Changing demographics of NSX owners?

omnipotency via keyboard/mouse...

IMHO, it's not an age/income thing at all. It's just the anonymity the interwebz provides. I can say w/o hesitation that 99% of the negativity that you encounter online, you will never come close to witnessing in-person/real-life!


Financed my first NSX when I was 28 y.o. and no house.
Now at 36 y.o., paid cash for my second NSX (along with a few other toys) with a garage to park her in.
sorry to be posting here since I am not a an owner (yet) but for me there are many reasons why my interest has swayed to the NSX.

1. As many of you mentioned, an early model NSX with relatively low miles is an absolute steal IMHO as far as price, reliability, and performance.

2. The car meets my personal standards of being RWD, relatively light, well built, not a pig on gas, and i have had excellent experience with every honda/acura product i have owned.

3. I have always had an interest in the car since i was younger.

4. The car is gorgeous and i love not seeing one every 5 minutes. (unlike M3's.)

5. The car can be either modified or left bone stock and the car is still absolutely amazing.

btw I am 22, I have been on this site for over a year. This car to me seems like one of the best kept secrets in the automotive field.
I will be 30 this summer. I bought the NSX after testing the Audi s4, Viper, C6 vette, and Lotus Exige. The NSX had a magical feeling that NO OTHER CAR had ever given me. It so happened that the NSX was a lot less $ than the Viper and Exige (it was new at $55k). I plan on replacing each piece that wears out with the best parts at a reasonable price- sorry fujitsubo.

I came from a 290 hp audi tt showcar to the NSX 2 years ago. Obviously I am big on personalizing my car. I don't understand buying any nice car and leaving it stock. It takes all the willpower I have to keep from modding the daily driver (infiniti).
I believe your age has no bearing on whether or not you decide to customize your car. Some NSX owners like the gt style(some would call ricer) just as a Monte Carlo owner would enjoy the NASCAR look for their car.
We don't wear the same tie with the same suit we bought 15 years ago so why leave your car looking the same for so long?
Then again, no one has made changes to the Sistine Chapel in quite a while.
I love that so many young guys are driving NSX's. I also love that young girls pull along side my big...and have no idea behind the tinted windows sits a 62 year old fart savoring the moment...and the drive. I think my NSX will keep me feeling young and with it for years to come.
it is the absolute truth that the price of an early model nsx these days are the biggest bang for the buck in most aspects. the shift in demographic is due to fact that money has lost a lot of its value compared to ten years ago and especially here in the bay area, opportunities for money making are everywhere but only those who are willing will take up these opportunities, on the other hand, the increase in number of lazy youths are astounding also. i remember seeing the nsx for the first time when i was 15 and asked my dad what that was. i told myself that i will one day own it. that one day came a year and a half ago. i will be 25 this coming september but at the very least i still feel like i'm 21 just with more responsibilities.
Im 35 today, had the NSX (1991) for less than 1 year now, but knew of them since 1991. no plans for mods, its just not needed IMO. -ken
One thing that could play a part to the "younger age" factor, is demographically, the younger set spends more time on-line and loves sharing their enthusiasm. Therefore, perception is even more skewed towards the "majority" as being quite young. Fewer of the over 40 crowd is less inclined to spend quite as much time doing this sort of thing.

Not that we are not interested.

I have been on Prime several years, but hardly involve myself. With running a business and raising four children, and other "middle-age" duties, it is just not a priority.

I am happy to say, that in regards to the many younger folks here, I have always felt that (except for a few exceptions) most do present themselves well.

That aiside . . .

Purchased our 2001 NSX brand new ... at age 47.

Still have it.

100% stock.
I'm 50. Owned my 92 for almost 3 years now. First saw an NSX in 91, never gave it a second look, thought it was a Ferrari wannabe. I've always driven Corvettes and been into the muscle cars. My friend bought a 92 sebring silver NSX in 2002, and at the time, thought he paid way too much for a "Honda". About a year later the wife and I, he and his wife, took a weekend trip to Laughlin Nev. I drove my wife's 7 series BMW, he drove his NSX. He'd been bugging me for awhile to drive his car and see what I thought. Having my usual good casino luck, we decided on sat. afternoon to go across the river into Arizona and cruise the NSX. From the first time I revved through 2nd gear, I knew I wanted that car. I said if you ever want to sell it to give me first shot. I bought it a couple of years later. I've had too many cars I regreted selling, the NSX won't be one of them. Its staying.
um, no :biggrin: myself and a couple others have had it since 21. I believe I read somewhere awhile back that a guy bought his 16 or 18 year old son one.

This June I will purchase at the ripe age of 20. Yes purchase. No daddy buys me a car. :rolleyes:

I think it's ridiculous to own such a car at that age without proper experience...even I think I'm too young, but my little Datsun's made me realize that knowing your limits are IMPORTANT. I've toned down my driving in that car realizing how easy it can get away from you. Furthermore, sometimes I think people have more money than sense.

Having said that...looking for 91-94 Berlina Black or Brooklands Green Pearl around $27-28k, 100K miles OK :biggrin: :tongue:
I'm 50. Owned my 92 for almost 3 years now. First saw an NSX in 91, never gave it a second look, thought it was a Ferrari wannabe. I've always driven Corvettes and been into the muscle cars. My friend bought a 92 sebring silver NSX in 2002, and at the time, thought he paid way too much for a "Honda". About a year later the wife and I, he and his wife, took a weekend trip to Laughlin Nev. I drove my wife's 7 series BMW, he drove his NSX. He'd been bugging me for awhile to drive his car and see what I thought. Having my usual good casino luck, we decided on sat. afternoon to go across the river into Arizona and cruise the NSX. From the first time I revved through 2nd gear, I knew I wanted that car. I said if you ever want to sell it to give me first shot. I bought it a couple of years later. I've had too many cars I regreted selling, the NSX won't be one of them. Its staying.

Nice story. Mine is similar in that I never really gave NSX ownership a second thought. Until I drove one...
Im 35 today, had the NSX (1991) for less than 1 year now, but knew of them since 1991. no plans for mods, its just not needed IMO. -ken

Happy Birthday Sarge. The mod bug will hit, it took me a while also.
I can tell you there has been a definitive change in demographics since I owned my last NSX, about 5 years ago.

Maybe I am just getting old but many of the threads on this forum make me laugh.
This June I will purchase at the ripe age of 20. Yes purchase. No daddy buys me a car. :rolleyes:

Whats June got to do with it? Thats when your car is posted for sale that you are going to buy? Don't bet on it.
25 here, I have had my NSX for 4.5 years now. I dont post too much unless its a subject that I feel I can add something usefull. Guess I am the opposite of most, I mod the hell out of my cars-all of them, been that way since I was sixteen. I always plan on keeping it stock but then the mod bugs bites and I am all in, a nice FI system is next up hopefully before the end of the year.
The change in demographics is also due to many long term owners selling over the past few years.
Anyone have any data on the ave owner age when new?
The 45 yr old that bought that new 91 is now 62.
Many of the orig owners may have different interests as they are now heading into retirement.
Also, the car gets overlooked by mainstream as you just don't see 'em everyday.
As its the ultimate Honda, many young Honda owners are much more in tune with the NSX
and plan to move up into one. While others in their 30's / 40's just go BMW or P along with the crowd.

Just looking at the same thing from a different angle...........

Found my NSX 3 yrs ago @43.
Have had many great cars, but this one is special.
Could not justify spending 70k 17 yrs ago at 26.
(the equivalent of about 120k today)
No plans to sell. :wink: