Changing demographics of NSX owners?

26 January 2002
In the middle
It seems like Prime has had an increased number of younger NSX owners post in recent months. I’m curious to know if that is just my perception or if in fact there has been a shift in owner demographics. Perhaps it’s because early model NSX’s have come down in price to the point that they are now more accessible to some that couldn’t afford them say 10 or 15 years ago. Maybe it’s because the NSX performs/looks as good as other more current options at the same price point regardless of your age and income. Or, maybe given a choice, it’s more important to some to have a nice ride than a house.

I remember when I got mine 7 years ago it seemed like a lot of guys (and gals) were in their 30’s and up. So, if your curious like me and would be interested in participating, please chime in with your age and how long you’ve owned your NSX.

For me, I’m 46 and have owned my 92 for 7 years. Anyone else?
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27 and owned my 95 1 year.

I'd say most NSX owners I meet are mid 30's.
I've only been reading this forum for a year or so, but I have to agree. After all, I'm one of them- I'm 25 and I've had the car since December.

I was somewhat shocked to discover that the NSX had become affordable and had always been practical. That is, not the $70k maintenance nightmare it appeared to be. Don't flame me- all supercars are assumed to be maintenance nightmares. After months of reading this board, I was glad to discover I was wrong.

One of the problems with changing demographics, however, are that many of us young people are idiots. I have my moments just like anyone else, but too many of the idiots I am thinking of are the type who would buy an NSX and immediately jump on Prime with poor grammar, ALL CAPS, and start insulting people who tell them there is a reason nobody makes a $1500 turbo kit for this car like the one they had on their old Civic.

While the car I got was an older one ('92 with higher miles), and I didn't pay as much for it as some on here might, I have no intention of abusing it. No drifting, no skimping on maintenance because it's expensive, no giant muffler tips welded on. I don't even like the type-r wing. Some few of us young people really do appreciate the NSX, and I'm actually a little glad that so few of the other sort are even aware the car exists.

its not so much the young owners... but rather people who inmature, dont have the car and come here to stur the pot or bash our cars. i get fed up when this is the case since it leads to unproductive back and forth.

there are tons of mature young owners and I personally have met quite a few of sub 30's owners. They are all very mature and awesome people.

just turned 25 yesterday :frown:

3.5 year ownership
I think most owners are still in their 30s or older.

Reason is although prices have came down on early NSXs, they are still around $30K (except for high mileage ones). They are about 16 years old and most people have to pay cash because not too many bank would finance something this old and out of Blue Book range.

To come up with $30K cash you need to save up a few years while watch spending closely, so when you have all the cash available most likely you're in your 30s or older - myself included.
Quite a few local NSX owners are in their early 20's, but mostly, if not all NA1.

Most of the later Later/NA2 owners are 30/40 or older.

Yes, I truly believe the price point separated the two generation of owners, and two generations of cars.
I'm 50, and have owned NSX's for 5 years (a '91 and a 2001).

The older NSX's do attract people regardless of age. I've seen older guys buying the late model nsx too. Restoring a late model NSX is probably one of the best project cars out there. You are already getting a car with great suspension, style, practical horsepower, reliability, and not an ounce of rust.
I have been at Prime forum for over 10 years. 10 years ago, Prime is very different compare to now. There were a lot of information posted by the doctor (forgot his name) who started this website. I learned a lot about NSX from this website. One thing I really like is that there is a section to compare different mod. on the market.

I noticed the same thing RACERnsX has mentioned, there are a lot more younger NSX driver now. I want to find out why people in the 20's would want to get NSX than other cars out there.

When I tried to get a NSX 10 years ago, it costed about the same as now. Back then, there aren't a lot of choices in the 35K range. I was picking between a M3 and NSX. Now at the same price range, there are a lot more to pick from. Though a new M3 is twice as much, there are still a lot of options from japanese sports car.
Who cares? Buy the car. Lease the car. Steal the car. whatever.... just enjoy it. But save the rice for sushi dinners and motorcycles.

ahahhahha. Agreed. I'm 23 had my '94 for one year. I'm surpirsed to see so many riced out NSX's on the board. I never understood why the need to change so many body parts on a such a beautiful car. The more they change wings and body kits the nicer my slightly modded X looks good.
One of the problems with changing demographics, however, are that many of us young people are idiots. I have my moments just like anyone else, but too many of the idiots I am thinking of are the type who would buy an NSX and immediately jump on Prime with poor grammar, ALL CAPS, and start insulting people who tell them there is a reason nobody makes a $1500 turbo kit for this car like the one they had on their old Civic.

While the car I got was an older one ('92 with higher miles), and I didn't pay as much for it as some on here might, I have no intention of abusing it. No drifting, no skimping on maintenance because it's expensive, no giant muffler tips welded on. I don't even like the type-r wing. Some few of us young people really do appreciate the NSX, and I'm actually a little glad that so few of the other sort are even aware the car exists.

Wow Nick. I couldn't have said it better. I agree with everything he said.

I just turned 28 and I've owned my '91 since May of 2006.
My car was a bit of a whore. I think I'm the 5th owner. I am sparing no expense to get the car back to where it should be. I think the previous 2 owners were kids whose parents had fat bank accounts. They didn't know anything about or appreciate the car. And I'm certain they didn't do the little things to keep everything in tip top shape. Anything I find wrong on the car gets fixed immediately and with the best equipment. I NEVER skimp on the NSX. I never ignore things or replace parts with anything less than the best. I love my car. I also have zero intentions of beating it, doing burnouts, drifting or any of that stupid, immature ricer b.s. I love that the median age of the NSX owner is a little higher. I feel like I've classed up a little bit. Most people my age are idiots.
Just to clarify....I'm in no way disrespecting or criticizing younger owners here. Just curious to see if others sense the trend I'm noticing, especially those that have been around for a while.
Happy Birthday Rob!

nothing happy about it. :frown:

personally hate birthdays. 1 year closer to the grave.... call me a pessimist :biggrin: :biggrin:

thanks for your wishes tho!!!!

apprecaite it !

warm regards

I just turned 28 ... Most people my age are idiots.
I'm also 28. :eek: Holy damn... those are some harsh words you're blanketing our generation with! LOL. I definitely don't share that perspective, I know just as many 20 something idiots as I do 30, 40, 50, and 60 something idiots. :smile:

Naturally NSX owner age and income demographics are changing. Early models are quite inexpensive and younger people have more real purchasing power than they did 10-15 years ago.

I'm not sure if rice is a reflection of age however. I personally don't like it (I'm right there with PhiAlpha44 and Nick), but right here in this forum I've seen more than a handful of 40+ y/o WASPs slap a big-ass wing on their '91s. Some do it for form and some do it for function, but they do it and I haven't seen any correlation between age, income, and rice. Truly, to each his own. And I do mean "his" because sex is one demographic that has remained rather consistent through the years with NSX ownership.

Oh... and I second Ski's quote. :biggrin:
I guess I will be the oldest here so far. I'm 56, bought my '96 in October 2003. One of the coolest cars I've owned, and I've owned some nice ones. I too have noticed the feel of Prime changing over the last 2 years. I have learned very much about the car and met many great people on here and have traveled to some great events that I found out about on here.
I owned my nsx since 03, and I was in my late 20's.

I'll always be in the 20-29 group :) oh yeah, I have the big ass wing too; once you have it on and driven on track, you won't go back.
I have been in an NSX for almost 14 years....and I am only 31 now. So for pretty much my entire driving life I have been in an NSX, and am on #3 now. If I can find that first one I would like to buy it back so that I have all of the NSXs I ever had. ;) :)
32...I've had my NSX for 8 years.

Nothing has changed on prime except the attraction of other users. I've been on NSXprime for nearly 8 years and I've seen rude and immature comments from people of all ages, new prime members and old, all demographics, locations, be they NSX owners or not.

In fact, I don't post much as a result of the attitudes of other members, and took a very long time off from prime period.

I've noticed that every other OFF-TOPIC posts that doesn't meet certain user's aesthetics of what they feel should be discussed in an Off-Topic Forum, those aforementioned users then post flaming comments that are in of themselves MORE inappropriate than the topic they are flaming to begin with.:rolleyes:

I don't care that there are early 20 year olds buying NSXs. I was one of them, and I behaved as mature (if not more) than some older members. So let's not be so quick to jump on the younger crowd for such trivial reasons as a "Who's the hottest NSX owner" thread.