Search results

  1. MiamiMermaid

    Miami restaurant recommendation?

    Wow, very generous of you! A couple that I can think of would include Monty's, Rusty Pelican, Christy's, Smith & Wollensky's, Samurai, Sunday's on the Bay.... hope that helps a bit :smile:
  2. MiamiMermaid

    unbanned from nsxprime

    Re: ban antiperspirant/deoderant... you guys are baad!! :tongue:
  3. MiamiMermaid

    Someone stole my NSX....

    Yea... some idiot posted several pics of myself and the NSX on and was claiming I was his girlfriend, and how I let him drive all the time, blah blah .... Needless to say, it was down within hours after he received a nice whooping and complete humiliation..... It's crazy what some...
  4. MiamiMermaid

    Someone stole my NSX....

  5. MiamiMermaid

    Do the local police Hate on your NSX?

    Bad bad Dan :tongue:
  6. MiamiMermaid

    Do the local police Hate on your NSX?

    Dan's car ?!? Did they impound it? That's ridiculous! :rolleyes:
  7. MiamiMermaid

    I Can Handle The Truth

    ;) .. but gotta add one thing: although indeed one will instinctively make an assessment of how one is dressed, driving, presenting themselves, etc. . . . . this (at least to me) makes me think no more or less of either. Yeesh.... I know many very wealthy people who clearly choose to drive...
  8. MiamiMermaid

    Do the local police Hate on your NSX?

    I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard...that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your...
  9. MiamiMermaid

    WTF?? why do people hate?

    ... and throw this quite possible consequence to the mix ...... after beating the guy almost dead ...... you're thrown into jail for assault (or attempted murder).... dude's got a top lawyer..... how much MORE! pissed would you be knowing that not only did this guy get your car, but now your...
  10. MiamiMermaid

    WTF?? why do people hate?

    holy crap... that's sad ..... I've had someone key my car for absolutely no reason whatsoever. My pops has always had sportscars and I recall some delinquents throwing eggs at any nice cars in the neighborhood... very very sad.... :mad: :rolleyes: In any event, glad you recognized it before...
  11. MiamiMermaid

    I Can Handle The Truth

    You *gotsz' it! ;) Run Run Run..... :tongue: or it's always handy to have that 'eject' button ready ;) (applies to both males and females) hehe
  12. MiamiMermaid

    I Can Handle The Truth

    LMBO!!!!!!! that's some scary crap! Hep c??? anybody?? barf Re: NSX = driving experience: Indeed! It requires actual skill and class from its driver.......
  13. MiamiMermaid

    don't judge me

    LOL. You're such a kook! :tongue:
  14. MiamiMermaid

    Happy Birthday Dawnie

    :eek: SWEET!! You got me HRE's!!! :biggrin: ;)
  15. MiamiMermaid

    Definition of an awesome chick

  16. MiamiMermaid

    Hi Guys

    Re: Hi Guys (and Gal) ;) :smile: < < < < Eddie > > > > > :smile:
  17. MiamiMermaid

    Happy Birthday Dawnie

    SWEET! hehehe wouldn't that rock! ;) Thank you guys so much!! (and esp.. Mr. Hughert) ! It's so darned cold here.... but I've actually been driving my babygirl for the past couple days~*~* it's hilarious seeing the looks on peoples' faces ;) ThaNSX* again for your *Birthday...
  18. MiamiMermaid

    NSX and Girls....... Slideshow

    Lol!! I know I know (and you're right, I believe it's more likely 1000:1) ... but it sure would make ME SMILE :biggrin: :biggrin: hehe!! ;) off hand, Turbo: did you end up deciding on the wing?
  19. MiamiMermaid

    Wish I was a kid again!!

    Haha... crazy, isn't it? Hey, N-I-C-E Garage, by the way!!! :smile:
  20. MiamiMermaid

    one less nsx on the road

    This must hurt like crazy. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is like losing a best friend. :( But, as Arshad, said, thank God your friend alerted this to you before it became out of control with your life inside. Time to start looking for another NSX**
  21. MiamiMermaid

    NSX and Girls....... Slideshow

    Someone has too much time on their hands or reallllly needs a girlfriend :biggrin: :tongue: p.s. I'm just jokin' with ya ;) Cute thread... .....But a Much Needed Guys & NSX's thread would be :biggrin:. I know we have cuties in here..... so let's see your pics with your cars :wink...
  22. MiamiMermaid

    Cops had a Field Day when they pulled me over today

    Definitely sounds like the cop had some "issue" (personal, albeit) to pull you over ... This happened to me as well in Miami, for my tints. Ridiculous.... :rolleyes:
  23. MiamiMermaid

    *Absolute Brilliance*

    I also read of how they now have removed Pluto from being defined as a "planet." There is still much controversy, at hand. However, I don't believe it changes anything in the overall view of things. There's still sooo much unknown.... p.s. I like blackna1's idea of using the NSX as the...