I'm famous

bwuhahahahaah man i see that sky mall magazine ALL the friggin time haha they have the coolest stuff in there. hahahaha cheers on the pillow photo-op =)
Awesome! What a coincidence, because that's MY HAND inside the Bionic Golf Glove, modelling it (14 years of Julliard, thank you very much).

So you sit down on a long flight next to a really good looking girl. Strike up some conversation and get to the topic of being a model. If she says she doesn't believe you then you can wipe out the mag and do some pointing. :biggrin:

I did some modeling when I was a baby, sears catalog.
So you sit down on a long flight next to a really good looking girl. Strike up some conversation and get to the topic of being a model. If she says she doesn't believe you then you can wipe out the mag and do some pointing. :biggrin:

I did some modeling when I was a baby, sears catalog.

You know it! I'm gonna plan as many vacations I can with as many indirect flights as possible!
a joke from your childhood...no one is laughing
