Ariz. driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months

sadly, I learned the hard way with speeding camera last year when I was out in PHX for business. I konw they can take red light photos, but never thought those suckers will be looking at speed as well.
steveny said:
If these cameras where installed around here they would be up for one day until nightfall. That night, the local "good old boys" gun club would use them for target practice.
FINALLY! :biggrin: A legitimate argument for gun ownership! Hehe.:biggrin:
i'm wondering if those license plate covers that block the numbers from showing up in pictures would work. If so, she probably needs to invest in one of those. Or she could just slow down.:rolleyes:
Today is the final day of the 101-highway speed camera program in Scottsdale. At midnight tonight they will be turning off the cameras. The sensors will remain on to facilitate speed data collection, but at least we won't get ticketed anymore! :biggrin: