What the F--k is going on here?

NsXMas said:
I have a question:

Is it all Bush's fault?


Perfect example. A thread that was meaningful, and trying to air out some problems.... and now it goes political for absolutely NO reason. Probably stuff that doesn't need to get posted. I'm sure not EVERYONE on here agrees with it... it's going to start crap.... and it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the post.... so why?
PhiAlpha44 said:
Perfect example. A thread that was meaningful, and trying to air out some problems.... and now it goes political for absolutely NO reason. Probably stuff that doesn't need to get posted. I'm sure not EVERYONE on here agrees with it... it's going to start crap.... and it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the post.... so why?

Here's a tip - get a sense of humor!!

That's what's wrong with Prime. Too many people without a sense of humor, failing to take things lightheartedly.

This is what's causing all this crap. No wonder this world is all jacked up.
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I don't like the way the "younger crowd" are placed as a group here... I'm "young" and I'm new, and I came here all excited.
I searched on google for NSX forum, and NSX prime seemed like "the place to be" if one was owner or passionate about the NSX.

The issue about younger people joining forums are not just a Prime issue, it happens on, I'm pretty sure, every forum that has grown big. Live with it. If the level of this forums maturity has dropped it's still not a Prime only problem. It happens on every forum that grows large.
|Adeel said:
I don't like the way the "younger crowd" are placed as a group here... I'm "young" and I'm new, and I came here all excited.
I searched on google for NSX forum, and NSX prime seemed like "the place to be" if one was owner or passionate about the NSX.

The issue about younger people joining forums are not just a Prime issue, it happens on, I'm pretty sure, every forum that has grown big. Live with it. If the level of this forums maturity has dropped it's still not a Prime only problem. It happens on every forum that grows large.
I agree. An old fart - myself - shouldn't begrudge your youth and physical wellness.

Just because my knees creek and my arthritis prevents me from getting out of the shower doesn't mean I have to be a jerk to a youngster like you.

However, I will say with my old age comes great perks - 10% Tuesday night AARP discount to the movies!! Yahoo!!!

And man, those nice, elderly ladies on Bingo night... GGRRRRR baby!! Grand-daddy's got a new cane! :D

RPM217 said:
I've been here for a few years and recently it has gotten ugly.


I have been here for the better part of 6 years, and was a member of the original lists before Prime and NSXPrime had a Forum. I don't post a lot and I almost never post to threads like this (commentary on forum etiquette, issues, etc).

I think two very simple things need to happen:

-Treat people on these forums as if you were speaking to them in person rather than treating them like a telemarketer who is calling you at dinner time.

-Try being constructive no matter what your opinion on the topic is. Constructive posts, even if it is going against what the OP said at least is not a direct attack.

A sense of humor does help, but I have seen a fair amount of very caustic statements tossed around on Prime that are not easy to write off to humor.

Just my $0.02
Need for clarification:
For some unknown reason, my post has gotten misinterpreted by a number of respondents. I'm not saying that "young" (age) people are the problem, nor am I saying that "new owners" are the problem, what I'm trying to say is that "we" are the problem. We seem to forget our manners, the way we'd like to be treated. If you met someone "face to face" would you respond in the fashion that you're doing "online", if so than maybe you ought to re-examine your behavior. Maturity has nothing to do with how old you are. Respect is something that we all want, but not all deserve. I believe in a "kinder and more gentle" world, where we can all get along. With the exception of the occassional "troll", we all have a shared passion (for those of you who forgot why you're here, it's the NSX). I have gone on many runs with the NE crowd, met many at NSXPO at WGI, and also belong to different forums as well. While I don't always agree with everyone I ride with, nor do I necessarily "like" them, I treat them with respect, and I'd like to think that I'm treated the same way by them. Here, at my "home" forum, I have noticed a marked decline in the "behavior" of the participants, I made a comment as to what my "feelings and impressions are" and while I've received a number of PM's thanking me for expressing what they too feel, I've also "viewed" a number of comments from participants displaying the exact behavior that I was describing. This has been an incredible community to belong to, I've considered my ownership of the car, and my participating here both an honor and a priviledge, and the meeting with like minded individuals the "icing on the cake". Recently that feeling has been sinking with the behavior of certain posters. These are my feelings and my observations. I thought that I expressed them clearly, obviously I haven't. It's my fault, I take responsibility.
I love the humor/comic relief posts that sometimes work to defuse a battle,but as we have all seen many times not everyone can emotion shift so quickly,and some people are not going to see humor in the same way.The number one rule is to post like you are face to face,eye to eye.For one I will never leave prime or the nsxca,regardless or whether I own an nsx or not.After rereading Rogers rant I must agree Rog you were not setting the best example,but I still love you man:tongue:
RPM217 said:
These are my feelings and my observations. I thought that I expressed them clearly, obviously I haven't. It's my fault, I take responsibility.

I thought you did a fine job. I didn't think of this as much a function of age-ism, but more related to "board age" (noob vs. the existing community)

My points weren't meant to be contrary, but rather supportive of the concept that is being reiterated.

"Act as if..."

I think it is a valid concern you brought to the table, and appreciate the opportunity to contribute.

Take care all-

Act as if...

NsXMas said:
Here's a tip - get a sense of humor!!

That's what's wrong with Prime. Too many people without a sense of humor, failing to take things lightheartedly.

This is what's causing all this crap. No wonder this world is all jacked up.
Agreed! Let's all try not to take ourselves too seriously.
docjohn said:
I love the humor/comic relief posts that sometimes work to defuse a battle,but as we have all seen many times not everyone can emotion shift so quickly,and some people are not going to see humor in the same way.The number one rule is to post like you are face to face,eye to eye.For one I will never leave prime or the nsxca,regardless or whether I own an nsx or not.After rereading Rogers rant I must agree Rog you were not setting the best example,but I still love you man:tongue:
Doc, If I want your opinion, I'll tell it for/to you!!! I love you too!!!:eek:

Group Hug everyone, let's all act like grownups!!!
Hiroshima said:
-Treat people on these forums as if you were speaking to them in person rather than treating them like a telemarketer who is calling you at dinner time.

LOL ...thats good advice.:smile:

I happen to be a newbie also. I lurked around for a year or more and registered prior to buying my 91 this past July. I try to use the search tool before posting any new threads and attempt to think about what to say before posting any replies.
Overall, I think Prime is still a good place to hang out. If I see something that I don't like or agree with, I'll just skip it and move on.
I have observed that many BBS's, as they mature, evolve into something different than what they looked/read like during their infancy. In some cases, it has caused members who have belonged to the board for a long time to leave and go elsewhere...but hopefully that will not be the case with NSX Prime.

The Internet is what it is. Some folks will hide behind a keyboard and type things they would never have the moral courage to say face to face. Others will try to be civil and maintain some decorum. And let's face it...reading someone's text leaves lots of room for interpretation since you lose all the non-verbal cues, inflection, etc. that you could observe if you were speaking face to face...

I have also found that arguing on the Internet, in some cases, is like arguing with a drunk. Sometimes it is just better to step away from the keyboard because to respond is a waste of time.

Personally, I enjoy every visit to NSX Prime. I learn something new with every visit, and have found a wealth of knowledge and expertise here. NSX Prime is an invaluable resource IMHO, and I'm glad my dealer recommended that I visit the forum!
docjohn said:
After rereading Rogers rant I must agree Rog you were not setting the best example,but I still love you man:tongue:

Oh get a room already you two. And if I find out the two of you are out shopping for window treatments, I'm outta here.......
RPM217 and many other like thinking members:

OK, I am a newbie and I realise I enjoy playing the devil’s advocate a lot and it grates on others, like the street racing post (which was said tongue–in-cheek, BTW) and some of the more heavy political posts (I am not anti-American, I AM American, sort of. Jeez, I can hardly survive without my Captain Crunch and Honeycomb!).

But I always look at other’s posts with humour. Always. Absolutely always. I don’t think one single post on Prime has EVER pissed me off.

But I will start by apologising and promise to curb it in the future.

Because this site is absolutely terrific. The info here, the advice, the intelligence of the majority of the posters, especially the ones I disagree with who always have very good, well informed points, everything about this site is very good.
This site is just great and I learn something every time I visit it.
Long live NSXPrime!
Heck if anything Rog you got some of us dormant posters out of hibernation!!:smile:
710 said:
I can hardly survive without my Captain Crunch and Honeycomb!)
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm......My favorite.......:biggrin:
Except the CC leaves the roof of my mouth raw. Small price to pay...
If every car is speeding then the police will pull over and ticket whichever car they wish to ticket. Sometimes the most excessive speeders get away and a slower but more flashy target is the unlucky duck.

It makes sense to fight a ticket.

We have lost some great people from Prime over the years. It's sad, but that the way it goes.