WTF?? why do people hate?

On the other hand, my friend parked his Carrera in a parking garage and somebody took a baseball bat and proceeded to smash all the windows and bash in the body...complete destruction, but didn't even steal the stereo system (or anything else).

Sounds like your friend most likely gave you only half of the whole story. He may have been stalked by a psycho ex-gf or may have stole some guy's chick that wanted revenge, for instance. The clue lies in the fact that nothing was stolen.

It's definitely a b*tch, this karma thing. Someone's gotta break the cycle.
Sounds like your friend most likely gave you only half of the whole story. He may have been stalked by a psycho ex-gf or may have stole some guy's chick that wanted revenge, for instance. The clue lies in the fact that nothing was stolen.

It's definitely a b*tch, this karma thing. Someone's gotta break the cycle.

That's the first thing that came to my mind. He's a pretty open guy and strongly denies it, but you might be right. He probably had it coming, maybe somebody was planning it for years.

As for beating on the guy that keys your car--the beating is deserved for sure, but the consequences setup by society (arrest, jail, etc) aren't. I certainly wouldn't feel sorry for the punk.
I've parked my M3 all over Miami Beach for over 4 years and not once incidence of vandalism.

well no disrespect to the m3 but imo it's not the same as an NSX what i am trying to say is the M# and M5's even the carrera are all over the place in this area and yours so there almost over looked as a nice car.
My M3 never had a problemlike this nor did my vette nor does my brothers M5 or my friends 911. but soon as it's an NSX you attract more than all these cars combined (good and bad)
When i'm in any of the cars above not many people turn heads, soon as they're in my car people are like why does everyone like this car soon much yet my car costs as much and doesn't get the same respect as a car that has been around since 1991.
This is why some target the NSX i suppose....:mad:
The best you can do is stay away from people that drain you down and be with people that will lift you up.

There are those friends you have that always seem to get in trouble or cause you trouble. Stay away from those.

And there are friends that foster learning, growth, and prosperity. You want to be around these.

If you have enough friends that you can count with your fingers, than you are already better off than most people.

Remember it is not quantity that counts. It's the quality of your friends.:smile:

As per the people who steal and destroy other's property. You notice any happy ones. They got tons more problems and are most likely in a lot of pain and suffering. So forgive them as they just don't really know better.

There is a country called Bhutan that has zero crime rate that is 100% Buddhist. Buddhism gives you specific reasons why you don't steal. There is a mechanism that we will never understand that balances everything around us. Everything is from causation and it is an everlasting force that balances everything one way or the other. People realize only the immediate effects of their actions, but tend to ignore the ones that effect you a little later.

You can't control how others need to act, but you can control how you react to others.

Controlling yourself and training yourself to deal with these mishaps in life takes practice, but you will get better as time progresses if you keep training yourself.

Stress is not something you need to live with if you can control it once you understand its roots.

When you are more aware and content you are a much fuller person. You are more productive. You produce more than you consume. You give more than you receive or ask for.

That being said, it is not an easy task. It requires several lifetimes for most of us to understand and reach what the Buddhists call "enlightenment."

But we will all learn one way or the other when life forces you to. Some quicker than others. Some later than others. But have faith. We are human beings after all. The most close to perfect life form that has almost limitless possibilities on what we can accomplish.


Live and let live. Do our part. We are more fortunate that most considering people all over the globe. The world doesn't revolve just around us, as there are bigger problems in the world than just car vandalism.

Mate your are wise, is a shame there is no more people like you out there.


People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.


People are not generically all good. Criminality is to a large extent genetic, in addition to environment. Chances are their parents engaged in the same sort of crap or they had a really bad upbringing. But I've known my share of kids with a good upbringing in school who would go out looking for trouble like this. Obviously if they hate their parents they will get their butts beat if they do this to daddy's property so they take it out on random strangers. One of the reasons why when I finalyl get my new NSX I am going to be living in a place with either a garage or an closed, gated parking lot.
you know after having an NSX as my daily driver for the last 5 years i've came across things that happen that are not always pleasent (haters)
Glad to say not often but just pisses me off.
Last night some smart ass decided to put a lock on my wheel(like you would use for a high school locker) on one of the spokes so when i drove the car it shuck so bad i could not go faster than 50mph or the car would just shake itself to death!!! it was like having really loose lug nuts which i thought it was at first.
Where do people come up with this stuff? i would have loved to see the person do this to my car.
Granted my car was on a back street parked on the side of the road as Valey parking was full.
sorry just had to vent.:frown: :frown:

holy crap... that's sad ..... I've had someone key my car for absolutely no reason whatsoever. My pops has always had sportscars and I recall some delinquents throwing eggs at any nice cars in the neighborhood... very very sad.... :mad: :rolleyes:

In any event, glad you recognized it before too much damage was done... do you have an alarm on the car ? Maybe up the sensor
The best you can do is stay away from people that drain you down and be with people that will lift you up.

There are those friends you have that always seem to get in trouble or cause you trouble. Stay away from those.

And there are friends that foster learning, growth, and prosperity. You want to be around these.

If you have enough friends that you can count with your fingers, than you are already better off than most people.

Remember it is not quantity that counts. It's the quality of your friends.:smile:

As per the people who steal and destroy other's property. You notice any happy ones. They got tons more problems and are most likely in a lot of pain and suffering. So forgive them as they just don't really know better.

There is a country called Bhutan that has zero crime rate that is 100% Buddhist. Buddhism gives you specific reasons why you don't steal. There is a mechanism that we will never understand that balances everything around us. Everything is from causation and it is an everlasting force that balances everything one way or the other. People realize only the immediate effects of their actions, but tend to ignore the ones that effect you a little later.

You can't control how others need to act, but you can control how you react to others.

Controlling yourself and training yourself to deal with these mishaps in life takes practice, but you will get better as time progresses if you keep training yourself.

Stress is not something you need to live with if you can control it once you understand its roots.

When you are more aware and content you are a much fuller person. You are more productive. You produce more than you consume. You give more than you receive or ask for.

That being said, it is not an easy task. It requires several lifetimes for most of us to understand and reach what the Buddhists call "enlightenment."

But we will all learn one way or the other when life forces you to. Some quicker than others. Some later than others. But have faith. We are human beings after all. The most close to perfect life form that has almost limitless possibilities on what we can accomplish.


Live and let live. Do our part. We are more fortunate that most considering people all over the globe. The world doesn't revolve just around us, as there are bigger problems in the world than just car vandalism.

You've either been reading my book or eating the same fortune cookies as I have. :D Good sound advice nevertheless.
That's the first thing that came to my mind. He's a pretty open guy and strongly denies it, but you might be right. He probably had it coming, maybe somebody was planning it for years.

Maybe he doesn't really know what he'd done to people out there that's causing the backlash. I hope he figure it out soon and put an end to it. Wishing him all the luck. :)

As for beating on the guy that keys your car--the beating is deserved for sure, but the consequences setup by society (arrest, jail, etc) aren't. I certainly wouldn't feel sorry for the punk.

Oh no! Gasp! Someone keyed my car? OMG!! How did that happen?

I believe you're referring to Shiftybob's reply on Post #23, or someone else's. ;) :D
Someone did the same to my Sakura. Rear bumper had long key scratch and also had the left door dented on the first day I bought it.
i agree with the people who are saying that it is just a car.... it's true, you can't be stressing about your car whenever you take it somewhere - no matter how careful you are, there is always the potential for 'disaster'

but i don't think there's any justification for punks that to do that kind of thing. even if you hang with the "bad" crowd and haven't been as fortunate as others - who cares. that's no excuse. they know that they wouldn't want somebody doing that kind of thing to their property, so how hard is it to keep your hands to yourself and mind your own business?
it's the "i stole your stuff, but if you take it from me, i'll kill you" syndrome. too many people have that. just treat people well, how hard is that? or at least have a good reason to do that kind of thing.

people need to stop being jealous douchebags and use that energy to do what they need to do to fix their complex. getting a job and/or life would probably be a good first step.
I've parked my M3 all over Miami Beach for over 4 years and not once incidence of vandalism. Streets near clubs where bums and drunks are walking all over the place, as well as various thugs. On the other hand, my friend parked his Carrera in a parking garage and somebody took a baseball bat and proceeded to smash all the windows and bash in the body...complete destruction, but didn't even steal the stereo system (or anything else).

My point is, you can't live in fear...because what's going to happen is unpredictable. Just enjoy your car and be reasonable. If it's an expensive car take the appropriate precautions. On an M3 forum, some guy caught his car being keyed and proceeded to beat the guy unconscious and fracture his 2 thumbs/tear tendons. Do you really want to end up in a scenario like that?

Two things:

1.) There is a difference between an M3 and an NSX in the eyes of the general public. Do not get me wrong, I am a previous M3 owner, but it is generally seen as a normal small Bimmer....the NSX is seen as an exotic that few will ever own. Public resentment is higher for the NSX than the M3.

2.) Where is the link to the thread of the guy beating the other guy for keying his car? I would love to read it.

In beating some guy half to death for vandalizing your car nuts?? Sure....but you know what?? I would do the same freaking thing. I have gone past the end of my rope in dealing with those kind of disrespectful idiots. If the justice system is not going to handle them, then you bet your a$$ I will if they try to harm my property. Go ahead.....let me catch you even breathing near my property....I guarantee you that only one of us is walking away, and it will NOT be you. :mad:

(P.S. -- I mean 'you' generally speaking....not in reference to ozone or anyone else on this board.)
i dont live in fear. i want to be a source of fear for the spineless m.f. that distroy other people's properity. the though of taking keys to a car just makes me cringe. As soon as that car moves out of the spot. im parking my truck right back where it was and i'll keep it there till the cows come home or till i catch that #(*%@

yes i would. as long as i make a clean get away. fractured thumb is a small price to pay when the son of b wakes up 2 weeks later due to a concussion... or is that a coma? (2 ms?) + idiot has about $100,000 in mediacal bills waiting for him and hopefully a nice speech inpediment. i would do him from the back so he does not even see it coming.

Dude, I completely concur.
yes i would. as long as i make a clean get away. fractured thumb is a small price to pay when the son of b wakes up 2 weeks later due to a concussion... or is that a coma? (2 ms?) + idiot has about $100,000 in mediacal bills waiting for him and hopefully a nice speech inpediment. i would do him from the back so he does not even see it coming.

You have some serious issues. You think keying your car is worth almost killing somebody over or at the least causing permanent brain damage.:eek:

Wow that is truely amazing. just amazing. and not in a good way.

what's even worse is that we have 2 other NSX owners agreeing with you.

Absolutely PATHETIC!!!
I'm sure what they said were just from the spur of the moment.

We have insurance and we have the police to take care if something like this happens when you catch them.

I understand that nothing really comes from the police when you report such a case, but it is their job to take care of the criminals, not ours.

We all love our cars and we all agree that we hate it when something like this happens. But shit does happen to us every once in a while. Let's not stoop down to their level.

Violence is never the answer and it could start something that could evolve into something much more.

I had a friend that beat up a guy. And the guy's friend then beat up my friend. And it gotten so many people involved that it wasn't much fun to go out anymore because of what these things can develop into.

You might run into a guy that might go even more overboard then you would besides beating......killing.

Not worth the risk for vandalism. Cars can be be repainted, but your life or health might not be replaceable.

I've had people throw comments at me all the time when I'm alone every once in a while. This includes racial slurs, obnoxious behavior when they outnumber me and are drunk or something, and random picking for fights when i drive on the road.

This stuff happens, but I have learned to control myself. I use to go crazy too, when I was younger and dumber. When we are mad we do things that we might not have done if we are able to think things through.

I do the breathe in and breathe out drill and take myself out of the situation when I know I might do something stupid. Again this takes practice, but you will get over it within an hour.

People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.


Hehe, someone is a natural roussea-ian (or was it hobbes that believed in inherent good...I always get that mixed up). That sucks hardcore about the vadalism. I've never been the victim of vandalization, however, I would imagine I'd be furious if even a small thing happened to me. It's not so much the act (unless it ruins your car) but just the fact that some numb fuk has the guts to mess with something you've (presumably) worked hard to afford and maintain. Since I'm a current criminology major, maybe I should somehow work my love of NSXs and cars into some sort of brilliant anti- vandalism thesis :D Or maybe I'll just bust the kneecaps of every person I see vadalizing a car....JK.

As mentioned, as much as it's nice to get retribution if the opportunity arises, it would seem to me counter productive as it just kinda reinforces the cycle (ie/ person with nice car gets car vandalized, rettaliates against offender, offender hates person(s) with nice cars even more, therefore continues to vandalize....

...And that's my rant for the night.
Two things:

1.) There is a difference between an M3 and an NSX in the eyes of the general public. Do not get me wrong, I am a previous M3 owner, but it is generally seen as a normal small Bimmer....the NSX is seen as an exotic that few will ever own. Public resentment is higher for the NSX than the M3.

2.) Where is the link to the thread of the guy beating the other guy for keying his car? I would love to read it.

Thanks to you and the other guy reminding me that on South Beach an M3 is akin to a Civic. It's true. However, because of the color it stood out, but I'll take the anonymity if it means going un-keyed.

Here's the link for the beatdown:

If this guy really did tear those tendons, that could be a lifelong debilitation...and without a functional thumb, you're hands are useless. Try grabbing an object without the use of a thumb, the only opposable digit. I'm just I'm glad I've never been in that situation because:

A) I don't want my property damaged--like you guys I'm very protective of that

B) I don't know if I could control's easier to go for the beatdown than be smart when somebody pisses you off. If you guys are into vigilante justice, more power to you...but if you have a family, career, life it's not worth it.
You have some serious issues. You think keying your car is worth almost killing somebody over or at the least causing permanent brain damage.:eek:

Wow that is truely amazing. just amazing. and not in a good way.

what's even worse is that we have 2 other NSX owners agreeing with you.

Absolutely PATHETIC!!!

Maybe its not worth almost killing somebody, but a good ass whooping is alright in my book, maybe break a few fingers/bones, but definitely nothing that would cause brain damage or death. I'll be damned if someone damages my car/property and just gets a "slap on the hand". Like that's gonna stop that person from doing it again.

According to some of you, you would be just fine if someone keyed/stole/broke into/etc your NSX, because its just a car. That's why you have insurance, so why get upset, right?

And this coming from a texan, I thought you texans were tough and what not. Dont they say, "Dont mess with Texas/Texans" ?
Hehe, someone is a natural roussea-ian (or was it hobbes that believed in inherent good...I always get that mixed up). That sucks hardcore about the vadalism. I've never been the victim of vandalization, however, I would imagine I'd be furious if even a small thing happened to me. It's not so much the act (unless it ruins your car) but just the fact that some numb fuk has the guts to mess with something you've (presumably) worked hard to afford and maintain. Since I'm a current criminology major, maybe I should somehow work my love of NSXs and cars into some sort of brilliant anti- vandalism thesis :D Or maybe I'll just bust the kneecaps of every person I see vadalizing a car....JK.

As mentioned, as much as it's nice to get retribution if the opportunity arises, it would seem to me counter productive as it just kinda reinforces the cycle (ie/ person with nice car gets car vandalized, rettaliates against offender, offender hates person(s) with nice cars even more, therefore continues to vandalize....

...And that's my rant for the night.

... and throw this quite possible consequence to the mix ...... after beating the guy almost dead ...... you're thrown into jail for assault (or attempted murder).... dude's got a top lawyer..... how much MORE! pissed would you be knowing that not only did this guy get your car, but now your bank account, your life, and your record! AND... Now You get to pay his $300,000 medical bills..!?!!?!!.. ? ? ? To me, that would be the ultimate deterrent to violence (as much as I hear what you're saying). That happened to someone I knew. Thinking he was gonna 'show the guy and teach him a lesson.' Ended up ruining his entire life over this delinquent ...... We are ABOVE those types of people.... they're sad.... and I have to say, it does seem that these people usually end up getting what they deserve from the Universe, sooner or later ...... I used to get so riled up ... it's just not worth risking my health, $, family, job, and sanity anymore........ :cool:

Thanks to you and the other guy reminding me that on South Beach an M3 is akin to a Civic. It's true. However, because of the color it stood out, but I'll take the anonymity if it means going un-keyed...

ozone....I seriously hope you do not think I was cutting down the M3, and understood what I really meant about how the general public views the two differently. I had one too, and sometimes flying at a lower profile was nice. I am guessing that the Laguna Seca Blue one in your avatar is your car. Nice choice. :)