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  1. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    I meant that I thought it might be good play to short some March puts here because the implied volatility is off the charts on WM (175% ATM). Maybe sell the 7.5/5 verticle put spread for $0.35. At 175% volatility you have an 80% chance of that spread going out worthless (max return) and a 25%...
  2. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Ask yourself this question though... why do we need to shrink the national debt when we're not even at optimal debt levels? If we can produce more capital on our debt than its cost (i.e. return is greater than debt service), then why would we want to put some type of plan in place to reduce it...
  3. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    WHAT? You're actually saying the devaluation of the dollar and the debt are causing this? Please explain the correlation you've just drawn here! Steve, The financials are not all created equal right now, you investments depend on the institutions your buying (or shorting). WAMU's balance...
  4. redshift

    I don't need financing help, and I don't need wife permission

    LOL! Don't worry Ski if some of the others didn't get it, I see your humor!
  5. redshift

    Top Ten Grammar Myths

    hehe, learned that in high school... check my previous posts for verification. :wink: :biggrin:
  6. redshift

    Buying from Prime vendors.

    Exactly, it seems like some posters haven't ever heard of a risk/reward ratio. I disagree. I think ALL people do their own quick risk analysis when it comes to purchasing anything. It sounds to me like you're implying that people will only consider price without regard to quality or people...
  7. redshift

    Finally purchased SOS short shifter kit.

    The grease to use is in this thread (thanks UnhuZ): Here is the picture from the thread: The bottom two pictures are the Super High Temp Urea Grease that you'll want to use.
  8. redshift

    Quick question about 2002+ hoods

    correct, '02+ headlight lines don't match '91-'01 headlight lines.
  9. redshift

    crawfish lunch next week

    You guys going to drive your NSXs or a different car? Just wondering if I should take mine out of hibernation and clean the darn thing. :biggrin:
  10. redshift

    Worst looking NSX for sale

    My car does look worse than that right now... sigh... time for a wash.
  11. redshift

    so it's illegal to sell Ferrari replicas in Italy

    I spit droplets of laughter on my screen when I read this! :biggrin:
  12. redshift

    so it's illegal to sell Ferrari replicas in Italy

    Because intellectual property rights should be upheld in a just society.
  13. redshift

    crawfish lunch next week

    Then were does AZ get them from? :biggrin: :biggrin: Crawfish Wednesday, can't wait!
  14. redshift

    How many people paid Cash vs Financed? NA1 vs NA2

    Those are the numbers that lady liberty puts out into the public. The numbers say that people making $44k/yr ALSO have $70K in cash or equivalents in the bank. It doesn't say anything about age, but cost-of-living is obviously netted out in the relationship since we're talking median values...
  15. redshift

    How many people paid Cash vs Financed? NA1 vs NA2

    I agree, but that isn't what I said... the median household (not average) has $71K in liquid assets and earns $44K/year. That means that Joe Median could buy almost any NSX outright, if he wants to blow his wad on a car. I also means that he is unlikely to obtain financing on that $80K car...
  16. redshift

    How many people paid Cash vs Financed? NA1 vs NA2

    Sean, that is a good perspective. Basically you're taking the spread on the loan and your personal rate of return. You're getting paid 1.25% for risk between the two deployment choices of your capital. This is how everybody should assess financial decisions before coming to a conclusion...
  17. redshift

    How many people paid Cash vs Financed? NA1 vs NA2

    I understood what you were trying to say, no clarification necessary. Here is my point: It is not impossible to finance a 15 year old car, just more difficult. I know for a fact that my insurer will give me a secured loan on any asset purchase that is reasonably easy to value and liquid. I'm...
  18. redshift

    How many people paid Cash vs Financed? NA1 vs NA2

    Cash NA1. However, if I could have financed around 5% at the time I would have - it would've been stupid not to. I agree with your analysis that older cars are harder to finance. I do not think that "rice" is correlated to purchase price. In fact, I think "rice" is expensive and is usually...
  19. redshift

    NSX front badge

    Oh man, I feel sorry for you because of the flaming you're about to take. :tongue:
  20. redshift

    Changing demographics of NSX owners?

    I'm also 28. :eek: Holy damn... those are some harsh words you're blanketing our generation with! LOL. I definitely don't share that perspective, I know just as many 20 something idiots as I do 30, 40, 50, and 60 something idiots. :smile: Naturally NSX owner age and income demographics are...
  21. redshift

    Original NSX design Stolen ????

    I suppose if the NSX design was stolen from Nissan, then Nissan stole the Z32 proto-design from the Ferrari 408. :smile:
  22. redshift

    Will the NSX price ever go up

    I believe that just makes the market more liquid so you have a truer reflection of the car's current value. Sentiment. :smile:
  23. redshift

    Will the NSX price ever go up

    Who me? Nahhhhhh... I think you're talking about Ski_Banker and BioBanker :biggrin: . I'm just a lowly engineer who also happens to run a small equity derivative fund. I think if they made a bunch of Yellow/Onyx '05s but there were only a couple clean ones left, then you'd be more collectible...
  24. redshift

    Will the NSX price ever go up

    That is half correct... there is a bid and ask to every market transaction. Owners that want to sell must hit a bid... if nobody is bidding up around $100K for your car, then you better lower your asking price if you want to sell it. The true price of our cars is just the entire market's buyer...
  25. redshift

    Will the NSX price ever go up

    You're 11 years late on that prediction: :wink: I doubt the price of NSXs will go up anytime soon. But yeah, given enough time everything becomes collectible. Currently the baby boomer generation and older control the great majority of...