell me what this car is...

    A Corvette with a Tiburon body kit. :biggrin: