Changing demographics of NSX owners?

This June I will purchase at the ripe age of 20. Yes purchase. No daddy buys me a car. :rolleyes:

I think it's ridiculous to own such a car at that age without proper experience...even I think I'm too young, but my little Datsun's made me realize that knowing your limits are IMPORTANT. I've toned down my driving in that car realizing how easy it can get away from you. Furthermore, sometimes I think people have more money than sense.

Having said that...looking for 91-94 Berlina Black or Brooklands Green Pearl around $27-28k, 100K miles OK :biggrin: :tongue:
Great attitude! :smile:

But every young person needs to get that pent up energy out. When you have a chance, sign up for a track day, take their 'beginner class' and push your car to its and your limits safely, you'll have new found respect for your car, get out that urge in a safe environment, and will enjoy your car even more when you see its capabilities.

seriously, I fail to see any correlation between age and year of NSX purchased. by this measure, if I was 15 y.o., most likely I'll own a high mileage NA1 with all the intentions of becoming a ricer? :confused:

as such, what's with this mentality of "I am younger than you, when I purchased my NSX." Does it really matter?
It is definately true that there are a lot more NSX owners in their twenties than before. And that, I think, has everything to do with the fact that early NSX-es have become more affordable to purchase.

What surprised me the most, being a non-US citizen, that people of young ages can actually afford a car like the NSX.
Where I live, cars are way more expensive than in the US. The last NSX-listprice was 129000 Euro which is equal to about 184K US$ as of today. And that is still apart from way higher roadtaxesm, fuel prices and insurances. This lead to the fact that high-performance or exotic cars like the NSX, Porsche and Ferrari are much more rare than in most other countries.

That said, most NSX owners here are in their thirties or above.
I bought my NSX at the official age of 39, which is almost six years ago.

Lukily though, the NSX has caused my age to finally stabilize at 29 :biggrin:
It is definately true that there are a lot more NSX owners in their twenties than before. And that, I think, has everything to do with the fact that early NSX-es have become more affordable to purchase.

+1 My thoughts exactly
Whats June got to do with it? Thats when your car is posted for sale that you are going to buy? Don't bet on it.

No, that's the start of my loan window actually and I don't expect that it will fall into my lap the moment the paper is signed, but it does mean I have the potential to pull the trigger should I find the right one. I have a unique situation though apart from most young people in the form of military financial institutions available with loans at low rates.

Having said that, we shall see what June offers, and if not, July til...whenever...might be a better time :wink: .
But it depends osugrad97, will you be selling your car in June perchance? :biggrin: Ah...I see you already have and are in the same market for NSXdom. Good luck to you as well in your NSX search.
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Great attitude! :smile:

But every young person needs to get that pent up energy out. When you have a chance, sign up for a track day, take their 'beginner class' and push your car to its and your limits safely, you'll have new found respect for your car, get out that urge in a safe environment, and will enjoy your car even more when you see its capabilities.


I fully plan on it. Don't blow the doors off the young kid now. Give me a chance to catch up. :tongue:
50 years old, 11 years of NSX love.

Fester, I refuse to believe you are fifty . . . Oh and to keep on topic, the demographics have been changing for years, though the questions that are asked tend to cycle-- Still a great site, though I think I have fallen out of the NSX demographic myself . . . :) KH
I dont think age really has a lot to do with it..These days lots of 22 year olds are making more than 50 year olds...

Case in point..When I was 22 years old i was making 70K a year...Now Im almost 30 and only make 40K per year....To me my best finacial years were 21-24 years old...

But being an infantry soldier is a dangerous job and I wanted somthing safer..So now I make much less as a civilian...

My wife is only 34 and makes more than 50% of the people in the US and over double what I made at 22 years old...At 22 she was making 15K a year..

So I just really dont think you can relate it to age..That young whipper snapper your lookin at may have finished college a year or two ago and now be making 80K plus a year....That 50 year old may have never made more than 15$ an hour his hole life...

So I dont think the demographics are really changing....A 30K 1991 NSX isnt gonna be financed by just any bank for more than 2-3 years...15-10K per month = huge $1000 plus dollar monthly payments...

So you eighter need to have the extra 30K just lying around...Or you need to be well connected with a credit union....

These immature 18 year olds your talking about cant afford 1K monthly payments and dont have an extra 30K lying around as well They dont have enough time/credit with a credit union to merit a 5 year term on a 30K car...
34 years old here ... got my first NSX when I was 25, 2nd when I was 28 and third when at 32 ... a few S2000's sprinkled in between ....
Bought my car brand new in 1996 as a present to myself when I graduated high school.

My grandmother died and left me the money so I really bought it myself. I used the rest of my inheritance as start up money for a coffee shop in a sleepy little town.

I sold that (1.5 million) and retired at 24.

Want a cup of coffee? Get it yourself!
Bought my car brand new in 1996 as a present to myself when I graduated high school.

My grandmother died and left me the money so I really bought it myself. I used the rest of my inheritance as start up money for a coffee shop in a sleepy little town.

I sold that (1.5 million) and retired at 24.

Want a cup of coffee? Get it yourself!
Damn Joe, you look pretty good for your age!!! Maybe you and Spitzer can hang out together!!!
You just got knocked out of the box, I'm 61. This is the 2nd NSX I've owned. Both 91's . After I sold my 1st , I lemented untill I got another. I've owned several Porsches,BMW's, motorcycles,airplanes,nothing [ machines ] gives me more pleasure than the NSX.
I am 56 and just bought myself a pristine '92 NSX (my first one). I had always been a British car fan in the past and always wanted an early model E Type but could neve find the "right one." I look upon the NSX as the reincarnation of the E Type as both cars caused a real stir in the automotive world when introduced to the public and set new standards for the industry and which took other manufacturers many years to catch up. Unfortunately, just like the E Type, the NSX did not continue make new strides in innovation and over the years became overshadowed by other great marks.

The NSX is a vehicle of historical significance and I am happy to own one which I am sure (like some of my other vehicles) will never be sold, just passed down to the next generation.

I personally am glad that younger guys are buying these cars cause that means that the NSX parts market has a brighter future. After all I want to be able to get any necessary parts for my car 20 years from now. Plus, the young guys do some pretty amazing things with their cars.
I'm 25 and I just finished law school. The law firm that recruited me said they would throw in any car I wanted as a hiring bonus, so they bought me an '05 NSX-T.


My NSX is now eight years old, bought new after a decade long dream...that would make me...18?
I'm 25 and I just finished law school. The law firm that recruited me said they would throw in any car I wanted as a hiring bonus, so they bought me an '05 NSX-T.

Exactly which law firm is that?

And you could choose any car and you chose the NSX? I love the NSX, but I would have asked for an F430, enzo, Murcielago, etc...
I'm 39 (for now :eek: ) and have owned my '01 (3rd owner) for 1 year and 3 months.

I've been in a car family all my life. Dad was an early drag racer, the uncles still build cars and motorcycles from scratch. I always wanted a Lotus when I was younger, then 18 years ago, I had just graduated college and saw a review for the NSX. Oh my god, I need to have this car. I never though I would be able to afford one, and subsequently forgot about it.

Life went on, I had a Camaro, a 280ZX, an Isuzu Impulse (suspension by Lotus :rolleyes:), then got an Explorer to haul crap on the farm. Forgot about driving; I lost my way. One day in 2005 I was driving the wife's Volvo S80 (our luxo-barge) on the 210, and I remembered, dam, I really miss driving.

That was it...I needed to buy an NSX. I found and joined Prime in late 2006, and found the car of my dreams. I have caught the mod bug (as Big D says is bound to happen), but it's mostly suspension stuff for me.

I will never sell this car. :biggrin:

Next up...still waiting for the Lotus, since while we all wait for Honda to get its act together it looks like Lotus have returned to their racing roots, realized their strength is bodies and handling, are buying motors from Toyota, and are producing some killer cars now and are ready to make some dreams come true over the next few years.
AWESOME. Congrats, though I don't know how on earth you can retire on $1.5M+ these days . . . Unless you threw the whole wad on red/black and you continued to hit 3+ times on a roulette table! Just jealous . . . KH
He said he sold the business for $1.5M, not that he has only $1.5M. Anyhow, if he is happy with the $75K/year income that $1.5M would generate in 5% yielding securities (low risk), then he is fine to retire. It may sound like very little, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that would be happy with that (I'm not one of them :wink: ). Anyway, kudos to you pbassjo and cool story! :)
Anyhow, if he is happy with the $75K/year income that $1.5M would generate in 5% yielding securities (low risk), then he is fine to retire. It may sound like very little, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that would be happy with that. Anyway, kudos to you pbassjo and cool story! :)

assuming he's enjoying life - at whatever income / toy level - he's doing alright.
This phenomena you guys are so worried about is nothing new. I'm a member of many forums, and on every one of them (S2KI, 3SI, etc.) I see threads like this. Cars get old and younger people will have access to them. It's just a fact of life. By trying to keep it so exclusive some of you come across as a little elitist to me. I respect a lot of people on this board because I see them as pioneers who have spent countless hours and dollars on R&D and experimenting. But at the same time, if you hadn't dared to be different the NSX and NSX prime would not be what it is today. You should all embrace the younger generation like myself and mentor us rather than trying to keep us out.

The only car forum I do not see this happening are the Porsche forums. Maybe this is because those cars have such an expensive price point and continue to be updated regularly, who knows?
27, and have owned my 91' since 2001. Bought the car when I was 20 and will never live another day without one in my possesion. WOW has time gone fast.
He said he sold the business for $1.5M, not that he has only $1.5M. Anyhow, if he is happy with the $75K/year income that $1.5M would generate in 5% yielding securities (low risk), then he is fine to retire.

You don't have to worry redshift, I understood the context properly, either way my signature remains the same . . . Just jealous, KH